
时间:2024-05-22 11:49:59 英语作文 我要投稿




  一堂难忘的课英语作文 1

  A few days ago, we began to learn a new textbook, cloud and mist of Lushan Mountain is the most unforgettable lesson for me.

  In class, Mr. Ge showed us a lot of pictures about Lushan Mountain with a projector. There are charming clouds, steep mountains, and waterfalls that flow for thousands of miles... This let us know more about the beautiful Lushan Mountain and inspired my infinite yearning for Lushan Mountain. After that, Mr. Ge also told us a lot of poems about Lushan Mountain, such as Li Bais watching Lushan waterfall. It turns out that Lushan Mountain is so famous in ancient times. Later, we also learned some new words and gained a lot.



  一堂难忘的课英语作文 2


  Time flies, the sun and the moon fly. Six years of primary school students are coming to an end. In these six years of primary school life, I have attended many classes, including math classes that make people open their minds; There are boring science classes, and what I will never forget is physical education class.


  Ding Rinrin! Ding Rinrin As the bell rang, everyone ran to the playground to line up and started running. After running three laps, the old teacher asked us to jump 150 skipping ropes, and then we were dismissed. For us, physical education class is our most relaxing class, and sometimes the teacher will chat with us.


  Unconsciously, the bell rang, and we reluctantly bid farewell to this class!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 3


  My most unforgettable lesson is an extracurricular class in the sixth grade of primary school. That day, Teacher Zhang came into our sight with that loving smile. Teacher Zhang told us that today we had an extracurricular class. Teacher Zhang told us to put a rope with a small ball in a glass bottle!


  The teacher said that everyone was divided into groups, with five people in each group, to see which group could take out the thread tied with the ball fastest. At this time, we were all ready to pull out the thread. When Teacher Zhang gave the order, we all pulled out the thread together. At this time, the thread got stuck and we couldnt pull it out. Teacher Zhang smiled loudly and said, Why are you all stuck in the bottle mouth? We looked down! It turned out that we pulled the thread out at the same time! The ball is stuck! The teacher said! I came, and the teacher whispered to us: wait, Ill pull first! If you pull again, I will pull one by one. When the teacher finishes pulling, I will pull, one by one, and all the threads will be pulled out soon. The teacher said that this is to unite.


  This is what the teacher said about the power of unity. You dont have the spirit of unity, just like this ball is stuck. If we are United as we are, we can pull the ball out quickly!


  This is my most unforgettable lesson!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 4


  Last night, my mother and I went to the music theory class happily. When I got to the classroom, the sky suddenly darkened. "Hoo-hoo", "Hoo-hoo", Miss Feng blew in, as if to say to us, "You should hide at home quickly! It is going to rain soon! " Sure enough, dark clouds filled the sky, and the rain began to fall. The rain was getting worse and worse, and it changed from light rain to heavy rain.


  Mosquitoes outside the window hid in our classroom in fear. Suddenly, the classroom was full of flying mosquitoes. A classmate said, "Come on! Lets get rid of mosquitoes together! " All the other students responded immediately and turned into a mosquito contest. Some students patted the wall, some patted the table, and some patted themselves. Many mosquitoes died at the hands of their classmates. But some of them have not been photographed, because they are flying under the lights and flying around like small helicopters. At this time, the teacher brought toilet water and mosquito-repellent incense, so that mosquitoes would not bite us. The mosquitoes flying on it smelled the smell of mosquito-repellent incense, slowly stopped flying and fell to the ground. In a short time, all the mosquitoes in the classroom were eliminated.


  This is really an unforgettable lesson!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 5


  I have the most unforgettable lesson every day, and of course today is not an accident.


  The most unforgettable lesson for me today is todays extracurricular activities.


  At the beginning of extracurricular activities, we first went to the gathering place to gather. After the gathering, we began to do preparatory activities. After that, we started skipping rope. Skipping rope is the most unforgettable time for me. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Weiyi Wang and I started skipping rope.


  At the beginning, I jumped the rope between them. When I was jumping happily, Xiao Zhang deliberately found something wrong. I stopped jumping rope, and then Xiao Zhang began to jump. I wanted to teach him a lesson this time, but I didnt expect that when I threw the rope, he stood there with his hands on his head, because he knew I would find another job for him, so he simply stopped jumping. It really made Xiao Wang and I laugh. After he jumped, Xiao Wang should jump.


