
时间:2022-03-26 13:00:00 作文 我要投稿




  空白是生命中的盲点。 我以对生命的热烈追求来庄严宣誓:我拒绝空白。 两千多年前孔子对人说过:“天生万物,唯人最贵。”

  Blank is the blind spot in life. I solemnly swear by the fervent pursuit of life: I refuse the blank. More than two thousand years ago, Confucius said to man, "all things are born, but man is the most expensive."

  我,生为人,出于对生命的尊重,我必须有奋发向上、刚健有为的人生态度和价值取向。 我崇拜孔子。他有“齐家治国平天下”的理想;他有“吾十五有志于学,三十而立,四十不惑,五十而知天命,六十耳顺,七十从心所欲,不逾矩”的宣言。 我崇拜孟子。他有“当今之世,舍我取谁”的豪情;他有“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身……”的坚毅。 人生在世,身为社会一员,就有责任为社会做贡献。我有义务做到“达则兼济天下”。 当在热烈的追求之中遇到艰苦的时候,我决不会接受空白,决不会落得个“穷则独善其身”。 我要将自己的'脊梁化为沙漠中坚挺着的胡杨,活着三百年不死,死了三百年不倒,倒了三百年不朽。 我拒绝空白。我拒绝庄子。拒绝他“终身不仕”,愿化归于自然。

  I, born as a human being, out of respect for life, I must have an aggressive, vigorous and promising life attitude and value orientation. I worship Confucius. He has the ideal of "governing the country with one family and balancing the world"; he has the Manifesto of "I am willing to learn in the 15th, stand in the 30th, do not be confused in the 40s, know the destiny in the 50s, be obedient in the 60s, do what I want in the 70s, do not exceed the moment". I adore Mencius. He has the pride of "in today's world, give up who I take"; he has the pride of "heaven will give a great responsibility to others, and he must first work hard, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, and lack his body..." Our perseverance. Living in the world, as a member of the society, we have the responsibility to contribute to the society. I have an obligation to "reach and help the world". When encountering difficulties in the ardent pursuit, I will never accept the blank, and I will never end up with a "poor is a good one". I will turn my back into a solid Populus euphratica in the desert. I will live for three hundred years, die for three hundred years, and fall for three hundred years. I refuse to leave blank. I refuse Chuang Tzu. He refused to be an official for life, and was willing to turn to nature.


  I refuse to leave blank. I refuse Tao Qian. Refuse to "return to the garden" and "return to nature".

  人生于社会,怎能逃避社会? 我决不会给生命留下一点空白。 我有理想,我愿尽我所能为人类社会注入前进的一丝力量。我愿做到“仁者爱人”、“仁者无不爱”、“泛爱众”的博爱。我愿如“长太息以掩泣兮,哀民生之多艰”的屈平;我愿如“凭轩涕细流”,“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山”的杜子美;我愿如“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的范仲淹;我愿如“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”的林则徐。所以我拒绝空白,拒绝“穷则独善其身”。 我有毅力,有孟子“苦其心志,劳其筋骨”的坚毅,有“任尔东西南北风”的坚强,有“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的坚持,有沙漠中胡杨的坚韧。

  Life in society, how to escape society? I will never leave a blank in my life. I have ideals, I would like to do what I can to inject a little power into the human society. I would like to achieve the fraternity of "benevolent love", "benevolent love all" and "universal love for all". I'd like to be like Qu Ping, who "mourns the hardships of the people's livelihood with a long rest"; I'd like to be like Du Zimei, who "lives in a vast building with a small stream of tears", "shelters the world's poor people with a happy face, and is restless in the wind and rain like a mountain"; I'd like to be like Fan Zhongyan, who "worries about the world first, but is happy about the world later"; I'd like to be like Lin Zexu, who "benefits the country's life and death, but doesn't avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings". So I refuse to be blank, and refuse to "be poor and be good". I have perseverance. I have the perseverance of Mencius in "painstaking efforts and hard work". I have the tenacity of "Ren Er East, West, North and south wind". I have the persistence of "the road is long and the road is long. I will go up and down to seek". I have the tenacity of Populus euphratica in the desert.


  I, want to use my ideal and perseverance, to refuse the blank, to pursue my warm life.



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