
时间:2024-05-26 12:14:34 英语作文 我要投稿
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  Your role: a tour guide

  Your audience: a group of foreign tourists

  Your introduction should include:

  1.some welcoming words

  2.the schedule for the day]

  3.a description of the place the tourists will be visiting

  (e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site etc.)

  I feel it a great honour to be your tour guide today. First, on behalf of my company, I warmly welcome all my distinguished guests from Australia to Shanghai and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

  Located on the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is now the symbol of the city. Built in 1994 and opened to the public in 1995, it is now the highest building in Shanghai and the third highest in Asia. The Tower has a quite unique structure and consists of 3 large and 5 small balls. Inside the balls, you can have a bird's eye view of the city.

  Our schedule for the trip to the TV Tower is as follows: you have an hour form 9:30-10:30am to experience the history of Shanghai on the first floor. Then we'll assemble in the middle of the hall at 10:30 and have another hour to overlook the beautiful city sceneries in the middle ball. Finally please do remember to go to the top ball at 11:30 to enjoy your lunch.

  Thanks for listening. Have a good time!


  Hainan is in the south of China. It is China's largest special economic zone and youngest province. Since it was established ten years ago, the economic zone has experienced rapid development in many aspects. The comfortable residential quarters have been built up, highways have been constructed, and modem ports and airports have been built. Hainan, as a famous "natural greenhouse", also enjoys a lot of advantages in tropical agriculture. Litchi, for example, is ripe one month earlier there than in Guangdong Province. Hainan is also a scenic spot and it has quickly become a resort for holiday makers. The Hainan Special Economic Zone has a bright future.




  Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the Sandu Island! Now let me tell you something about it. The Sandu Island is a beautiful place surrounded by the sea and it has a long history. It's a good place to spend holidays because there are many places of interest on it.You can have great fun on this island. You can go boating, go fishing and have picnics if you like. Besides, you can walk along the beach.You'll stay on the island for the whole morning, have lunch on the island and leave in the afternoon. While you are traveling, pay attention to your own safety.Hope you have a good time on the island!Thank you.


  The Great Wall of China is a Chinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century,in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic,Mongol,Turkic,and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern-day Mongolia and Manchuria.

  Several walls,also referred to as the Great Wall of China,were built since the 5th century BC,the most famous being the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC by the first Emperor of China,Qin Shi Huang; this wall was located much further north than the current wall built during the Ming Dynasty,and little of it remains.The Great Wall of China was originally a project of the Chairman Mao during the Cultural revolution designed to keep out the nomadic Xiongnu invaders from the north.Some of the wall was built during the Qin,but most of it that we see today was constructed during the Ming dynasty.The Great Wall is the world's largest man-made structure,stretching over a formidable 6,352 km (3,948 miles),from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Sea in the east,at the limit between "China proper" and Manchuria (Northeast China),to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .

  Along most of its arc,it roughly delineates the border between North China and Inner Mongolia.See List of largest buildings in the world l love great wall.how wonderful!


  A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist attractions.

  The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the location. The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days.

  Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some day. Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality.


  I went to Hainan island last weekent. I went there by plane. Hainan is a very beautiful island. The weather there is hot and very wet. There are many trees all around the island. Hainan doesn't have as many as we have here. People there ar very friendly and warm. They often help us when we are in trouble. I visited many places of interest in Hainan. I really like the places very much. I also like the fruit there, such as pineapple, coconut and so on.

  I hope I will have more chances to visit it in the future.


  The Great Wall

  The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon, is one of the great wonders of the world.

  Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

  Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.

  The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors.

  The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.

  A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night. Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications.

  There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

  Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)

  Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

  Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur, Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

  As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.


  Hainan Island: China's largest island is also its smallest province, and an equally small population gives the place a much less hectic feel. Hainan Dao (Hainan Island) tempts with all the trappings of a tropical idyll and the central highlands, with their thick canopies of forest, offer superb - if challenging - hiking. Listen not to those who grouse about tour groups crowding their stretch of beach: there's much that's unexplored here. Hainan's climate is far more temperate than the rest of China. Even in winter, average temperatures of 21°C (69.8°F) prevail; the yearly average is 25.4°C (77.7°F). From as early as March through November, the weather becomes hot and humid. Typhoons usually descend on the island between May and October, and can cripple all transport and communication with the mainland. Sanya Wan (Sanya Beach). This beach is well known to anyone who has handled modern Chinese currency, as it is the landscape rendered on the Two Yuan bill. There is a large rendering of a 2 Yuan bill at the entrance to the beach where many lovers go to be photographed. This beach was also the landing point for exiled officials to the island and there are two large boulders marked with characters referencing the fact that they were being sent "to where the water meets the sky." Nan Shan (South Mountain). This is a large Shaolin Buddhist temple complex along the southernmost point of the island. There is a saying in Chinese culture - "May your life be as long as the South Mountain," and it refers to this very place. Many tours on the island are exclusively in the local dialect, called Hainanese, so you may want to enlist your own interpreter to come along with you. Located off shore from the complex is a giant statue of Buddha (being erected as of 20xx) which was to be the largest in the world. Within the complex there are many temples and daily demonstrations of martial arts by the Shaolin monks. The restaurant within the complex is all vegetarian.


