

时间:2023-02-25 08:42:48 作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  how is everything coming?

  last week, my chinese friend mia took me to the ancestral temple of the chen family. it was lay on the seventh zhongshan road. mia told me, the temple had 116 years' history; the chen supported money to build it for the students. i was attracted by the beautiful ornamengts on the wall there! they are colourful, lively, and also mysterious, it must be a rarely article which is so grand! besides, it showed feelings of native soil.then we went to sun yat-sen memorial hall. inside there is a picture gallery, an exhibition of dr. sun's life, and a large hall that may be used as a theater, concert, or meeting hall. do you know sun yat-sen? he founded the first republic in china in 1911 after many years' fighting. he is a important person for the past china.

  now i am more and more enjoy chinese trip, tomorrow we will go to the temple of the six banyan trees and tianhe sports complex, i am excited it!

  yours joyce

英语作文 篇2

  Dear Peter,

  I’d like to ask you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper.

  The “Foreign Cultures’’ section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries. Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United States? And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, and the life of American high school students. You can write anything relevant so long as it's interesting and informative. 400 words would be fine. Could we have your article before June 28?

  I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


  Li Hua








英语作文 篇3

  leave him alone i yelled as i walked out of the orphanage gate and saw several of the spring park school bullies pushing the deaf kid around. i did not know the boy at all but i knew that we were about the same age, because of his size. he lived in the old white house across the street from the orphanage where i lived. i had seen him on his front porch several times doing absolutely nothing, ecept just sitting there making funny like hand movements.

  in the summer time we didnt get much to eat for sunday supper, ecept watermelon and then we had to eat it outside behind the dining room so we would not make a mess on the tables inside. about the only time that i would see him was through the high chain-link fence that surrounded the orphanage when we ate our watermelon outside.

  the deaf kid started making all kind of hand signals, real fast like. you are a stupid idiot said the bigger of the two bullies as he pushed the boy down on the ground. the other bully ran around behind the boy and kicked him as hard as he could in the back. the deaf boys body started shaking all over and he curled up in a ball trying to shield and hide his face. he looked like he was trying to cry, or something but he just couldnt make any sounds, i dont think.

  i ran as fast as i could back through the orphanage gate and into the thick azalea bushes. i uncovered my home-made bow which i had constructed out of bamboo and string. i grabbed four arrows that were also made of bamboo and they had coca cola tops bent around the ends to make real sharp tips. then i ran back out the gate with an arrow cocked in the bow and i just stood there quiet like, breathing real hard just daring either one of them to kick or touch the boy again.

  youre a dumb freak just like him you big eared creep said one of the boys as he grabbed his friend and backed off far enough so that the arrow would not hit them. if youre so brave kick him again now i said, shaking like a leaf. the bigger of the two bullies ran up and kicked the deaf boy in the middle of his back as hard as he could and then he ran out of arrow range again.

英语作文 篇4

  The earth is a big family which belongs to everyone and all the animals.All the animals are our family members so it's our duty to be friendly to them.

  Howevermore and more wild animals are forced to perform programs or do dangerous work.What's moresome kinds of animals have already disappeared.

  It seems that animals are dying out little by little and we will lose lots of happiness and our family members.

  Thereforewe should protect them and treat them as our relations from now on to prohibit them leaving us.

英语作文 篇5

  水的作用(The role of water)

  Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, and put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day.

  Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.



英语作文 篇6



  YES:Supplier training

  NO:professional trainees from sister company should abide by rule of local company(太长) 主题框的内容切忌含糊不清。

  NO:像News about the meeting 这样的表达,

  YES:应改为Tomorrow's meeting canceled。

  一般来说,只要将位于句首的单词和专有名词的首字母大写即可。另外一种较为正规的格式可将除了少于5个字母的介词、连接词或冠词之外的每一个单词的首字母大写。 YES:New E-mail Address Notification;Detailed calculation

  NO:detailed calculation

  视信的内容是否重要,还可以开头加上URGENT或者FYI(For Your Information,供参考),如:URGENT:Submit your report today!


  1、E-mail一般使用非正式的文体,因此正文(Body)前的称呼(Salutation)通常无须使用诸如Dear Mr. John之类的表达。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。YES:Tommy,或者Mr. Smith。

  2、称呼和正文之间,段落之间,正文和信尾客套话之间一般空一行,开头无须空格。如: Jimmy,

  I received your memo and will discuss it with Eric on Wednesday.



  3、人家的名字千万不要错,老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃圾桶. 同样, 头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.以下是一样的: Howard E. Wyatt, Dr. Howard E. Hyatt


  YES: Messrs. Smith, Wyatt, and Fury 。女人呢? YES:用Mesdames, Mmes., or Mses. 同样不

  要跟名字. 例子: Mses. Farb, Lionel, and Gray 。男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如: Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ;Mr. Harold Wright and Dr. Margaret Wright ;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams-Quinn 。

  5、有人有自己头衔就要跟紧,例如有人有荣誉学位就不喜欢用一般的头衔,有时大头不知道对方头衔,干脆用Ms.算了. Ms. Sarah Gray


  Ken Green, President /Ken Green /Vice President of International Operations

  NO:Ken Green /Vice President of Unicom China

  YES: Ken Green /Vice President, Unicom China

  7、老外的名字有时有Jr. 或 Sr.,之前的逗点是随你喜欢的,以下都是正确,不要笑人: YES:Michael J. Smith, Jr. /Michael J. Smith Sr.

