
时间:2024-05-22 12:19:59 玉华 英语作文 我要投稿
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  课间十分钟英语作文 1

  As a Senior Three student, time seems much limited. As a result, more and more students try to study from early morning till late afternoon, even during the ten-minute break. In my opinion, to take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely necessary. Otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally.

  During the ten-minute break, we do something to get rid of tiredness. What we need is to have a real rest, instead of getting more tired. So doing nothing tiring in that period is really good for us.

  My ten-minute break is always pleasing. Sometimes I do some simple exercises. Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk outside. When the next class begins, I feel fresh again.




  课间十分钟英语作文 2

  Ding Lingling, class is over. Although the ringtone may be monotonous, for us elementary school students, these ten minutes can allow our tired eyes to take a look at the blue sky, let the tense brain blow in the breeze, and let us fully enjoy it!

  The ten minutes between classes are colorful and we enjoy them. Class is over, and there are people jumping rope, kicking shuttlecocks, catching chicks with eagles, jumping rubber bands, and throwing sandbags on the playground... Its a lively scene with laughter and joy. We picked up the rope and rushed to the playground in a swarm. Quickly assign the team members and start. The two of us rhythmically shook the rolling "dragon", with smiles on our faces and our eyes fixed on the opportunity. We quickly ran towards the rolling dragon formation, jumping up and down rhythmically. Some students cant keep up with the rhythm and step on the rope, but they dont mind because everyone makes mistakes at times. The long dragon danced again, and we crawled in and out, our faces flushed with heat, and beads of sweat slowly slipped off our hair tips. However, we didnt feel tired, our hearts were as happy as flowers.

  The classroom is also a place for us to be happy. The girls sat together whispering, occasionally emitting silver bell like laughter. The male classmate took out chess and gathered together to play a game of chess. Or sit in your own seat and slowly read a good book, because reading can increase knowledge. As Du Fu once said in a poem, "Reading breaks through ten thousand volumes, and writing is like a divine stroke.".

  Ten minutes between classes may be short, but we are happy!





  课间十分钟英语作文 3

  After class, the students stormed out of the classroom and headed towards the square.

  On the square, there were large dragonflies flying freely, like small planes flying back and forth in the air, dancing gracefully at times and hovering left and right above my head, as if playing hide and seek with me.

  I tried to catch a dragonfly, but it spun around and flew away lightly. I chased it closely and didnt let it go. When the dragonfly flew high, I jumped up and grabbed it. When it flew in front of me, I ran and chased after it. I was about to catch it, but it slowly flew over my head or beside me, as if teasing me. At this moment, I was so angry that I was furious that I chased after him. My classmates came and chased after me, but it was still empty handed. We were so tired that we were panting and sweating profusely. In the end, we chased the dragonfly and fled in a hurry. We have won. Its almost time for class, we walked happily towards the classroom.

  The sun, which has just begun autumn, is as fierce as fire. Returning downstairs, I saw water dripping down from the rooftop. With the wind blowing, a water curtain appeared in the north of the building. This is really a wonder of the world. We cheered. I muttered to myself, "God really helps me!"! The classmates rushed into the water curtain happily, either you pushed me in or I pushed you in. The classmates screamed, chased, played, and heard a burst of laughter and joy. Our clothes got wet, our hair got wet, and we pressed it against our cheeks. Water droplets dripped down our cheeks and hair, but everyones face was filled with smiles.

  Class is over, and we reluctantly return to the classroom. Todays break was really enjoyable!






  课间十分钟英语作文 4

  After being bombarded by teachers from various subjects, some students are quietly fishing! Suddenly, all I heard was "Dingling, Dingling..." The class was over! All the students raised their heads, widened their eyes, and stopped fishing.

  Class is over. Outside the classroom, the boys and girls are playing happily. The girl picked up the colorful jump rope and bounced in line, taking turns jumping rope, like cute little rabbits lining up to pick mushrooms. How happy! The boy was sweating profusely on the football field, playing a football game like a wild horse running wildly. "Scoring!" He only heard the boy roar, as if hearing a lion roar, announcing his excitement.

  In the classroom, there was a scholarly atmosphere, and several students were quietly reading "Tu Wang Dian Dian". The blackboard newspaper group members picked up chalk and wrote a lot of knowledge on the blackboard. The teacher wrote down the knowledge to be learned in the next class on the big blackboard. Some students are drawing pictures on their seats, and colorful little pens are creating beautiful images in their picture books: flowers and plants, people, animals... everything!

  I like the ten minute break between classes. It relieves our tense minds, relaxes our fingers holding pens, and allows our tired eyes to see the beautiful scenery.





  课间十分钟英语作文 5

  "Ding Lingling..." The bell rang for the end of class, and the classroom gradually became lively. Some students took out chess to play, while others took out keys and prepared to kick them... What do I play? Hey, let me go and cause trouble!

  Walking to the back of the classroom, I saw Xiaoling and Xiaowang all focused on playing chess, and a few classmates eagerly watching. I think this is really a good opportunity to cause trouble! I had a sudden inspiration, and with lightning speed, I reached out and all the chess pieces fell down, as if a young seedling had been crushed. Xiaoling angrily said, "What are you doing?" Her face turned red with anger all her life. She pushed me away and I retaliated. Xiaoling angrily went to report to Teacher Chen.

  Xiaoling spilled her golden beans all the way and came back saying, "Teacher Chen asked you to go to the office!" I went to the office with her. Teacher Chen asked us what was going on, and Xiaoling explained the situation. "Do you know why others dont like you? Because you always cause trouble. Think about it. If you can discuss with people well, they will also be willing to play with you!" Teacher Chen said. Teacher Chens earnest teachings have made me understand: to get along well with my classmates, more students will like me, and I will never cause trouble again in the future.

  But, sigh! I spent ten minutes between classes in the office like this.





  课间十分钟英语作文 6

  "Ding Linglings class is over, and one of my classmates is late..." I used to like to say this catchy rhyme when I was jumping rope.

  "Ding Lingling Ding Lingling", hearing this crisp bell, yes, class is over again. During the ten minute break, I always look forward to it, but I still have more than enough but still enjoy it.

  After class, we ran to the largest lawn on the playground. The lawn was already covered with green grass, which was soft and soft. Even if we lay on it, we wouldnt feel prickly, and it was neatly trimmed and pleasing to the eye.

  In no time, the large army ran over. Thats right, everyone is very enthusiastic about this "feng shui treasure land". Look, someone is holding a freshly sewn cloth shuttlecock, ready to throw sandbags or kick shuttlecocks for a competition? The boy who loves basketball over there has already started warming up. Although there is not enough time to fully enjoy a game in just ten minutes, passing practice and warm-up activities are also very enjoyable. There are also those who play football, and they have already rushed to the battlefield before all the personnel have gathered. Just be happy, there is no need to worry so much. If we wait for everyone to arrive and divide the team, we will probably have classes again. Therefore, the phrase "life is short and time is good" is not wrong. There are also skipping rope, playing games, and standing there chatting in groups of three or two.

  Ten minutes between classes, although brief, fortunately simple and joyful, its so convenient.






  课间十分钟英语作文 7

  Ding Lingling, the bell for the end of class is ringing. The students rushed out of the classroom, and the quiet playground suddenly became lively.

  I arrived at the playground and at a glance, some people were playing football, some were playing basketball, some were playing hide and seek, and some were running.

  And my favorite activity is throwing sandbags. I happened to see a group of people playing with sandbags, so I joined in. I threw it. Look, when I throw him up, he immediately squats down. When I throw him down, he jumps up and reacts quite quickly. I tried shaking him for a while, but he didnt hit the nail on the head. Hes really as agile as a monkey. Hey, its time for the first round and we failed.

  In the middle of the second round, I thought to myself: we must win this time. I saw the other party throw a sandbag over, and I was startled and dodged to the side. Hehe, I dodged. So, with my agile body, I welcomed the arrival of the sandbag without any fear, and in the end, I didnt get hit. We all cheered together, and then we heard even louder shouts. It turned out that our class and other classes were in a tug of war competition, so we became cheerleaders and cheered for our classmates.