  Kuanyin Mountain Forest Park is located is known as "Little Hong Kong" in the town known as Zhangmutou is a set of eco-tourism and religious and cultural tourism as one of the theme parks. The total area of 26178 acres of park and forest coverage rate of 99% or more, alias "South-day Holy Land." Kuanyin Mountain Forest Park all year round fresh air, fine spring high negative ion content. Guanyin huge basalt up to 488 meters above sea level as the ports of the Goddess of Mercy Peak, like 33 meters high and weighs over 3000 tons, features life-like. Goddess of Mercy Plaza, a total area of 10,000 square meters. Park, recreation center covers an area of 50000 square meters, the country's leading long-term resident of Wuqiao acrobatic performances. Another barbecue, rock climbing area, archery range, a natural oxygen bar (Buddhism in their hearts Road), Forest Trail (Bodhi Path), etc.


  One night, the skinny little father and mother burst of reprimanded back to the room, slowly open the computer. Suddenly, the computer opened the moment, flashed eight characters: welcome to the kingdom of chopsticks, and then the computer issued a burst of strong light, the small to a strange world ... ...

  "Wake up awake, you wake up, wake up ah ... ..." in such a soft voice, a small slowly opened his eyes, looked at the front of a wood made of ordinary chopsticks, whispered: "Who is this? Who is you?" Chopsticks replied: "This is the kingdom of chopsticks ah! I called blossoming. You?" Little novel: "I called small." Bloss said: "Your head "I do not remember, hey, blossoming, you come to introduce me to introduce the kingdom of chopsticks it!" "Good" duo Duo mouthful promise.

  First of all, blossoming came to the chopsticks, said: "small, this is our famous chopsticks famous restaurant, come to drink tea it!" Little drink this tea, immediately feel relaxed and happy. And then blossoming came to the chopsticks tailor shop, said: "You see, your clothes dirty, it is better, you go to the tailor shop to do pieces of clothes." Then, blossoming into the tailor shop, Let him wear clothes on his own. Suddenly, a small fancy a set of black and white clothes, put on, but really nice ah! Then, the blossoming came to the front of a magnificent palace and said, "This is the kingdom of our kingdom of chopsticks, and the king, the prince, the prince, the prince, as long as you have royal blood, The chopsticks. "Side of the small listening to a lot of talk, said:" blossoming, the weather late, we go back to rest! "

  After the home, blossoming sleep, and a small sleep. The next morning, little has left the kingdom of chopsticks, began his own new life.


  A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist attractions. The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the location. The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days. Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some day. Yes, why not?

  Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality.


  Dear Lily How are things going. Heze international peony fair is coming. Will you please come and visit when you are free? I am sure you will get to know more about Heze and have a good time here. Heze is famous for peony and peony is its national flower. It has a long history with hundreds of kinds. The peony garden is very beautiful which is full of all kinds of peonies. When you come, I will be your guide. I'm sure you will be satisfied with it. Yours Li Ming



  when a sophomore, i joined the association of ai enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. with the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation program for transportation sche****ng system. it is now widely used by different research groups in nust. i assumed and fulfilled a sewage ****ysis & dispose project for nanjing sewage treatment plant. this was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

  in retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the . program. my future research interests include: network sche****ng problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), supply chain network research, hybrid system performance ****ysis with petri nets and data mining.


  shenzhen is a beautiful city.It has many beautiful park. You can see modern buildings up and down the streets. And the streets are wide and tidy.

  Shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful Shenzhen bay bank. The scenic area divides into the world square, theAsian area, the Oceanian area, the European area, the African area,the Americas area, the world sculpture garden eight wide ranges according to the world region structure. As take brings honor to the world large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, thers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.


  Dear Phelps, I’ve learned it from the Internet that you want to make a Chinese friend from Chongqing. You want to learn something about Chongqing for your summer trip here. I’m glad that you show such great interest in Chongqing and I would like to tell you something about it and be your tour guide when you are here. My name is Li Hua, a Senior Three student from Chongqing. Chongqing is a hilly city where two rivers meet. It boasts its long history and rapid development. Many people from abroad visit Chongqing. You can enjoy Chongqing’s world famous night view. You can visit the new Three Gorges. Oh, don’t forget to taste the delicious hot pot. I hope you will like Chongqing and have great fun here. I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua










