
时间:2024-05-01 14:02:36 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  What were you doing ?你那时正在做什么?

  What were you doing ? A UFO came to that shop。 What were you doing when the UFO came here。 I was in front of the school library。 I want to borrow some books from the school library。 When I was walking back to classroom, I saw a UFO。 The UFO landed on the street。 And an alien got out of the UFO。 The alien went to a shop。 And it visited the Museum of Flight 。 then the alien went back to the UFO and took off。

  Then the alien went back to the UFO and took off。

学英语作文 篇2

  I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl.

  She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face.

  She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.

  On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

  She is a good student. She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.

  She always reports news in English in her school.She says we are good friends.

  We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.

学英语作文 篇3



  1. People who like travelling have their reasons. ___________________________________

  2. Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. __________________________________

  3. In practice, travelling does more good than harm. _______________________________


  "People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possibly have.

  Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, traffic and accommodation require money walking while seeing sights often tires you.

  In practice, travelling does more good than harm. If you finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and thing that you will probably grow to like and love."


  Question:Family Planning

  birth-control slogan living standards low birth rate one couple-one child strategic policy achieve adopt advocate carry out enforce raise strengthen


  China has adopted the policy of family planning as a necessity since the 1970s. The basic content of China's family planning policy is to advocate late marriage and late childbirth. And the government has been campaigning hard with the birth-control slogan "one couple-one child"

  With the adoption of the family planning police, the population has been changed toward low birth rate. As a result, it enjoys

学英语作文 篇4

  We all know that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!

  We live the earth is very fragile, the earth's natural resources is limited, if we protect the environment and the earth from now on, we live the earth will become more beautiful!

  Protect the environment from me to start from the small things that we all around us!

  To protect the environment is to protect the earth or indirectly protect us humans, if the environment is destroyed, then to the survival of our homes is likely to be swallowed up by the desert!

  I am here to appeal to people all over the world to protect the environment from everyone! If we continue to do so, our homes will soon be devastated. Then we had no place to go. We had to protect the environment.

  If we don't litter, spit, etc.

  Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!

学英语作文 篇5

  Labais celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to thetraditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese meansthe 12th lunar month and ba means eight.


  Legendsabout the origin of this festivity abound. One holds that over 3,000 years agosacrificial rites called La (腊) were held in the twelfth lunar monthwhen people offered up their preys to the gods of heaven and earth.


  The Chinesecharacters for prey (猎) and the twelfth month (腊 La) were interchangeable then, and ever since La has been used torefer to both. Since the festival was held on the eighth day of the Last month,people later appended the number eight (ba in Chinese), giving us the currentLaba.


学英语作文 篇6

  my familyHi!My nome is Wang Jia Yi. I am 13 years old.I am a beautiful girl.I am a students.I have long straight hair.I am of medium height and I am thin.I have two big eyes,a nice nose and a round face. I have a happy family.

  My father is 37 years old.He is a teacher.He usually read a newspaper.My mother is 35 years old.She is a teacher,too.She often help me with English. My brother's name is Wang Jia Le.He is tall and handsome.He sometimes play computer games.He often play chess with me.He can play basketball and play soccer,but he likes play PingPong.

  This is my family.What about you?

学英语作文 篇7

  Nowadays we can see advertisements on television every day. Some people believe that advertising on television can bring us benefits, but others don't think so. In my opinion. I’m in favor of the advertising on television.


  There are three reasons, I think, for the growing number of advertisement on TV. First a competitive economy, the consumer usually has the choice of several different brands of the same product. Thus, manufacturers are confronted with a problem-How to keep sales high enough to stay in business. They solve this problem by advertising. Through advertising, each manufacturing company tries to convince that its product is best. That is to say the company can realize the accumulation of prospective clients.


  Second, most consumers are interested in advertisement. They wish to get from advertisement the first-hand information about new products, which enables them to choose the one they like best. As a result, there is a sharp increase in advertisement on the TV screen.