  But at this moment, the class bell rang, and we reluctantly left the playground. Our ten minute break was colorful!






  课间十分钟英语作文 8

  Ding Lingling, class is over, and the campus is suddenly filled with laughter and joy.

  On the playground, some students were jumping high and saw him take a leap, but he accidentally knocked off the pole. However, he did not give up, nor did he feel discouraged, and continued to work hard; Some students are jumping long, and with a kick on their hind legs, they jump forward with a fierce force, and suddenly jump far out; Some classmates are running, and there are people cheering for him next to them! Among them is me.

  After a while, the class bell rang and everyone reluctantly returned to the classroom.




  课间十分钟英语作文 9

  Dingling, Dingling! After class, the students were all doing their homework when suddenly they heard the sound of "ah", followed by the sound of crying loudly. The students who were buried in their homework put down their pens and flew towards the crying in a swarm.

  I sat in my seat, propped up my head with both hands, frowning, and thinking with a puzzled expression, whats wrong? Who is crying? Why did everyone take their seats? So I also walked over to take a look. Oh, it turned out that Xiao Cheng placed a boiling water cup on the table and accidentally spilled water onto Xiao Zhu in front of him, causing him to burn his back. Some students asked Xiao Cheng to quickly dry the water on Xiao Zhus back with paper, some asked if Xiao Zhu was okay with concern, and some students had already hurriedly gone to the office to find the teacher.

  In no time, I saw Teacher Hu rushing over. "Whats wrong," the teacher asked with concern. Xiao Zhu didnt say anything, just lifted up his clothes while crying and showed them to Teacher Hu. Teacher Hu wiped the water stains on Xiao Zhu and said, "Its okay, its just red. Dont cry, Xiao Zhu." After listening to Teacher Hus words, Xiao Zhu put down his clothes, wiped away his tears, and returned to his position to write his homework.

  The bell rang for class, and the students all returned to their positions. A break between classes ended like this.





  课间十分钟英语作文 10

  "Ding Lingling," class is over. One of the classmates said, "Ah, its finally over." Before the other student could finish speaking, one of them started crying and everyone asked, "What happened?" The other classmate said, "He left feces in his pants. His desk mate angrily said," No wonder class smells so bad. It turned out to be you, its really disgusting. "Hahaha, everyone laughed and the class monitor immediately went to report to the teacher. A classmate went to the restroom with his friends, but he couldnt find it even after searching everywhere, so he had to go to the restroom himself.

  The class monitor has returned, followed by the teacher who went to the restroom with the classmate who had diarrhea. The class monitor returned to his seat, and my good friend and I were ready to play with him. However, just one meter away from the class monitors seat, my other two good friends jumped out and made a loud "clatter" sound, which startled me. This jump didnt matter, but it happened to step on the class monitors leg. The class monitor jumped up and his leg collided with the table, making a "thud" sound. The chair also collapsed, making a "clang" sound, and stationery fell to the ground with a "clang" sound,. At that moment, the class bell rang and the class monitor said, "You must repair it after class."

  I really wish there wasnt another break, I dont want to be fixed, and I didnt intentionally make him angry.




  课间十分钟英语作文 11

  The students held pens, furrowed their brows, some staring straight at the watch on their wrists, while others looked around and asked when it was now. "One minute left", "Thirty seconds"! "Nineteen three... two and ten..." "Dingling bell..." The teacher helplessly took off the pen that was flying and said, "Class is over!" The students immediately woke up from their almost collapsing thoughts, like machines with a synchronization rate of up to 100%, and shouted in unison, "See you again, teacher!" The teacher frowned tightly and shouted loudly, "Get ready for the next class!"!

  ”Only a dozen or so people could be heard, some of whom had already rushed out of the classroom, while others were completing their big tasks. The teacher glanced at them and silently walked out of the classroom... There were no "tigers" in the mountains, and "monkeys" were called kings. Banli was boiling uncontrollably. The sound of speech, noise, laughter, fighting, running away, and throwing things echoed in unison. For a moment, everything in the world was visible, like a world war, chaotic and crazy... However, at this moment, I only felt the air solidify, and the surroundings seemed to be several tens of degrees cold. Looking back, the homeroom teacher was gently leaning against the door, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, all serious and angry. He walked slowly over, picked up the "golden cudgel" (ruler), and dragged the perpetrator - "monkey" - out. He suddenly became depressed, and his eyes seemed to say, "Its clearly them..."

  I saw the teacher leading him to the office, and then a series of loud and painful screams echoed through the campus. The homeroom teacher subjected him to a set of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty and expelled him. Everyone was surprised and returned to their seats. The teacher couldnt help but smile bitterly and muttered, "Ill see you guys looking good later!" His face showed a fierce expression. Everyone was sweating profusely from behind, quickly turning around and paying close attention to the lesson




  课间十分钟英语作文 12

  During a busy day of study, ten minutes between classes became a great time for our classmates to rest and relax.

  Whenever the crisp and pleasant bell rings, the students become active. Some students throw away their books and rush out of the classroom in three or two steps, revealing their mischievous side; Some students have not yet left the end of their studies, and after class, they are still discussing some of the problems and arguments in class with great interest, as if they are not willing to give up until they have clarified the problem; Some students come to the bookshelf in the "Book Corner" and choose their favorite books to read, enriching their extracurricular knowledge; Some students were enjoying the beautiful scenery of the campus while chatting enthusiastically, as if there were endless words to say to their classmates.

  Class is over, and some students have started to get busy. The student in charge of class cadres walked up to the podium, maintaining discipline to assist the teacher and calling on the students, "Dont run, dont fight!" while reminding them to prepare for the next class. The labor committee member is currently idle: she arrived at the group leader on duty that day and said, "Arrange for someone to sweep the floor quickly." Then she personally went to check the hygiene. When the students of the "Little Guard" hurriedly brought their little red masks and checklists to check the discipline and hygiene of the class they were responsible for, making our campus cleaner and more harmonious. Class is over, and the librarian in the class is also very busy. She keeps an organized record of her classmates borrowing and donating books, and manages the book corner in an orderly manner.

  During the break from class, you can hear the sound of singing rhymes and clapping: the mountains of Alishan are connected by mountains; The water of Alishan, water connected to water... This is a clapping game where our classmates are playing "Alishan Mountain". The sound of slapping and slapping, combined with the smooth and melodious sound, sounded very harmonious and pleasant. Whenever a classmate says the last sentence, "Theres still a big chicken leg," their voice is raised very high and their eyes are wide open. If someone wins this round of guessing, they will definitely jump up and show the joy of victory on their faces; If someone loses, they will never just bow down like this. They all say from time to time, "Lets play again!"

  Whenever I talk about our class break, I will definitely talk endlessly about this lively scene.






  课间十分钟英语作文 13

  Whenever the bell rings after class, I think of ten funny minutes.

  Ding Lingling, class is over! The teacher loudly said, "Alright, classmates, class is over." After finishing, the teacher walked out of the classroom with a book in hand. The originally quiet classroom suddenly boiled up like a frying pan. Forty six faces, forty-six flowers Half of them ran to the office to ask the teacher for homework, while a quarter had already rushed into their own fantasy dreams. Others have already focused their attention on amusement tools.

  In the classroom, it can be said that even the sound of a large electric fan falling to the ground cannot be heard. Oh my, its really a headache. If the teacher sees this scene, they will definitely faint. Now there are many idols in the class, Little Heavenly Kings, holding fists together as microphones. "Free flight in your heart..."

  Wow, this voice was truly earth shattering and majestic. They sang more and more vigorously, and even began to intoxicate themselves: "Thank you everyone." At this moment, all the students applauded and cheered.

  The class started with a ringing bell, and suddenly there was no sound in the classroom. The students quickly sat in their seats and began to read the text with emotion. The ten minute break relaxed our mood and welcomed the next interesting class. Every ten minutes during this break, I can see the interesting side of my classmates.






  课间十分钟英语作文 14

  The crisp bell for the end of class rang, and the students rushed out of the classroom like caged birds, arriving at the playground. It was a refreshing autumn season, and under the vast and boundless blue sky, the osmanthus trees on campus were fragrant, dotted with many small yellow flowers amidst the lush green leaves. A few sparrows landed on the branch, chirping. A beam of sunlight shines down, filtering through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and falls on the ground, casting mottled light and shadow.

  The weather is just right, and students are playing happily on the playground. The playground is full of excitement: some students are chasing each other on the track and running; Some students are waving jump ropes and jumping lightly; Some students formed a train and strode on the playground, cheering and screaming.

  A few friends and I were playing hide and seek under the shade of a tree. As soon as the person in charge of "catching" closed their eyes, I quickly hid. This position is quite secretive, she must not be able to find me! I was feeling proud when suddenly a voice came out: "Oh my, whose thing fell off?" I listened and thought to myself, "Cant it be mine?"? It will be terrible if we cant find it then! So, I didnt even touch my pocket to confirm, so I rushed out in a hurry and fixed my eyes on it. Where did anything fall off? Only a proud little friend looked at me and said, "I found it!"

  It turned out to be this little friends "trick"! Make me worry for nothing! I was so angry that I cried and laughed. Other hiding buddies were also found one after another. At this moment, the class bell rang and the brief ten minute break ended. My buddies and I had to reluctantly return to the classroom, but our hearts were still full of desire!





  课间十分钟英语作文 15

  "Class is over!" The teacher shouted loudly, and the previously listless classmates immediately became energetic and rushed out of the classroom to play their favorite games.

  I am sitting in my seat contemplating a problem. Suddenly, enthusiastic cheers drifted in from the window, and I ran out to take a look. It turned out that there was a lively and extraordinary basketball game on the basketball court.

  The big brothers on the field are playing basketball vigorously. I saw a big brother from the red side accelerating his pace, circling around on the left and right, and suddenly disrupting the formation of the blue side. When the big brother was about to pass the ball, suddenly several blue team members blocked his path like a wall. He had a sudden inspiration and jumped a few times like a little rabbit. With a gentle flick of his wrist on the basketball stand, the basketball seemed to draw a golden arc in the air and landed in the center of the frame without bias. As the red team was about to win, a fierce general from the blue side stepped forward and rushed into the red teams "trap of heaven and earth". He slammed the ball on the red team members hand with force, and the ball bounced back onto his hand like a spring. He pursued the victory like lightning, passing through the two forwards of the Red team. At this moment, the remaining Red team members held hands and formed a large "net". As the fierce general was about to be stopped, he easily jumped over this "net". He threw the basketball into the air, and it was like a huge meteor shooting across the sky, falling steadily into the basket. The score was tied in the end, and both sides drew in this game.

  At this moment, the class bell rang and the ten minute break ended. The students returned to the classroom one after another, and the whole campus became bustling with books. I was still reminiscing about the battle between dragons and tigers just now.





  课间十分钟英语作文 16

  Dingling bell, the class bell rang, and we rushed out of the classroom like a group of bees to the playground. The once quiet playground immediately became lively.

  At first glance, some students were tug of war, some were running, and some were skipping rope... Among them, the most attractive thing to me was running. I ran over and asked them to let me participate. They readily agreed and asked me to run first. I squatted on the starting line, prepared, and secretly glanced at my opponent. It turned out that my opponent was Xiao Ming, who was running so fast. Hmph! No matter how fast he runs, he is not as fast as me, and I secretly encourage myself in my heart.

  At the sound of the whistle, I rushed out like a lion seeing its prey. I thought, with such a fast starting speed, Xiaoming should not be able to catch up. I ran and glanced with my spare light, but I didnt expect Xiaoming to be parallel to me. It seems that Xiaomings strength cannot be underestimated! I clenched my fist, gritted my teeth, and increased my speed. At this moment, I felt that the speed was similar to the speed of Nezha stepping on the flying fire wheel. Then I turned around and saw that I had distanced myself from Xiaoming.

  We were almost at the finish line, and I jumped with all my might, crossing the finish line. Our team won, and the team cheered for me, while Xiaomings team was disheartened.

  At this moment, we heard a louder cheer coming from the northeast corner of the playground. Curiously, we ran over to see that it was our class and Class 42 engaged in a tug of war competition. I acted as a cheerleader and shouted loudly, "Go! Go!" Just then, the despicable class bell rang, and we reluctantly left the playground.

  How is it going? My ten minute break is wonderful!







  课间十分钟英语作文 17

  In late autumn, on the campus, Old Yellow Leaves spread a patch of ground, like the hair clips of Autumn Girls. Occasionally, a few leaves fell from the tree like fluttering butterflies, falling into the "Butterfly Family" on the ground

  The bell for the end of class rang, and a crisp and pleasant sound came to our ears, "Class is over!"! In the classroom, we cheered and cheered, while the teacher slowly spat and finished saying "class is over". There are also very few people left in the classroom.

  On the playground, a few of us were playing together again. "What are we playing today?"? Play hide and seek! Playing with stealing telegrams! Playing with mice and stealing oil! Everyone is like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each displaying their divine abilities. Lets play with mice stealing oil! After some discussion, everyone started playing with mice stealing oil.

  You are a cat!

  We are mice!

  The game has started, but fortunately, I am quite clever and know how to deceive others. I let others use it as a substitute, and I went to steal oil myself. However, the "old cat" did not catch a substitute, but instead caught me, the little mouse behind the scenes. I had no choice but to go back to the "mouse hole". The first time stealing oil was unsuccessful, and I had a large amount. Dont worry, next time, you wont be forgiven by me. Look at me using persuasion and persuasion again, and I let the slow running person use it as a substitute. Could the "old cat" have let the food on my lips run away? I started taking action again. I quietly walked in and went back, repeating several times. Suddenly, the old cat caught me straight and said, "Haha, let me go, Big Cat.". No way. As soon as the words fell, the bell for class rang.

  Oh, when would it be better to change the class break time to thirty minutes? I looked up at the sky, looked at the old yellow leaves all over the ground, ran towards the classroom, looking forward to the next ten minute break








  课间十分钟英语作文 18

  I believe everyone really enjoys the break from class because during the ten minutes after class, we can all play recklessly with our friends, and sometimes something very interesting happens. So, let me talk about my wonderful ten minute break.

  Dingling bell... Dingling bell... The bell rang after class. Upon hearing this sound, the classroom exploded in an instant. After class, the students had no discipline to speak of, ignoring what the teacher said, and many of them went crazy.

  As soon as a classmate heard the bell for the end of class, he immediately stood up and stepped on his desk step by step. Then, he untied his red scarf and began to perform. He stood at the desk, twisted and twisted like a clown, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Some students laughed heartily, some covered their mouths with laughter, and others laughed so hard that they almost smashed the table.

  When everyone laughed so hard that they couldnt close their mouths, the other side let out a loud bang. It turned out that two classmates had done it, even flipping the table. One of them walked out and said, "Welcome everyone to watch the martial arts live broadcast. I am the host of this live broadcast. Next, I will introduce the situation on the field to you." The classmates were once again amused. "3, 2, 1, start!" As the hosts voice fell to the ground, the two classmates began to fight. They each showed their abilities and used all their moves, playing hard to distinguish. Slowly, the situation changed. At the most exciting moment, it was almost time to see the end of the day. The annoying class bell rang, and everyone sighed with dissatisfaction, sigh! Class is coming again. The classmates all walked back to their positions helplessly.

  This is really a wonderful ten minute break.






  课间十分钟英语作文 19

  What is a ten minute break like? What kind of activities are there? Lets take a look together!

  Ten minutes between classes is a rich and joyful time for oneself. There are so many things to do during break time, such as drawing, playing basketball, reading books, daydreaming... but I am different.

  During breaks, others call me a "bookworm". Because during break time, I sat in my seat reading, and I didnt know what happened next to me. I think Im too engrossed in reading, otherwise how could I not know?

  Once during break time, I was reading a book when a group of classmates were chattering around me like birds, as if deliberately not letting me read, but I had no idea. They deliberately placed the chairs high and suddenly fell down, making a loud noise, but I still sat motionless. It seems they have no choice but to take me!