  8、用人家的名字总好过人家的头衔称呼. 如果没有名字,或者是很正规信的信件,可以考虑这些:

  Dear Committee Member:

  Dear Meeting Planner:

  Dear Colleagues: To All Sales Reps:

  To Whom It May Concern:

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Dear Madam or Sir:

  Dear Purchasing Agent:


  YES: Gentlemen or Ladies: Ladies or Gentlemen:


  YES:Dear Mr. Jones: (非常正规) Dear Joan:

  Dear Jim, Jim, (非正规)



  或者撰写业务信函更是如此。写完信后,一定要认真检查有无拼写、语法和标点符号的.误。当然Outlook Express等软件的'拼写检查'功能可以助你一臂之力。



  NO:He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment.

  YES:He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment.



  NO:MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样。




  1、 Very Formal非常正规的(例如给政府官员的)

  Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully,

  2、 Formal正规的(例如客户公司之间啦)

  Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Yours truly,

  3、 Less Formal不太正规的(例如客户)

  Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Cordially yours, Yours cordially, Cordially,


  Regards, Warm regards, With kindest regards, With my best regards, My best, Give my best to Mary, Fondly, Thanks, See you next week!

  有时在we, I, and you之间选择是很烦的事-- 如果是公司代表联络生意之类,可以用: We will reimburse you for these legal expenses. Sinopec will reimburse you for these legal expenses. 如果单纯说你自己,可以用: I found the brochure very informative. 有时可以一起用啦...: We are pleased to offer you the position of sales director, and I am looking forward to our Tuesday morning meeting.

  那么I和you呢?好烦好烦.一般来说,收信人的利益比较重要,名义上都要这样想.给人尊重的语气就一般不会错了. 多用you有时会有隔阂的感觉.

  You will be pleased to learn that you have been selected to serve on our advisory board. Your prompt response will be appreciated. (好像欠你一样)

  I am pleased that our board has selected you as the best qualified candidate to serve on our advisory board. I hope you’ll agree to serve. (这就友善多了)

  Your book was well written and comprehensive. (不用你来判断我呀~~)

  I thoroughly enjoyed your book and found an answer to every one of my questions about performance appraisals. (客气一点,人家受落)


  B、信尾客套话(Complimentary close)通常也很简明。常常只须一个词,如:'Thanks','Best','Cheers',不需要用一般信函中的'Sincerely yours'或'Best regards'。

  C、签名:不要把Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr.之类一起签,人家会笑你的... 签名也看信件的语气.给朋友或公司客户,签Bill也可以,给陌生人就最好用Gates或者Bill Gates啦.




  例子:Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment.

  应改为:Deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. (We我们是主语, 不是report。)


  例子:He decided not to audit the last ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起。


  例子: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings.

  应改为:The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract.


  例如:An authorized person must show that they have security clearance.


  1)This is one of the public-relations functions that is under budgeted.

  2)This is one of the public-relations functions, which are under budgeted.





  127 Ninth Avenue, North

  127 E. 15 Street

  5 Park Avenue

  One Wingren Plaza

  556 - 91 Street


  1、可读性:对象是大学程度的话,用高中的英文就行,不要以为人人都是语言大师,多用短句(15-20字吧), 技术性的字,就更加要简单易明.

  2、注意段落的开头.一般来说,重要或强调的事情都放在信件或段落的开头,而句子就放在最尾. 例如: (1).Because he was unable to attend the meeting personally, he forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape.(2).He forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape because he was unable to attend the meeting personally. 两者强调的事情就有分别了.

  3、轻重有分, 同等重要的用and来连接,较轻放在次要的句子里.

  4、意思转接词要留神. 例如: but (相反), therefore (结论), also (增添), for example (阐明).

英语作文 篇7

  A Singers Death

  October 18th, 20xx, a sad day to most fans, for their idol Luo Wen left them forever. It's really bad news to the HK music circles, as well as to me.

  Luo Wen, in my mind, was always strict with himself in his singing career. His early song were all vigorous and inspiring,partly for the special social environment at that time. Later, as the idol singers came up one after another, the old songs were not fit for the young fans, so he tried to change his style. And these years, he began to help some new singers to improve their skills. His songs were so influential that the HK Minister of Finance even used one to encourage all the citizens to work hard to gether and overcome the difficulty bravely.

  Unfortunately, about two years ago, the news that he got cancer flew into our ears. However, he still went on singing and teaching. He had been struggling with the disease until the last minute. As the newspapers reported, he didn't close his eyes when he died. Someone said it was because he had a wish unfulfilled. He had hoped to give the last performance in HK in September, but his illness prevented him from doing that. It may be the biggest regret in his life. It's also said that he only weighed 32 kilograms at the end of his life. You can't imagine how much he had suffered from the disease. But every time we saw him in public, he was wearing a smile.

  The next day, many newspapers reported his death and simultaneously praised him for his contribution to the HK music circles and his spirit of struggling against the disease. He set a good example for those young people who don't value their lives.





英语作文 篇8

  Since my parents bought me a computer for the purpose of my better study, but I fall in love with computer games recently, I will play very late. My mother finds it, she tells me that I should not stay up, or my body will be bad and my brain will be not clever. I am so shocked, I decide to sleep early and don’t stay up.