  In this way, I went back and forth to class, and I relished the fun of skipping rope.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 6


  This is an unforgettable lesson, which will make you laugh. Come and have a look if you want to know!


  Today, lets draw lots to decide each role. The funniest thing is that "Snow White" was actually won by a boy. I won the "Queen". I intend to give him a red apple and "poison" him.


  The performance has begun. In my mind, the environment in the story is simply terrible, but in such an environment as Ben, I dont feel terrible, but I feel very funny, because you wouldnt think that when Snow White fainted in bed, he, he actually hid his face, so we gave him a nickname-"Snow Boar". Seeing him in distress situation, we laughed again.


  At the end of the performance, the princess and the prince were going to get married. When they were holding hands, the prince ran away. Think how ugly this princess should be! The prince ran away from marriage, and the princess was too miserable!


  Todays class is really fun and interesting, and it is also an unforgettable lesson for me!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 7


  In my mind, there is an unforgettable and vivid lesson.


  I remember when I was in the third grade. At that time, I just transferred to this beautiful school. When I first started learning English, I found it difficult and didnt want to learn it. But there was a class that made me regain my confidence and study English seriously. Its time for class. This is a moral and social class. The teacher walks into our neat and spacious classroom with a bright smile and a book in his hand. The teacher began to lecture. She taught a new lesson today, entitled "Learn to challenge difficulties". The teacher made up a story about many students courage in spite of difficulties and told it to us seriously. I was very moved by this. After class, I have a good memory of the difficulties I encountered in English. I think I did something wrong. I should not give in to the difficulties, but go forward and beat them. Finally, through my efforts, I finally defeated the difficulties. Although this class has passed for a long time, I was deeply impressed by the stories told by the teacher that were not afraid of difficulties and went forward bravely. Let me learn to meet difficulties, to beat them and go forward bravely.


  This is an unforgettable lesson for me.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 8


  At noon today, the teacher asked twenty students to take part in the activities of Little Green Superman in Pizza Hut. My mood is really ever-changing, from joy to emotion, and from emotion to happiness.


  I am happy because I can take part in this activity. Before, I hated windy days, but through this class, I know that wind is also a kind of green energy, and people can use it to generate electricity. What moved me was that most of the young cadres in our class gave up their opportunities and gave them to us. I was very moved.


  After attending the activity, wearing a doctors hat and holding a gift, we rushed into the classroom and showed our gifts to our classmates. But I saw that the students who didnt go were a little depressed. At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of bang, bang, bang, bang. Originally, those students who didnt go were reminding us not to show off our gifts. At this time, Mr. Sun smiled and said that the students gave you the opportunity, so you should know how to repay them and share your gifts with them. Suddenly, the class was full of excitement. I picked up the windmill, ran quickly to Huang Biting, and gave her the present. I felt happy in an instant.


  This is really an unforgettable lesson. When others give you an opportunity, you should know how to repay it.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 9


  Last week, the fifth-grade students in our school and the fourth and fifth-grade students in Tuanjie Street took part in the comprehensive practice class. In practice class, we learned a lot of interesting and wonderful knowledge. Among them, the most unforgettable thing is the bookmarking course of vein specimens.


  That day, after the bell rang, we quickly went downstairs to gather, and after a simple line-up and activity, we came to the handicraft garden. Instructor Lu took us into the classroom, and the instructor who gave the lecture told us some knowledge about the specimens and the detailed method of making bookmarks for vein specimens, and then let us make bookmarks for vein specimens in pairs.


  After receiving the treated leaves, my classmates and I started to make bookmarks for vein specimens. We carefully brushed the leaves with an old toothbrush according to the method taught by the instructor, so as to brush off its mesophyll and leave the veins.


  After a long time, after our hard work, it was finally brushed, and then we washed it with clean water, ah! Its so beautiful, its as thin as cicada wings, as transparent and as beautiful. Its really wonderful! Through this lesson, I feel the magic of science and the pleasure of unity and cooperation, so this lesson is my most unforgettable.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 10


  After class, the teacher came into the classroom with a smile and said, "Students, today we are going to play pass the parcels game." After listening to this, everyone was overjoyed.


  The teacher began to introduce us to the rules of the game: first, the teacher beat the drum, and when he heard the drum sound, the students began to pass flowers, and then the drum stopped. Whoever passed the flowers had to perform on stage to see who performed the most wonderful program.


  With the sweet drums, the game began. Flowers pass through the palms of students like airplanes. Seeing that the flowers are coming to me, my heart is pounding and I am sweating. My eyes have been fixed on that flower, and I dare not relax. Suddenly, the drums stopped suddenly, and the flowers landed on the desk of the classmate in front of me. I was relieved. The classmate timidly stepped onto the platform and danced nervously. I carefully observed her dancing and demeanor, and thought to myself, "Wow, she is really amazing!" "Knock, knock ..." The drums sounded again, the students continued to play games, and the classroom was full of joy ...


  Finally, we ended todays composition class with laughter. pass the parcels game is really fun!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 11


  On weekends, my parents took me to the Crazy Science Hall to participate in activities. Its my first time to go there, and Ive broadened my horizons since I got there. The environment there is very good, with bookshelves, classrooms, toys, display stands, sofas for parents to rest and so on ...

  首先,我们被芒果老师和草莓老师带进了教室,那个教室很宽敞,墙上画着侏罗纪时代的火山爆发,非常的逼真。然后我看到了大大的科学桌上摆满了各式各样的道具。我们分别做到了座位上,听老师 给我们变科学魔术。第一个变的是冒烟的火山,第二个是会喷岩浆的火山,第三个是我们小朋友分组合作的冰淇淋火山。从这些魔术中我学到了什么叫化学反应,什么叫液体,还认识了爱臭美的镁元素 。

  First of all, we were taken into the classroom by Mr. Mango and Mr. Strawberry. The classroom was very spacious, and the wall was painted with Jurassic volcanic eruption, which was very realistic. Then I saw the big science table filled with all kinds of props. We did it separately in our seats and listened to the teacher do scientific magic for us. The first one is a smoking volcano, the second one is a volcano that spews magma, and the third one is an ice cream volcano that our children cooperate in groups. From these magic tricks, I learned what is chemical reaction and liquid, and I also learned about magnesium, which loves to boast.


  Secondly, the teacher took us to the laboratory to make crystal plasticine. Put the three chemicals together to produce a chemical reaction, and then stir them repeatedly with a stirring rod. I was so tired that my hands were numb. Finally, Teacher Jia Jia helped me and finally made crystal plasticine.


  Finally, I reluctantly left the activity group. Todays lesson is really hard to forget!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 12


  The most unforgettable lesson for me was physical education class, who played football with his teacher. When the teacher let me have free activities, some friends and I invited the teacher to play football together. The teacher agreed and we started playing football.


  Several people in our team are full of energy, and they have the feeling that they have to win. The other pair is the same as us.


  We started to kick, I was Qian Feng, my teammates ran in front of me, and I kicked hard with my feet. Ah! The strength passed, and the teammates not only failed to take the move, but also the ball was out of bounds. Xiaorui knew that he couldnt kick it to me again. He kicked it at the teacher, and the teacher ran with the ball. Our enemy tried to hold the ball but couldnt stop it. The ball came to me from under the Xiaoxuan, and I took advantage of them not to pay attention. A big foot ball entered! Its in I cheered and hugged my teammates. In the second game, we served first. I passed the ball to the teacher. Because the teacher was surrounded by a group of people, the ball was taken away by the enemy. Seeing that they were going to win, Xiaojia spread the ball directly, but there was no goal. We continued to kick. I saw that many people were stunned by it. The ball was directly kicked out of bounds, and the teacher kicked it back. When the teacher kicked it, he wanted to win directly, but he didnt kick it, so the class was over.


  This is the most unforgettable lesson for me.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 13


  Since the third grade, we have added several courses, one of which is science. I like science after the first class.


  As soon as the first book was handed out, I opened the science book with curiosity. The contents in the book were wonderful, and the experiments inside fascinated me even more. It attracts me and keeps me exploring. Curiosity is one of the reasons why I fall in love with science class. In class, the teacher will ask many scientific questions that we dont understand, which makes us puzzled. The teacher always keeps us guessing, and we dont start doing experiments until we are about to give up.


  In the sixth grade, the universe unit made my curiosity even greater. At first, the teacher talked about satellites, and I didnt know what it was, so I kept asking. When it comes to the Milky Way, I know that there are 2 billion stars in the solar system like the sun, which slowly solves the mystery in my heart. However, I am thinking, will there be new life? Will life in the future be no longer the present human beings?


  I love science class. It takes me to explore and drives me to question and solve doubts. I love science class very much.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 14


  I had the first Chinese class this week today.