  But this was not something I saw sitting there, it was something my desk mate told me.

  But Im not the only bookworm yet? There is also "bookworm" Xiaoyu. She reads whenever she has free time and immerses herself in the ocean of books every day. One day, she was reading a book during break and had a Chinese class, and she was still fascinated by it. Suddenly, the teacher called her name "Xiao Yu" as if she hadnt heard her. Her desk mate tricked her and said, "The teacher asked you to clean the words on the blackboard." She swaggered up to the podium and in an instant, the blackboard was shiny and shiny. Everyone was surprised and surprised. "The teacher asked you to answer the question, not to clean the blackboard," I said gently to her. Everyone laughed heartily, the teacher is going to rewrite again!

  Ah! Ten minutes between classes is really fun, it gives us freedom and joy. We all like ten minutes between classes. If there were twenty minutes between classes, that would be great!








  课间十分钟英语作文 20

  The bell rang after class, and the students flew out of the classroom, chirping like birds, rushing towards the playground to participate in their favorite break time activities. The campus suddenly became boiling.

  Look, they are playing with lost handkerchiefs. More than ten people are forming a big circle, clapping their hands, and singing a song: "Lost handkerchief, lost handkerchief, gently placed in front of the children..." Although they are singing, their eyes are secretly glancing back, afraid that the handkerchief will be thrown behind them and they may not notice it in time. A little girl tied in a bow was held in her hand, holding a handkerchief and quietly walking around a circle. Walking and walking, the little girl tied in a bow found her target. She gently placed a handkerchief behind a small girl, then walked forward a few steps pretending nothing had happened before running fiercely. The little girl was very clever and immediately noticed the handkerchief behind her. She twisted her body, grabbed the handkerchief, jumped up, and chased after the little girl tied in a bow. The students who didnt do it each cheered for the two little girls. The little girl failed to catch the little girl tied in a bow and was punished to sing a song.

  Throwing sandbags is a favorite activity among students. Each group of students on the playground had a great time playing! The students throwing sandbags at both ends launched a fierce attack, while the students hiding in the middle were very calm, staring in the direction of the sandbags flying, dodging left and right, jumping back and forth. The sandbag flew from behind again, and he suddenly turned around to fish for the moon at the bottom of the sea, catching the sandbag. They are bouncing and jumping, playing so happily!

  The most interesting game is "Eagle Catches Chicken" played by younger children. They found a little brother to be an eagle and a little sister to be a chicken mother. The game started, and the "eagle" pounced in the direction of the "chick". The "chicken mother" was very clever and made the "chick" squat down. The "eagle" had no choice but to shake its head helplessly.


  看,他们在玩丢手绢,十多个人围成一个大圆圈,拍着手,唱着歌:“丢手绢,丢手绢,轻轻放在小朋友的跟前……”他们虽然唱着歌,眼睛却偷偷地往后瞟,生怕手绢丢在自己背后而自己又没有及时 发现。一个扎蝴蝶结的小姑娘被着手,手里拿着一条手绢,正绕着圆圈悄悄地走。走呀走呀,扎蝴蝶结的 小姑娘找到了目标,她把手绢轻轻地放在了一个小个子姑娘身后,又装着若无其事的向前走了 几步,然后猛的跑了起来。小个子姑娘很机灵,马上发现了身后的.手绢,她扭过身子,抓起手绢,一跃而起,向扎蝴蝶结的小姑娘追去。未做的同学各为那两个小姑娘喊加油。小个子姑娘没有抓住扎蝴 蝶结的小姑娘,被罚唱了一首歌。

  丢沙包是同学们十分喜欢的活动。操场上每组同学都玩得很带劲!两头丢沙包的同学发动猛攻,中间躲包的同学非常沉着,眼睛盯着沙包飞来的方向,左躲右闪,蹦来跳去。沙包又从背后飞来,他猛 一转身来了个海底捞月,抓住沙包。他们蹦啊跳啊,玩得可高兴了!

  最有趣的是低年级小朋友玩的“老鹰抓小鸡”的游戏。他们找了一个小弟弟当“老鹰”,又找了一个小 妹妹当“鸡妈妈”。游戏开始了,“老鹰”向“小鸡”的方向扑去,“鸡妈妈”很机灵,让“小 鸡”蹲下来,“老鹰”只好无可奈何地摇了摇头。

  课间十分钟英语作文 21

  Life on campus is rich and colorful, and what can provide us with fun is not only physical education classes, art classes, and Tuesday afternoon club classes, but also the brief ten minute break between classes.

  There are many things that can be done during the ten minute break between classes. After hearing the bell for the end of class, the boys tacitly divided into several teams, formed several circles, and played correction tape in the area at the back door. From time to time, there were shouts, cheers, cheers, and disappointments coming from within the circle. If two people have an argument, they will hug each other and fight (not really). If one party is really angry, they will also reconcile when discussing problems together in class.

  Watching the boys playing so happily, we girls dont want to give up. Some girls are reading books in their seats, and no matter how earth shattering things may be, they cannot be "pulled" out of the ocean of books. Some are painting together, and no one can separate them unless there is something about them; Some people walk in groups back and forth in the hallway countless times, chattering about interesting things happening on campus while walking. If one person says they are angry with another, they will coax and deceive them to make them happy. The most interesting thing is the girl who is looking for the connector code: they will ask you some connector code, and finding a connector is considered successful, such as "Yangtze River, Yangtze River, I am Yellow River." If you are not the connector, say you dont know, and in a few minutes, another person will come to ask you. Whether its boys or girls during breaks, they are the most beautiful scenery of our childhood. No matter how lively the boys and girls are, they are very obedient and disciplined in the classroom. The sound of reading is also the most beautiful music of our childhood.

  Ten minutes between classes is our favorite moment. Although it is brief and insignificant, it is the joy of our childhood. It turns out to be full of the beauty and acceleration of children. We need to enrich our ten minutes between classes, so that its preciousness can be preserved forever.





  课间十分钟英语作文 22

  "Ding Lingling..." The bell rang after class. With the teachers announcement of the end of class, some students, feeling lethargic, made a 180 degree turn and ran out of the classroom like a caged bird. The once peaceful playground suddenly became lively.

  On the playground, there are people jumping rope, running, playing with eagles catching chicks, and some classmates reading in the classroom

  And we were playing at a red light and green light stop on the playground.

  In the first round, a classmate wearing a blue checkered shirt shouted, "Me, Xiao Ming, and Xiao Lai.". The game started, "Red light, green light, stop!" The student in the blue checkered shirt turned around, as if it were a string of spells. We immediately remained motionless, like a stone statue, and then turned back. At this moment, the student quickly ran over with a nimble figure. The student turned around again, and I saw me clenching my fists, arms facing upwards, like a gorilla. Xiao Ming originally wanted to run forward, but when he said "stop," he didnt stop his foot and eliminated us. The student in the blue checkered shirt shouted a slogan intentionally, which suddenly dragged out a long sound, and then suddenly stopped, making us unable to react. He shouted, "Red light, green light, stop." When I stopped, I turned around with lightning speed, which forced me, who had originally wanted to move forward, to suspend one foot in mid air. After a while, I was shaking and my face turned red, I thought to myself: Hurry up, turn around, I cant hold on anymore. But that classmate probably found it difficult for me to persevere, so he deliberately shouted slowly. Finally, before he could turn around, my foot was still put down. They all laughed, and I laughed and said, "You deliberately tired me to death.".

  "Ding Lingling..." The class bell rang, and the happy time is always so short. We returned to the classroom to attend class seriously, but we still have the next ten minute break.






  课间十分钟英语作文 23

  If campus life is compared to a song, then ten minutes between classes is an active note.

  The "ding ling ling" bell rang after class, and the students walked out of the classroom lively. The hallway was filled with voices.

  Our ten minute break is rich and colorful, with some skipping rope, some kicking shuttlecock, and some playing games... Among the games, eagle catching chicks is the most interesting, lets take eagle catching chicks as an example.