  Last but not least, the advertising on television has become important pastime for people, to some degree. With the use of popular music, and many technologies, and many super stars’ participant, advertisement is no longer boring. So many people, especially the young, enjoy watching advertisement.


  In conclusion, TV advertising plays a very important role in economic behavior. With abundant information available on TV, we can make sensible choices as consumers. And, we are more and more attracted by advertisement.


学英语作文 篇8

  Having been in Massey high School for more than one month, I still remember the first day I came here。 My eyes were lit up by seeing such three large magnificent football fields。 No doubt, for the soccer lover like my friends and me, nothing is better than the natural green—grass where we can run without any worries。

  Two weeks later, our English teacher Mr。 Brodie found us, “Do you guys like soccer? Here is a social team of Massey High lacking members, do you want to join?” “Of course!” Answered by us without hesitation。 At weekend, with an excited heart, I arrived at the field to meet my new team partners。 Even before I stood up after changing into my soccer shoes, they came to me, shaking hands with me one by one and introduced themselves。 Some of them are kiwi; some are international students like me but came from South America (Guys from there always have amazing soccer skills just like people from China can use chopsticks well!)。 During the game, I fought the best, creating the opportunities for partners。 Our efforts got the reward, because we became the winner at last and I won the cheer from my partners。 Although my friends and I performed well at the soccer game, we found the lack of strength compared with the kiwis。 So now, hard soccer training and push—up have become an indispensable part of our life。

  Many Thanks to the soccer for not only the benefits it brings to my physical health, but also the friendship and happiness。


  两周后,我们的英语老师Brodie找到了我们,“你们热爱足球是吗?现在梅西高中有一支球队缺人,你们来吗?” “求之不得!”我们毫不犹豫地答到。 周末,我们怀着颗激动的心来到球场与我们的新队友们见面。甚至还没等我换好鞋起身,他们已经走过来与我一个个地握手,同时向我介绍他们自己。有些是欧美血统的新西兰人,有些则与我们一样是国际学生,所不同的是他们来自南美洲(从那片大陆来的小伙伴们总有令人叹为观止的球技,就好比从中国人都能完美地用筷子一样)。 在比赛中,我拼尽全力为队友创造机会。我们的'付出得到了回报——最后我们获得了胜利并赢得了同伴的赞许。 尽管我和我的朋友的在球赛中展现出了自己的实力,但我们深知在身体体能上我们和我们的新队友们是无法抗衡的。于是,刻苦的足球训练与俯卧撑、仰卧起坐等便成了我们生活中的一部分。


学英语作文 篇9

  My hometown is a prosperous and beautiful city, it is located in the south of the motherland, hot and cool guangxi province, it is also a small city - jingxi.

  It is rich in fruit, and many of the fruits in wuhan, such as durian and shanzhu, may cost more than 50 yuan in wuhan, while in jingxi, it may be only 25 yuan.

  The scenery there was beautiful too. Once, we went to a place called tongling grand canyon. When we reached our destination, the night was already deep, and we soon fell asleep.

  In the morning, the veil of light mist over the city, we went out.

  The scenery here really startled me. The ancient trees were so beautiful that we walked in. The flowery pavilion is gorgeous in our sight.

  The grand canyon was big, and we walked for a long time to reach the waterfall. When the water comes down, it stirs a thousand waves.

  We went back to the secret road. It was a natural air-conditioner!

  After coming home, I had been thinking about the grand canyon for a long time, unable to sleep.

  If you come here, will you go to the grand canyon? It's so beautiful, so spectacular, I think you can't miss it.

  There are many beautiful and magnificent scenery in my hometown. Welcome to visit here!

学英语作文 篇10

  whenever i have a party, hsiao-mei is always the first person i invite. she is such fun. i know that she will be able to make my other guests laugh. she does not get upset if somebody tries to tease or make fun of her, either.

  hsiao-mei can also be very serious and can discuss almost anything you can think of. if it gets late before the party ends, i can always depend on hsiao-mei to clean up the house. she never says no, even if she is very tired and would rather go straight home to bed.