  When checking homework, the teacher asked those who didnt watch the micro class to stand up. I stood up, because I have to take a micro-class on my mobile phone when I come after the holiday. Dad happened to have something to drive out, and dad said he would give it later. I was in a hurry and wanted to go to my mothers house as soon as possible, so I went directly to my mothers house. I was going to come back after school. At that time, the school bus was urging me. I opened QQ and saw that my account had expired. My father said that I would check the whole account next time, so I didnt write it. I thought so in my mind, but I was afraid to say it when I said it. I stammered, "The account has expired."


  The teacher said to do things well. The last time the teachers QQ number was stolen, he didnt do anything for half a day, so he found the QQ number. The teacher misunderstood me, but on second thought, its actually a little right. Why didnt you wait for that moment when you got home? We should work hard now, and it will be too late to regret not being admitted to junior high school when we reach the sixth grade, because there is no second college entrance examination. So if we dont work hard now, when we grow up, we will only be garbage collectors and street sweepers.


  This class makes me unforgettable. Let me remember to finish my homework.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 15


  Among many unforgettable things, the most unforgettable thing for me is the first class at school.


  On the first day of school, the teacher came into the classroom with a stack of textbooks. After putting the book on the podium, the teacher said, "Students, there is some damage on the back of a book here. I think everyone definitely doesnt want to break the book. Who do you think this book should be given to?" No sooner had the teacher finished than the students scrambled to answer. The teacher called my name, and I didnt hesitate for a second, saying, "If you throw the textbook into the air, it will belong to whoever goes there." The teacher shook his head in a subtle way. Then the teacher asked Zheng to answer. Zheng said, "Give me that book." After that, the teacher nodded thoughtfully and said, "This is the answer the teacher wants." In an instant, applause rang in the classroom. I was too shy to look up and think, "Why didnt I come up with such an answer?" But in fact, I really dont want to take the broken book. From today on, I will learn to yield to others like her, and have the spirit of integrity.


  There are many unforgettable things, but the unique thing has benefited me a lot, and this lesson is unforgettable.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 16


  On Saturday, I came to the little orange lamp class. The teacher said, "Lets play an interesting game. The name of this game is to draw a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand. "


  At first, the teacher asked us to draw circles and squares with our right hands. I immediately picked up a pen and drew "shua shua". In a short time, the circles and squares were all drawn. Looking at my own work, I feel flattered. At this time, the teacher said: "Next, lets have a more exciting painting. Draw circles with your left hand and squares with your right hand. "


  Everyone replied in unison: "No problem." So, I cant wait to pick up the strokes again. Oh, its really hard to go to heaven. My hands dont listen to me at all. At last, the circle turned into an apple, and a handle was added to the apple. However, the square was painted as a bumpy little potato by me. The teacher burst out laughing, and I couldnt help laughing.


  This is really an unforgettable composition class. Through this incident, I also understand that one heart cant be used for two purposes.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 17


  In the morning, the math teacher came in with a pile of test papers. Walking to the podium and looking at us with stern and serious eyes, my mood became tense.


  The teacher spoke: "This unit test was very poor, with an average score of less than 90." After that, the teacher looked at me with stern eyes, and I couldnt help shivering.


  After the test paper was handed out, I looked at my test paper and lowered my head, tears in my eyes were spinning-I actually got the worst test this time-82 points. I cant imagine that I lowered the average score of the class! The teacher said, "Xiaoyuan, you did badly in the exam this time, and your calculation is not up to standard." After accepting the criticism, the teacher asked me to go to the office after class. I thought to myself: Does the teacher want to talk to me alone or criticize me severely again?


  After class, I came to the office with a nervous mood. The teacher said to me, "You should study hard, if you cant, you should ask. After class, you can ask your classmates or your teacher. You cant help but scribble." After that, the teacher pointed to my wrong topic, looked up, looked at me, and looked down to help me analyze the reasons for the wrong topic.


  This is my most unforgettable lesson. If you cant, you have to ask. The grades are not important, but the correct learning attitude is the most important.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 18


  Among the classes you have attended, everyone will have their most unforgettable lesson, and I am no exception.


  My most unforgettable class is the special class.


  My special class is a broadcast host. I remember one class, the teacher hasnt come yet, so we had to wait here. Suddenly, a teacher who we didnt know came in. As soon as she came in, she was very serious. We were talking loudly, and suddenly only heard the sound of a landslide. None of us dared to speak, as if she could roar like a lion. After she shouted, she showed a kind smile. She introduced herself. Her name was: Her voice is so loud, so sharp, like the voice of a wolf. We are all immersed in her voice. He handed us the manuscript and we cooperated very well. After this class, I feel that I have made progress, so I call it an unforgettable class.