  Firstly, lets divide the work and choose one student as the eagle, one student as the hen, and the remaining students as the chicks. Secondly, explain their respective tasks. The eagle catches the last chick, the hen protects the chick from being caught by the eagle, and the chicks line up behind the hen to protect themselves from being caught by the eagle. Then, we started playing the game.

  The game started. In order to catch the chick and have a good meal, the "Eagle" pounced on the chick with open teeth and claws. The clever chick didnt have time to dodge, so it quickly squatted down and shouted, "Mom! Mom! The eagle is coming to catch us!" When the kind hen heard this, she immediately spread her beautiful wings to protect the chick. The eagle was at a loss and pretended to be tired, squatting on the ground to breathe. The hen and chicks also relaxed their guard, and the eagle took the opportunity to pounce on the chick, "Ji! Ji! Ji! Ji! Ji!..." The chicks were frightened and at a loss. The mother hen was also frightened and jumped up at a loss, but she quickly calmed down and went to protect the chick. At this moment, the eagle was also forced to panic and pounced directly at the chick. The eagle pounced left and right, but still couldnt catch the chick. Finally, he had to run away with a gloomy and hungry stomach! The game of catching chicks with eagles is really fun! It is not only fun, but also helps students know that unity is strength!

  In no time, the class bell rang and we reluctantly returned to the classroom. I thought to myself, beautiful times are always brief, and I am also looking forward to the ten minute break between the next class.







  课间十分钟英语作文 24

  The crisp bell for the end of class rang, and students rushed out of the classroom like birds to participate in their favorite break time activities. The quiet campus suddenly boiled up, and the laughter and joy of classmates echoed above the campus.

  You see, the male and female students on the parallel bars are competing on the bars, with a team of male students and a team of female students. The male students are already preparing for the "battle". Look, the students in the first group have already started the competition. The male students are like fierce tigers, and from the beginning, they wanted to give the female students a push. The female students are also unwilling to be outdone, like agile swallows. The male classmate couldnt catch up with her, but she ran faster and faster, and soon defeated the male classmate.

  Of course, there are also those who blow bubbles. Look, some students blow with their heads tilted, some students blow with their faces tilted, some jump and laugh while chasing bubbles... The bubbles they blow out are like colorful balloons floating up and down, some like mischievous children in colorful clothes chasing and playing in the air, some three or four sticking together like whispers, some groups like paratroopers slowly falling... I dipped a straw in some soap water and blew it gently. Suddenly, a small colorful ball emerged from the pipe mouth, which grew larger and turned in circles around the edge of the pipe. After a while, it became a "big treasure gourd", which was so interesting! I carefully placed the "Big Treasure Gourd" on the table and blew two small bubbles on it. Oh, a cute "Mickey Mouse" was born! Looking at my masterpiece, I couldnt help but smile proudly.

  Ding Lingling... class started, and the noisy classroom immediately quieted down, like a surging tide starting to recede. The students returned to their seats, and due to the effective buffering of their tense thinking during the ten minute break, they focused on welcoming the new classroom.


  你们看,双杠那边男同学和女同学正在赛杠,男同学一队,女同学一队,男同学已经摩拳擦掌地准备“战斗”了。快看,第一组的同学已经开始比赛了,男同学犹如一个个猛虎,一开始就想给 女同学来一个“下马威”,女同学也不甘示弱,一个个如同灵巧的燕子。男同学怎么也追赶不上她,她却越跑越快,一会儿就把男同学“打败了”。

  当然,也有吹泡泡的,看,有的同学歪着头吹,有的同学仰着脸吹,有的跳着笑着追泡泡……那吹出来的肥皂泡泡有的像五彩缤纷的.气球往上飘呀飘,有的像身穿彩衣的顽童在空中追逐嬉戏, 有的三四个贴在一起像在说悄悄话儿,有的成群结队像空降兵在缓缓飘落……我用吹管蘸了些肥皂水轻轻地吹起来,一下子,管口冒出了一个小彩球,它越来越大,在管口边上转起圈圈,不一会儿,成 了一个“大宝葫芦”,可有意思了!我小心翼翼地把“大宝葫芦”放在桌上,再吹了两个小泡泡在它身上,嗬,一只可爱的“米老鼠”“诞生”了!看着自己的“杰作”,我忍不住得意地笑了。


  课间十分钟英语作文 25

  You see, on the playground, classmates from Class 2, Grade 2 are playing a relay race. Xiao Liu is holding a relay baton and running to the finish line at the speed of a flying airplane. Xiao Zhu has already prepared his posture. When Xiao Liu approaches, he quickly takes the baton and passes it to Xiao Liang, who then passes it quickly to Xiao Zhang

  You see, there is a group of second grade boys playing football on the plastic field. You see, Xiaoyu flies a ball and passes it to Kicking Xiaoming. Xiaoming cleverly receives Xiaoyus ball, and then Xiaozhang blocks in front of him trying to steal it. Xiaoming easily dodges Xiaozhang and kicks the ball towards the goalkeeper. Goalkeeper Xiaoliu pounces at Xiaoming, but Xiaoming suddenly changes angle and smoothly kicks the ball into the goal. People watching next to him clap their hands hard. On the east side of the playground, classmates from Class 9, Grade 1 were jumping on the big rope. Mingming and Lili were tightly holding onto the rope, staring at each student with their eyes to ensure that they wouldnt make any mistakes. Qiangqiang quickly jumped over and wrapped himself behind Xiaoming, preparing for the next jump. Xiaoqing quickly jumped over the big rope to Qiangqiangs side, and there were several people counting one, two, three, four... The people counting unconsciously counted to one hundred, and the person standing next to the rope couldnt help but exclaim in amazement. The students in Class 10, Grade 2 were playing hide and seek when they saw Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang, Xiao Zhang, and Xiao Li quickly hiding behind the podium. Xiao Li quickly ran into the flower bed on Building B and ran to the front of the podium without finding them. He finally found the four of them.

  The ten minute break on the playground is really lively.




  课间十分钟英语作文 26

  "Dingling, Dingling!" The long-awaited bell for the end of class finally rang, and we boys rushed towards the outside with one swift step. Xiao Wang, Xiao Ni, Xiao Zhao, and I quickly took out four corners from our pockets and set up a square outside the classroom, ready to start fighting.

  I first placed the strongest defensive corner, and Xiao Wang, Xiao Ni, and Xiao Zhao took turns playing my corner. They left and right but couldnt overturn it. Finally, it was my turn. I took out a double-sided corner from my pocket, which was my winning "ace"! I aimed at the corners of Xiao Zhao and hit them hard, okay! I knocked over Xiao Zhaos four corners, but I didnt even pick them up. I immediately walked up to Xiao Wangs four corners, aimed at the target, and hit them hard, my goodness! Surprisingly, it hasnt been flipped over now? I have some regrets in my heart. Its Xiao Wangs turn this time, and he carefully selected his "ace". Oh my goodness! His "ace" is actually ten times bigger than mine! I could only watch Little Wang use his ultimate move, but just as I was anxiously worried about my poor four corners, Little Wang didnt hit me. Instead, he knocked over Little Nis four corners because he mistook them for mine. Its really a blessing! I hummed a little tune with pride, but when I turned around, Xiao Wang understood and knocked over my four corners again. I was about to fight back when the annoying class bell rang. We had to pack up our corners and sprint towards the classroom. As we were about to leave, we all said the same thing: "Ten minutes between classes, okay!"

  What a happy ten minute break!


  我先垫了个防御力最强的四角,小王、小尼和小赵开始轮流打我的四角,他们左打右打还是打不翻,终于轮到我了,我从兜里掏出一个双面的四角,这可是我屡战屡胜的“王牌”啊!我瞄准小赵的四角狠狠地打去,OK!小赵的'四角被我打翻了,我捡都没捡,立即走到小王的四角前,瞄准目标又狠狠地打去,妈呀!这下竟然没翻?我心中有些遗憾。这次轮到小王了,只见他认真地选出 他的“王牌”,天哪!他的“王牌”竟然比我的“王牌”大十倍!只能眼睁睁地看着小王使用他的绝招了,可是,正当我紧张地担心着我可怜的四角时,小王竟然没打我的,反而把小尼的四角打 翻了,因为他把小尼的四角当成我的四角了,真是天助我也!我得意地哼起了小曲儿,可是,等我回头一看,小王竟然明白过来,又把我的四角打翻了,我正准备反击,就在这时,令人心烦的上课 铃打响了,我们只好收起四角,快步冲向教室,临走时我们大家不约而同说了一句话:“课间十分钟,OK!”


