My Sister

时间:2024-06-09 13:46:59 英语作文 我要投稿

My Sister

  My sister's name is Mary, and my sister is 3 years old. She, a small, square face, a pair of black and bright little eyes, smiled a little smaller, light eyebrows like weeds on the barren hills, a long mess. Fortunately, there is a small nose and a small mouth like a grape.

  She is most interested in singing and dancing, she love singing "Pug", singing and dancing, very cute. She loves to dance, the dance "Love Peacock Dance", a small hand gesture into the peacock look so cute.

  She did not cry, very strong, their own things like to do, like a small adult.

  我的妹妹叫央金,过几天妹妹就3岁了。她,小小个子、四方脸、一双又黑又亮的小眼睛 ,笑起来更小了、淡淡眉毛就像荒山上的野草,长的乱七八糟。好在,有一个小巧玲珑的鼻子和一张葡萄似的小嘴。



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