  What an unforgettable lesson this is! It really makes me linger.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 19

  那天 ,我步入了中学的殿堂 ,何其有幸 。我的语文老师竟是问老师。

  That day, I stepped into the middle school hall, how lucky I was. My Chinese teacher actually asked the teacher.


  The first class was Chinese, only to see a male teacher come in. He has thick ear-length black hair. A pair of intense eyes are staring at us, and the thick eyebrows are in a line, which is very lively. Open your mouth and speak fluent language. He is also very humorous, so we like this teacher from the bottom of our hearts.


  I remember that Chinese class was about walking, because his explanation made the fields and maternal love in the text more beautiful. Everyone is not listening carefully. Suddenly the teacher called my deskmate and read the text aloud. She read aloud not only in a low voice but also in typos, and the teacher listened with a frown. We listened, a little embarrassed. Then he asked us to read them one by one.


  His brow furrowed, and his deep smile disappeared. My heart was pounding, and he called several boys to the front and criticized them. Then he looked at me, and I just felt extremely embarrassed. At that time, I secretly made a determined effort: I must learn well! As a teacher, he may not have thought of it here. And I, indeed, urged myself at that time: learn everything well.


  Ah! This is my first Chinese lesson in middle school, which makes me more enterprising and more confident.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 20


  Every class in Yinghua Garden is of great significance! Everyone also has an unforgettable lesson.


  My most unforgettable lesson is a lesson reviewing near the final exam. At that time, we only used to go to the toilet during recess, and we didnt waste seconds. In the dormitory, in the dining room, during recess and when standing in line, we all recited three words! Back! Back!


  When class started, the bell suddenly rang! The teacher will dictate new words to us! We have prepared a Chinese book, and every student is full of confidence! The teacher read me new words one by one, but several students were wrong. The teacher was very angry. "I forgot all the new words I said before, and now I am wrong!" " Then the teacher picked up the long stick! The students looked at it, showing poor expressions, and no one wanted to be beaten! But I only heard bang! Bang! Bang! We were wrong. These hands are hurting! I always feel that the teacher is too strict in my heart! Then I thought about it carefully, right! The book says: strict teachers make excellent students! The teacher is also thinking of us! In the end, I was only beaten four times! It really hurts, but the teacher also said that she loves us! We are getting better and better!


  "A strict teacher makes a noble apprentice!" I will definitely cooperate with the teacher in the future and not let the teacher worry! This is really an unforgettable lesson!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 21


  My most unforgettable lesson is an extracurricular class in the sixth grade of primary school. That day, Teacher Zhang came into our sight with a loving smile. Teacher Zhang told us that there was an extracurricular class today. Teacher Zhang asked us to take a rope with a ball and put it in a glass bottle!


  The teacher said that everyone should divide into groups, with five people in each group, to see which group can take out the thread tied with the ball as soon as possible. At this moment, we are all ready to start spinning. Under the command of teacher Zhang, we pull out the wires together. At this moment, the thread is stuck and we cant pull it out. Teacher Zhang laughed loudly and said, Why are you all stuck in the bottle? Lets look down! It turns out that we unplugged at the same time! The ball is stuck! The teacher said! I came, and the teacher whispered to us: Wait, Ill pull first! If you pull again, Ill pull one by one. When the teacher finished pulling, I pulled one by one, and soon all the lines were pulled out. The teacher said it was unity.


  This is what the teacher said about the power of unity. You have no spirit of unity, and you are stuck like this ball. If we unite as we do, we can pull the ball out quickly!


  This is my most unforgettable lesson!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 22


  The teacher stands on the three-foot platform every day, imparting knowledge to us. In every class, we are nourished by the sweet spring and absorbing nutrition. Different classes have different experiences, different classes have different experiences, and different classes have different gains. But that class was taught by students on the podium, which made me unforgettable.


  In that class, Mr. Liu asked us to stand on the podium and show the courseware of "Long March of the Red Army" we made. I am nervous and excited. Because I have never stood on the podium and talked to the whole class before. Its my turn. Im standing on the podium, thinking Ive got a little rabbit in my heart, banging and jumping. I am afraid that I will make mistakes, which leads to ridicule from my classmates.