  课间十分钟英语作文 27

  Dingding, the bell rang for the end of class, and the students rushed out of the classroom like flying.

  On the playground, some students are running, some are jumping, some are playing ball, and some are playing games. Not only is the playground lively, but even the teaching building is also lively. The students playing with stone, scissors, and cloth have a happy expression on their faces. There are people doing homework, reading books, and chatting in the classroom, and they are all very happy. There are also those who use the restroom, some are in a hurry like ants on an oil pan, some are chatting while walking, talking and laughing, and very happy. In these ten minutes, not only the students were happy, but also the teachers. After class, the teachers were drinking tea, chatting, and correcting homework in the office. How happy!

  This is our schools ten minute break, filled with laughter.




  课间十分钟英语作文 28

  "Ding Ling Ling", the class bell rang, and the students rushed out of the classroom in a swarm. Ouch, can you slow down a bit? Im almost in a hurry. Alright, now let me introduce to you the ten minute break activity in our class.

  "Come on, this way, this way, look. The original price was 20 or 30, but now its all 5 yuan. Dont miss the chance and dont come again." Our classs salesperson Xiao You started promoting his small things again. At this moment, another sentence came: "Close armor fired at Xiaoji!" Our classs top student Xiao Zhao ordered his close armor Xiaoxuan and Xiaoyou to launch an attack on Xiaoji. Xiao Ji ran towards the playground without looking back, and Xiao Zhao and his companions chased closely. In the end, Xiao Zhao pounced and pinned Xiao Zheng to the ground, riding on him and almost crushing him.

  Next, lets take a look at girls. A group of girls led by Xiao Zhang were playing the "Unlocking" game when they heard Xiao Zhangs "OK" sound. Two or three girls turned around and looked at the "human flesh lock" composed of seven or eight girls in front of them, which startled them. After thinking calmly for a while, they easily unlocked the "human flesh lock". Amidst their cheers and cheers, the bell for class rang mercilessly.

  The break is always so short, lets play a physical education class first, and the next break will be even more exciting!





  课间十分钟英语作文 29

  The "ding ling ling" bell rang after class, and the students rushed downstairs in a swarm. A few tuning boys ran and shouted, "Its snowing, its snowing!". Oh, it was a heavy snowfall last night, and the entire campus was covered in silver. After class, all the students cheered and couldnt help but feel the joy in their hearts. Xiao Li, I, and other classmates also joined this team.

  When we arrived at the playground, we found a place with the most snow. "Lets have a snowball fight!" Before I could finish speaking, Xiao Li bent down and grabbed a ball of snow and hit me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and dodged his attack. I immediately took over the powerful terrain, picked up a handful of snow and forcefully squeezed it into a ball, throwing it at Xiao Li. Unexpectedly, I hit him right on the head with one shot. I only heard him say "oh", immediately touched his head with my hand, and then patted the snow on his head.

  At this moment, Xiaofan standing on his left caught him off guard and threw a snowball at him, hitting his cheek and flowing into his neck. Looking at Xiaolis flustered appearance of the snow on his head before it was even finished, Xiaofan and I pointed at him and laughed heartily.

  As he walked over to prepare to pat the snow on his body, the "ding ling ling" bell rang for class

  These ten minutes are really fun!






  课间十分钟英语作文 30

  The bell for the end of class rang joyfully, "Ding Zero, Ding Zero.".

  "Alright, classmates, lets finish class." As Teacher Ai finished speaking, the quiet classroom exploded like a wok. The students cheered and started making noise, as if they were two different worlds from when class just started.

  Rong, the most mischievous student in the class, first let out a strange cry, which was sharp and crisp. Even Teacher Ai, who had not yet left the classroom, was startled by his strange cry. It is estimated that after school, he will be invited by the teacher to the office for a chat. Xiao Zhuang, who was next to Rong, shouted loudly, "Im not finished with you." It turned out that they had a "war" before class, and finally managed to survive until the end of class, when the Second World War began as soon as possible.

  Xiaoli in the first row sat quietly in her seat, focused on reading as if no one around her existed, and the noise did not affect her at all. She is really a quiet child, no wonder she always ranks at the top in every exam.

  Suddenly, a figure flashed past me, and it turned out to be the impatient Lele classmate. Today it was his turn to clean the blackboard, and I saw him carefully wiping it, occasionally jumping around and cleaning up areas that he couldnt reach. Give him a thumbs up!

  Not far away, my good friend Xiaofei waved to me and called me over to play "Eagle Catching Chicken" with them. "Hen" - Wen Yiru waved her powerful wings to protect her "babies". The eagle pounced to the left first, while the hen quickly dodged. Suddenly, the "eagle" made a 180 degree turn, making the "hen" and "chick" dizzy and disoriented. The "chick" quickly turned around, but it was too late and collided with the "eagle". The eagle took the opportunity to pounce on the chick, who had nowhere to run and had to accept his fate. The eagle still wanted to eat a little chicken, so he frantically pounced on the baby chicken again. The eagle spotted a chubby and chubby "chicken baby" this time, who is the cutest "little chubby" classmate in our class. She seemed to be aware of the danger and quickly hid behind the "hen". "Chicken Mom" saw it and charged up with all her might to stop the "eagle", trying her best to protect the "babies". Unfortunately, it was one step too late. The "eagle" charged forward and grabbed "Zhu Xiaopang", who was dancing with joy.

  Dingling, the bell rang again, and the noisy classroom quieted down. The students all returned to their seats. The short and beautiful ten minute break ended like this.






  不远处,我的好朋友小菲对我招了招手,她叫我过去和她们一起玩“老鹰捉小鸡”。“母鸡”——温一茹挥动着有力的翅膀,护着她的“宝宝”们。“老鹰”先向左扑去,“母鸡”迅速躲开。忽然,“老鹰”来了个180度的大转弯,把“母鸡”和“小鸡”弄得昏头转向,“小鸡”飞快地掉头,可是来不及了,跟“老鹰”撞了个满怀。“老鹰”趁机向“小鸡”扑去,“小鸡”没地方跑,只好认命 。“老鹰”还想吃下一只“小鸡”呢,于是,他再次疯狂地扑向“鸡宝宝”。“老鹰”这次看准了一只肥肥胖胖的“鸡宝宝”,她可是我们班最可爱的“珠小胖”同学。她仿佛也意识到了“危险”,赶紧躲到了“母鸡”后面。“鸡妈妈”见了,也加足马力冲上去拦住“老鹰”,竭力保护“宝宝们”。可惜晚了一步,“老鹰”向前猛冲,抓住了“珠小胖”,他高兴得手舞足蹈。


  课间十分钟英语作文 31

  As a primary school student, I have experienced many ten minute breaks, but the most recent one was the ten minute break, which made the whole class burst into laughter. Even the usually serious homeroom teacher, Teacher Cai, burst into tears with laughter.

  The first class that afternoon was over. Sitting in the first row, I heard a voice, "Teacher Cai, Xiaoxu is asleep!" That was what Xiaoxus arch nemesis - Xiaonie said. There is a hint of cunning in his eyes. I want to speak up to the whole class and show them that Xiao Xu has made a fool of himself, but Im afraid he might wake up Xiao Xu who is playing chess with Duke Zhou.

  Upon hearing this, Teacher Cai turned his head to look at Xiao Xu, who was sleeping soundly. The students in the front row also cast curious glances at Xiao Xu. When they saw him sleeping soundly, some students couldnt help but laugh out loud, some covered their mouths and laughed, while others pointed out the reasons for others who didnt know what had happened.

  Teacher Cai stood up, booed his colleagues, and quietly walked over to Xiao Xu. He took out his phone, turned on his camera, and with a click, the quiet scene froze on the photo.

