how to learn Chinese well作文

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how to learn Chinese well作文(精选6篇)

  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的how to learn Chinese well作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

how to learn Chinese well作文(精选6篇)

  how to learn Chinese well作文 1

  If you want to learn Chinese, you can join Chinese class. There, you can communicate with teachers more, watch Chinese TV, read Chinese books, newspapers, magazines, etc., which can effectively improve your Chinese level. In addition, you can also hear and sing language songs like sweat, which is conducive to the accumulation of Chinese vocabulary.

  It is important to make Chinese friends so that you can practice English Language can understand China.

  how to learn Chinese well作文 2

  Learning Chinese just like learning other language, is hard work so if the foreigners wants to learn Chinese well theyd better spend lots of time on it every day and take every opportunity to practice using Chinese.

  If they take Chinese course, they should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and reciting them.

  Whats more,If they can, theyd better listen to Chinese programs and read Chinese magazines and books. I am sure if they study hard and have good ways of learning Chinese, they will learn it very well.

  how to learn Chinese well作文 3

  The Number of Overseas Chinese Learners Increases

  The above chart illustrates that more and more foreigners are learning Chinese in recent years. In 2001,there were 5 million Chinese Learners all over the world; then the figure grew continually and soared to 40 million in 2013,8 times as large as the number of 12 years ago.

  There are three main reasons contrbuting to the Chinese learning fever. Firstly, with the deepening of Chinas reform and opening-up,more foreigners would like to invest in China, do business with Chinese prople and travel around China. And these can be done better by communication in Chinese. In addition, Chinese traditional culture is generally accepted by the world in the post-industrial age. Learning Chinese is an indispensable way to have a better understanding of Chinese distinct culture and long history. Whats more, Chinas robust development of economy also attracts more and more foreigners to China in anticipation of landing a job.

  In my opinion,it is a natural phenomenon for people to learn another language with the aim of deepening international understanding. It can be predicited that with the continous development of China, the Chinese learing fever will keep booming.

  how to learn Chinese well作文 4

  my mother language is Chinese.and my major in i share some of methods of how to learn chinese.this article is for the person who has learn Chinese for short time or some foreigners who is poor in Chinese.i point out three key method :interest,input,practice.

  first,interest is the best teacher.if you want to be good at Chinese,you must bring up your interest of learning Chinese.interest can help you fight against whit dull.find something you like to do.for like to watch TVso you can watch some Chinese TV with your mother language caption.if you like to chatting ,you can using Chinese to chatting with Chinese throughth internet,or by other ways. must insist on input,no you must learn some chinese character or phrase every somedays.after studying,it is better to use the character you have learn to write some chinese article ,or chatting wiht you can not forget the character or phrase. do not stop learn for long,and learn continue to learn .if so,it almost impossible for you to be good at Chinese.but i advise you that not to learn too more by one time of learning Chinese.if so ,you may be feel dull.and then stop to learn Chinese. not afraid to make not afraid make not be too care with grammar.if you are too care with the grammar ,it will be too do practice everytime ervrywhere you want to practise chinese.remember that if you want to be good at chinese ,you must do more pratice.the last.creat a chinese we know.the best way to learn chinese is to creat a chinese environment.because it has more pritise chance,less dull,and you can remember what you study for long times,may be all your many foreigners come to china for studying.but if you can not come to china ,you can use the internet ,or some other ways.i hope that you can use the methods to learn you can make greate progress by using less time.thank you for you reading.

  how to learn Chinese well作文 5

  In China, a lot of students are complaining about the difficulty to master English. They know how important English is, but they just feel hard to learn it. However for many foreingers, when they start to learn Chinese, some even speak it very well. To conquer Chinese has been the popular slogan for them.

  As Chinese economy develops so fast, the foreigners have realized the trend, so mastering Chinese is the best way to seek for cooperation. Even though it has been admitted that Chinese is the most difficulty language to learn, still a lot of foreigners make up their minds and learn it well.

  As the saying that there is will, there is a way. So when we are complaining about the difficulty to learn second language, just thinking about the foreigners how to learn Chinese.

  how to learn Chinese well作文 6

  Chinese language is difficult to learn it, because inside there are a lot of Chinese characters, a lot of meaning and sometimes the pronunciation of each character are not the same. In fact, if there is a good environment for learning Chinese more than a way to help us resolve the difficulties in learning Chinese. The first approach is often watching TV, you can select many programs, such as: news, movies, TV shows, sports, life, cartoon (animation) something. Watch movies and TV shows can usually know how to speak the adults, you can also learn new words.

  If you encounter a new word, I can watch TV while watching the dictionary, so you can also learn a lot of new words. Even if one can not remember, look much can remember. The second way is the text recording lectures, repeat play the recording. There are many ways to learn Chinese, there are many opportunities in life to see characters, at the bus stop or subway station you can see the stop sign, when to go to the restaurant can look at the menu to see if he can not read, can not understand what it meant .

  Also with the Chinese people is a good way to make friends, you can chatting, texting or something. There are many ways you can help us to learn Chinese, but the most important is certainly rely on themselves, if they do not work hard no solution.

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