  But I found that my classmates were listening carefully, which inspired me. So, I looked up and read the touching story of the Red Armys Long March with a clear and loud voice. Although this performance is still not as good as other students, it has helped me find confidence. Compared with the original timid and introverted me, I have taken a big step forward, which is great.


  I will never forget that class, which made me become confident from timidity, and made me understand that we should face life with confidence, and confidence is the courage to overcome setbacks.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 23


  This morning, the first class was science. Before class, the teacher asked us to fiddle with the materials, and then let us get the water into the basin. After we finished, the teacher asked us to sit down.


  The class began. Several leaders came to attend the class. The teacher turned on the computer and then began to give us lectures. The teacher asked us to start taking plasticine. The teacher asked us to think about how to make plasticine float on it. The teacher asked us to start work, but we only succeeded once, and I began to knead the bowl shape. Then I put it in the water and it floated up. I put it in the bottle cap and it floated up. But it didnt float up long before it sank. The leader next to it said not to let it accumulate a lot of water, otherwise it would definitely sink. Later, the teacher sent the submarine to four groups, but unfortunately it was not sent to our group. We found that when there was no water in the bottle, it would float up, but when there was water, it would sink.


  In this science lesson, I found out why submarines can float on the water and sink under the water. This is my most unforgettable science class, and I hope that all future science classes will be as unforgettable as this one!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 24


  I remember it was the next semester of my first grade, and it was an unforgettable music class.


  Our music teacher is a beautiful little girl. She is very kind to us, and her classmates especially like her music class.


  The music class began. First, the teacher sang us some childrens songs. Just as we were listening with relish. The teacher said, "Now, I want to invite my classmates to sing a childrens song.". I was afraid that the teacher would invite me, but the teacher invited me anyway. I was particularly nervous in my heart, and the teacher also saw it and said to me gently, "Dont be afraid, I believe you can do it!" " Encouraged by my teacher and applauded by my classmates, I got up the courage to come to the stage.


  I will sing a childrens song "Kojiro" for you. In the process of singing, I forgot all my nervousness and fear long ago. When I finished singing, my teachers and classmates gave me warm applause again. The teacher also said to me, "You sing really well!" After listening to the teachers praise, I was very happy. Since then, I have fallen in love with music and singing. I also like to raise my hand to answer questions in other classes, and I am not as nervous and afraid as before. Great progress has been made in academic performance.


  What an unforgettable music lesson this is!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 25


  Every day, every class, is unforgettable! But the most unforgettable lesson for me is ...


  We finished three classes! Its time for Chinese class! In Chinese class, we will check our homework first, and then the group leader will report the homework! Then the teacher will check one by one! Check the mind map first, then check the diary, and finally check a micro-lesson!


  Micro-class is a must-have for our class during every big weeks holiday, that is, Romance of the Three Kingdoms. If you send us the topic of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, let us do it, but after checking, 35 people did it, but 7 people didnt. The teacher is very angry! He asked, "Who didnt do his homework? "Get up" showed four people first, three people were short, and the teacher named them: Xiao Qi, ... Xiao Chan ... and then found out the remaining three people! The teacher criticized seven of them! There are still a few people looking for reasons, and the teacher severely criticized them! The teacher began to reason with us. As I talked, I understood a truth: "Dont cheat the teacher just to do a problem! We must do the questions seriously in order to gain knowledge! "


  This is really an unforgettable lesson!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 26


  Maybe you think that class is about sitting in the classroom of the school and listening to the teacher. Then you are wrong, life is full of classrooms!


  Once, my parents and I went to Wutong Mountain to climb the mountain, and my father took out a bag of melon seeds from my schoolbag for me to eat. As I walked, I ate, and the finished melon seeds were thrown on the ground. I suddenly heard someone following us, and I didnt care at all. After walking for ten or twenty minutes, he was still following us. I said to my father, "Dad, someone has been following us for a long time." But my father ignored me, so I turned around and saw an old man in uniform.


  Grandpa was sweeping the melon seeds I just ate with a broom, and my face suddenly turned into a "red apple". I immediately ran to grandpa and said, "Sorry, grandpa, I lost so many melon seeds. Why dont I clean them?" Grandpa waved his hand and kindly said to me, "son, you go. Its a good boy to know your mistakes and correct them." Besides, this is my job, how can I let you do it? " I thought to myself: I have walked so far, and my grandfather has followed us to sweep such a long road. Not only is he not angry, but he is also very kind. I will never litter again.