  The mischievous little Liu whispered, "Teacher Cai, lets pretend to be in class to scare him!" Teacher Cai nodded lightly and raised his hand. "Three, two, one," the classmates shouted together, "Hello teacher!" The loudest sound Nie shouted during the class. Xiao Xu, who was playing chess with Duke Zhou, woke up in fright. He opened his eyes and shouted, "Ah, theres a ghost!" Immediately, he also fell off his chair, and his classmates burst into laughter. Teacher Cai was also amused by this move, laughing uncontrollably and his eyes narrowed into a line.

  The bell rang for class, and Xiaoxu suddenly realized that he had been fooled by his classmates and teachers. I think he must be extremely depressed. He couldnt express his pain. On one hand, he had been his homeroom teacher for almost six years, and on the other hand, he had classmates for almost six years. Who should he go to argue with?

  During the ten minute break, our class spent it happily.








  课间十分钟英语作文 32

  "Dingding, Dingding, jingling bells..." Unknowingly, a pleasant song rang out - class is over!

  "Oh. Yeah! Classs over! Hey buddy, hurry up, lets go grab a better basketball rack!"

  Lets go play shuttlecock. Come on! Otherwise it wont be too late“

  A group of students rushed towards the playground in the neighboring classroom, while we still sat in the classroom listening to the teachers earnest lectures. I looked out of the window at the kids on the playground, and they all enjoyed themselves: some played basketball, some jumped rubber bands, some played play badminton, and the junior students were playing the game of "eagle catching chicken" with the teacher... I was so greedy that I really wanted to run downstairs to play with them right away. How nice it would be! But the teacher was still talking on the platform, alas

  In fact, some students have already put their textbooks in their desks, holding ping pong balls and rackets in their hands, with their right foot on the hallway, waiting for the referees "starting gun" to sound. Some students occasionally glance out of the window, their attention flying to the sky. The teacher also occasionally says, "Please concentrate, Ill finish this paragraph and class will be over." Someone mutters softly, "Why havent class finished yet?" "The rare break in class has been ruined again, sigh..."

  ”Dingling, Dingling, the class bell rang again, and the ten minute break passed like this. At this point, we need to hurry up and use the restroom. After using the restroom, we need to enter a learning state, and the break activities no longer exist.

  Teacher, we know your hard work, but there are only ten minutes between classes. Lets start and finish classes on time. Lets play and relax with our friends, relieve learning pressure, and prepare for the next class. That would be great!








  课间十分钟英语作文 33

  The bell rang after class, and the students ran out of the classroom excitedly, running towards the campus. The campus immediately became boiling. Classmates wearing colorful clothes are excitedly chasing and playing around the campus, like bright flowers, adding a touch of color to the campus.

  I saw many girls jumping rope on the west side of the playground. The girls were like lively and agile rabbits jumping back and forth on the rope. Whenever the girls turned the rope, they immediately curled up their legs and jumped up. Every time they jumped, they seemed to use their strength to quickly jump up in time. The two people who were shaking the rope were sweating profusely. Whenever the rope they were shaking touched by someone who was avoiding it, they would go outside to shake it for her. If no one touched the rope, the person outside would keep shaking it. I think: These girls are really physically strong! As I watched from the side, I also felt very happy.

  On the north side of the playground, there are many first grade students playing Eagle Catch Chicken. In order to protect her chicks, the chicken mother swayed left and right. The eagle was also unwilling to be outdone and wanted to catch the chick. The eagle dodged to the left and quickly turned to the right, catching a chick. So the chick team lost. They were very sad, but the eagle was very happy.

  On the south side of the playground, its my favorite sport, which is the horizontal bar, because I enjoy the feeling of flipping over it. Im not very tall, but I can also flip over from above, like a nimble little monkey. Sometimes one hand keeps flipping on the horizontal bar, and sometimes both hands roll on the horizontal bar, because I feel really comfortable flipping over from the horizontal bar.

  Class started, and the students walked reluctantly to the classroom. Our colorful ten minute break ended.






  课间十分钟英语作文 34

  A short ten minute break between classes can make me feel warm, even in the bone chilling winter days, it can fill my heart with warmth and stay with me for a long time——

  On a day when the strong wind howled, accompanied by the crisp ringing of the bell, the students also broke away from the serious atmosphere of the classroom and relaxed for ten minutes, feeling relieved.

  When you came to find me, seeing what I looked like, your face was filled with surprise and panic - it was a slightly pale face, with no trace of rosy blood, two rows of teeth tightly biting, a pair of eyes tightly closed due to pain, and a furrowed brow. You asked me in a hurried tone, but I exerted all my strength to barely squeeze out the brief and powerless phrase "stomach pain".

  What arrived was your face lost in thought. After a long time, you lifted your head, grabbed my water bottle without saying a word, and threw down a sentence: "Ill go help you pour hot water." Then you hurriedly ran away.

  Arriving at the water dispenser and watching the fine water flow slide into the bottle, you were anxious and said, "So slow, when are you going to catch it?" With a sudden inspiration, you put on the bottle cap and ran towards the high school water dispenser in a meteoric manner. After quickly filling the hot water, you didnt need to catch your breath before rushing back in three steps and two steps.

  Still the pale face. You unscrewed the bottle cap and said, "Drink it quickly." After that, you took out two Zhenglu pills from the medical kit in the class and stuffed them into my mouth. As the hot water flowed through my stomach, I felt extremely warm and the pain decreased a bit. Just as I was about to say thank you, but at the urging of the bell, you returned to your seat. As I watched you leave, I rubbed my stomach and found that the warmth was not just here

  There are only ten minutes between classes. It made me feel the deep friendship between brothers, bringing me warm friendship, the most precious friendship - friendship!








  课间十分钟英语作文 35

  When everyone goes to school, there will be a ten minute break between each class. What will everyone do after class? For example: doing homework, playing games, going to the bathroom, but this time after class, I was playing bubble water.

  On Tuesday, the sky was gloomy. We were in class in the classroom when the teacher said, "For the sake of you listening attentively, you can come downstairs and play with bubble water after class!" Hearing this, the students all smiled happily and felt excited in their hearts. Not long after the teacher finished speaking, the class bell rang. The students flew out of the classroom like birds locked in cages and headed straight downstairs. At this point, someone said, "It seems like its going to rain soon." Another said, "Its okay, you can play even if it rains. Anyway, the rain wont be too heavy. As soon as we got to the playground downstairs, the students started playing with bubbles, some using blowing, some throwing, and some using two small bubbles to form a big bubble. That ones bubble was punctured when the raindrops fell!"!

  While everyone was playing enthusiastically, no one noticed that the rain was getting heavier and there were occasional thunderous sounds accompanied by lightning. Later on, the raindrops were the size of soybeans, and everyone reluctantly returned to the classroom. The students who were originally lively and lively suddenly drooped their heads like drowned chickens. Although the clothes were wet, the students had a great time and had fun!

  The ten minute "bubble incident" during this break is vividly remembered and brings us back to that happy childhood. Time goes by and never returns. We can only reminisce about the good times of the past when we are under a lot of academic pressure; Think of happy moments when feeling down, so that life can be more exciting!





  课间十分钟英语作文 36

  "Class is over!" When these two words came out of the teachers mouth, the whole classroom was boiling.

  The students sitting in special seats are the most active. The teachers front legs had just left, and they were jumping up and down like little monkeys, shouting and shouting, as if they were going to flip the classroom upside down! Looking ahead three rows further, the middle part of the students seemed to be at peace with the world, and with a drooping head, they met Zhou Gong. The male classmate in the third row is the most exaggerated, snoring and drooling all over the table. The classmates next to him are all watching him happily. The students on both sides put aside their textbooks, stretched lazily, and started the meeting. The content they discuss is generally quite exciting. If not, why are they chatting happily and spitting? Looking back at the back of the classroom, the students who had been asleep for 45 minutes were like little squirrels waking up from hibernation, starting to stretch their muscles and bones, boost their spirits, and then start searching for food.

