
时间:2022-11-28 21:40:58 作文写作 我要投稿
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  All over the sky, there are many shining and dazzling stars - but I am not one of them. The vast sea, the crystal clear spray have many - but I am not one of them. There are countless tall trees in the dense forest - but I am not one of them.


  Yes, I am ordinary, no dazzling glory, no tall body, no enviable qualification. However, I have full of blood, endless enthusiasm. I am ordinary, but I am not mediocre, the value of life will not be realized because of my ordinary and ordinary.


  Each of us has a different position in life. In different positions, we play various roles in life. The stage of life gives us every chance to realize our dreams and values. Our life position is not the judge that ultimately determines our life destiny. The realization of our life value depends on our correct attitude towards life. No matter our role on the stage of life, we all have the right to bloom in our position, and we all have the hope to become new heroes of others.


  The value of life is like a flowing river. We stand by the river and have different positions. The river flows in front of us. Whether we can drink water depends on our position, but whether we dare to take a step forward to fight for the source of life in front of us. No matter how superior you are, no matter how favorable conditions you have, success will always be a passer-by in front of your door, and will never belong to you.


  Life is fair. It gives everyone different advantages. It's rare to be an invincible person in life. It's even more impossible to live a life without any effort. The real value of life lies in innovation. No matter our position in life is ordinary or superior, whether we are born ugly duckling or beautiful swan, as long as we dare to fight, as long as we dare to challenge life, and use our own hands to create a world, we can become the patron of the lucky goddess and get our due return.


  Ordinary screws look small, but their value can not be ignored. Without it, the ten thousand ton ship would sink to the bottom of the sea; without it, the tall buildings would collapse. Ordinary does not mean worthlessness, ordinary does not mean inaction.


  Each and every thing of us can have a place of our own. Let's open up in our own positions, let's realize our dreams in our own positions, and use our hands to create our glorious life value.



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