a hungry rabbit饿了的兔子作文 -小学生作文大全

小学生作文大全 时间:2019-01-01 我要投稿
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          i am a rabbit. every morning i eat carrots for breakfast.     我是一只兔子,

a hungry rabbit饿了的兔子作文

。每天早上,我的早餐都是萝卜。     one morning, i woke up. i was very hungry. but i didn’t want to eat carrots.     一天早上,我醒来了,很饿,但我不想再吃萝卜了。     i saw lots of foods on the table. there was no one at home. i jumped on the table.     我在餐桌上看见了许多食物。没有人在家,我跳上了桌子。     i started tasting the food one by one. everything looked very yummy.     我开始一样一样尝食物,每样食物看起来都很好吃,


a hungry rabbit饿了的兔子作文》(https://www.unjs.com)。     i ate eggs, but it was too dry. i ate a sandwich, but it was too salty. i drank milk, but it tasted funny.     我吃鸡蛋,但是太干了。我吃三明治,但是太咸了。我喝牛奶,但是尝起来味道怪怪的。     i didn’t like anything.     我不喜欢别的任何食物。     the next morning, i woke up. i was hungry again.     第二天早上,我醒来了,又饿了。     but this time, i ate my carrots. the carrots tasted good. i ate all my ca

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