  The class monitor stood up, cleared his throat, and said, "A few female classmates from behind, come with me to get the chalk. We need to quickly prepare the blackboard newspaper!" The girls reluctantly pouted and walked away with the class monitor in a disheveled manner. The health commissioner, holding a broom, forcefully handed it to the chatting classmates and scratched his head with embarrassment, saying, "You are on duty today. Could you please?" The funniest thing was the representatives of various subjects, who kept saying, "Hand in Chinese homework!" "Hand in math homework!" Their screams kept rising, as if they were louder than anyone elses, waking up the sleeping classmates.

  The lively and cheerful scene was restored to its original state ten minutes later when the class bell rang, and the market like classrooms returned to tranquility.





  课间十分钟英语作文 37

  Dingling, class is over! Xiao Wang, Xiao Hu, and I immediately took out our trendy toy "Game Stick" and started our break "battle". The rules of the game are very simple: only one small stick can be taken at a time, and no other sticks can be touched. The one who accumulates the most points in the end will win.

  Xiao Hu was the first one to go up. He was calculating his luck and wanted to get the top 5-point stick, but he made a mistake and accidentally hit the stick with his hand; Next, Xiao Wang cautiously launched a battle against a 10 point stick, winning the first battle! It was my turn, and I analyzed the situation: if I took a 10 point stick, I might hit a 5 point stick, but if... I looked at the 20 point stick and had an idea: I immediately lowered my head to look at the 20 point stick, and sure enough, the 20 point stick was not suppressed by the other sticks. Hehe, the tactics have been formulated! I stared closely at the "prey" - the 20 point stick, holding my breath and concentrating, successfully rescued the "prey" from a large army of sticks! In the second round, Xiao Hu finally took one with 2 points, and Xiao Wang took another with 10 points... The competition was going on fiercely.

  Dingling, the class bell rang. We tied a tie. We have agreed to continue the competition during the next break, and we must determine the winner!




  课间十分钟英语作文 38

  The big break is my happiest time. We can play basketball, shuttlecock, play badminton

  What impressed me the most was playing football. On Friday morning, Xiaojiang and I played together, and those who couldnt catch the ball were considered losers.

  In the first round, Xiao Jiang started kicking first. Xiao Jiang kicked the football away with one kick, and before I could even aim, the football rushed towards me at a flying speed. I was about to kick, but the speed of the ball was too fast for me to catch, so I had to give up. Xiao Jiang happily shouted, "I won, I won!"

  In the second round, I kicked the ball with all my strength, but Xiao Jiang couldnt catch it no matter how hard he tried. I won this round, and I chuckled, "Yeah~".

  The third round started with Xiaojiang again, and I was both excited and nervous. My eyes were fixed on the ball and I thought to myself: I must not let the ball slip away from my eyes this time. Xiaojiang kicked hard, and I aimed at the ball and kicked it hard. The ball rolled in Xiaojiangs direction, and I won again. Playing football is really fun!

  The activity has ended, and the music has also stopped. What a lively break!







  课间十分钟英语作文 39

  As soon as the bell rang for the end of class, I ran towards the teachers office because I wanted to borrow some paper from the teacher. Arriving at Teacher Wangs desk, I saw Teacher Wang lying asleep on a composition book. I wanted to wake Teacher Wang up, but then suddenly, she fell asleep, indicating that she was very tired. I couldnt disturb her! So I tiptoed out and gently closed the door!

  When my grandfather came to pick me up at noon, I told him in detail about Teacher Wang falling asleep. After listening to this, my grandfather said, "Being a teacher is not easy either! Teachers have their own parents to take care of, as well as their own children to take care of. They need to be responsible for their daily lives and supervise their studies! The main thing is to manage you divine beasts well, educate you on the principles of being a good person, and impart knowledge to you selflessly. Its really tiring! How can you not be tired? You should listen to the teachers words well and not make the teacher angry, you know?" I nodded hard, realizing that being a teacher is not easy!

  "Spring silkworms die before the silk is exhausted, wax torches turn into ashes before tears dry!" Now I fully understand this poem, which describes my beloved Teacher Wang. Thank you to all selfless teachers! I will definitely study hard and serve my country!




  课间十分钟英语作文 40

  The sound of Youyangs music rang out, and it was time for class to end. The students ran towards the playground like a runaway horse, and when the playground collapsed, the crowd was bustling and lively.

  From a distance, some of our classmates kicked shuttlecocks. You see, shuttlecocks are like fluttering butterflies, and each of us has become agile martial arts masters. As soon as the shuttlecock was about to land, the martial arts masters kicked it high and high; Some students are throwing sandbags, each one full of energy, like a burly general. Every time they throw a bag, they first swing their arms around; Some are playing basketball; If we were to talk about the most intense, it would be our tug of war competition.

  We divided into groups and started playing. I had already figured out a strategy, and I was in first place. As soon as I said, "Lets start!", our group pulled hard. The enemys vanguard accidentally fell to the ground. We took advantage of the heat and quickly pulled back. This angered the opponents team member Chu Zhengbo, who turned red, clenched his fists tightly, let out a loud roar, and pulled back hard. The red scarf we just received was pulled to the midpoint again. The enemy vanguard quickly stood up, and we were not willing to be outdone. Our team also had two veteran players behind the scenes, Sun Jiayu and Li Shenghao. We worked together to pull the opponent over, and in the end, our team finally won. Cheers and shouts echoed through the sky.

  The familiar melody sounded again, and it was time for class. We reluctantly left the joyful playground.





  课间十分钟英语作文 41

  "Ding Lingling!" After class, the students rushed to the playground like little birds. Their footsteps sounded like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking.

  In the middle of the playground, a lively football match was held, and someone called out "Start!" A male classmate kicked the football towards the goal of the girls team like a fierce tiger. The goalkeeper of the girls team saw that the football was about to score, but it was too late. At that time, she quickly stopped the football with her hand and passed it to the next female classmate. The female classmate kicked the ball towards the goal with all her might, and the goalkeeper of the boys team was stunned for a while. In the end, the football still entered the goal, and the womens team won.

  A hot and rainy running race was also held on the track of the playground. I dont know who blew a whistle, and those few classmates ran away like the wind. The number one contestant deserves to be called the captain of the "Scud" team! Too fast! Looking at the captain of the second player "Ru Feng" team, their performance was fantastic! Some are as fast as the wind, while others are as fast as birds, both of which are very fast

  The class is very lively! What a world of over seven!





  课间十分钟英语作文 42

  "Ding Lingling..." Class is over! As soon as the bell rang, the students walked out of the classroom in pairs and arrived at the open playground. The classmates were all thinking, "Ive been sitting in class for too long, finally I can move around!"

  They each held brightly colored sports equipment and stood out in the warm sunlight.

  They had a great time playing. Some were focused on kicking the shuttlecock, and the two boys were like chicks pecking rice, watching the shuttlecock fly up and down, kicking it fantastic. The girl next to them happily applauded and cheered.

  Some are happily jumping long ropes. Two little girls held both ends of the rope and used all their strength to swing it up. Many students joined the activity one after another, their hearts pounding, afraid that they wouldnt be able to dance well. Next to him, there is a classmate named Qiqi, who is a gentle boy. Qiqi held the shiny short rope and jumped up, feeling very happy. Jumping so fast that you wont stumble, so amazing! I envy you so much!

  The most intense activity is playing table tennis on Jin Jins side. A standard ball table, two people standing face to face, Jin Jin facing Fang Fang. The two of them remained motionless at first, and then Jin Jin threw a ping pong ball, aiming the racket at the ball and hitting it. The ball flew over the intercepting net like a bird and fell onto Fang Fangs side. Jin Jin saw that the ball was about to fall, but Fangfang didnt catch it. He felt that he had won. But I saw Fangfang take a leap, catch the ball, and hit it back hard. Who calls Jin Jin a master? He calmly hit the ball back. The bright person next to him just smiled, but what about Huang Huang? She kept screaming, making a sound that could shatter her eardrums. She clapped her hands like a mosquito. Her funny expression is really funny!

  At this moment, the bell for class rang, and the students returned to the classroom with joy, preparing for class.