  You see, isnt this a lesson that I will never forget? I think there are classes everywhere in life.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 27


  This semester is coming to an end. In this semester, we have experienced many things and learned a lot of knowledge. In every lesson of learning knowledge, the most unforgettable one is the oral communication class.


  When we were in the fourth year of the Academy, we met whether it was beneficial to open books or not. The students are arguing fiercely below, and you wont let me and I wont let you. The teacher said: this lesson is to discuss whether this open book is beneficial or not. The teacher divided the two sides into two teams and began a contest. Im in favor of opening books, because there are a lot of bad novels and books now. There are many bad books. But I dont know why they support the benefits of opening books. Maybe its because they firmly believe in the benefits of opening books.


  The two teams competed brilliantly, and neither team allowed the other. Someone was persuaded by the players of another team, and this team got another one and pushed them down again. Two couples talk and talk like this. In the end, our team won. Later, the teacher said that both statements are correct, that is, opening books may not be beneficial or more appropriate. The students were very excited in this class, and they kept telling the students on the podium that I have it here, and here it is. Look, this is it. Get it.


  This is really an unforgettable oral communication class!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 28


  That was a long time ago. Presumably, everyone who knows me knows that I am a quiet person in the world. It seems to be in harmony with the world. Because of this, I havent made up my mind properly. But all the returns ended in failure. Because of this, I have suffered a lot.

  上六年级第一学期时,有一天,我们是学习故事吧。同学们真一个个回答着问题,无奈我没有勇气提一个问题,静静地坐在那,一言不发。猛地,郭老师把我叫立起来。让我回答问题。顿时,我觉得心 头一热,变得哑口无言,痴痴地站在那,低着头,一句也说不出来。

  One day, in the first semester of the sixth grade, we were learning stories. The students really answered the questions one by one, but I didnt have the courage to ask a question and sat there quietly without saying a word. Suddenly, Miss Guo called me to my feet. Let me answer the question. Suddenly, I felt a hot heart and became speechless. I stood there with my head down and couldnt say a word.

  时间越来越长,我的'两条腿不由得难受起来,我始终都低着头,也没看一眼黑板,自己只注意书本那豆大的字,黑黑的,有秩序的排列着。说实话,自从站起来,我真的没好好的听课,只望着书本在那 发呆。

  As time went on, my legs felt uncomfortable. I kept my head down and didnt look at the blackboard. I only paid attention to the bean-sized words in the book, which were arranged in an orderly way. To tell the truth, since I stood up, I really didnt listen to the class well, just looking at the book in a daze.


  It was easy to get to class, and I sat in my seat, still looking speechless. I didnt join the fun until my classmates called me.


  This is a lesson left in my heart. This lesson made me realize in my life that not answering questions will bring you unexpected results. In addition, let me know the different feelings and regrets when standing in class!

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 29


  Primary school students have seven or eight classes every day, but my favorite is school-based classes on Wednesday and Thursday. There are many projects in the school, such as chorus, Chinese painting, calligraphy, painting and so on. My school-based course is Rubiks Cube.


  Rubiks cube is taught by teacher Lin. Miss Lin has short hair and wears a pair of glasses. She is tall and gentle. The first class left a deep impression on me.


  In the first class, Mr. Lin took us students to know each other, and how the Rubiks Cube can be turned. We all listened to the teacher carefully, and then practiced seriously. The teacher saw that we all loved playing Rubiks Cube so much, so he taught us the formula in advance.


  We also began to recite formulas seriously. Each of us is learning by heart in our own different ways. Some recite it with my classmates, some memorize it word for word, and I imagine the Rubiks cube in my mind while thinking about it.


  I was the first to recite the results when I showed them. I was particularly nervous after I took the stage, for fear that I might make a mistake. But after coming to power, I really cant recite the original formula. At this time, the teacher looked at me gently and encouraged me: "Dont be afraid, it doesnt matter if you recite it wrong." Calm down, you can. " After listening to the teachers words, I regained my confidence and tried to relax. I really memorized the formula paragraph by paragraph. The teacher said that my back was good, which gave my classmates a good start, and the classmates all applauded me.


  Today, I am a famous "Rubiks Cube Prince" in my school, but I still remember the first Rubiks Cube class. It was Teacher Lin who gave me confidence in the first class.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 30


  Today, the math teacher will take us to a math class in the amphitheatre. The math teacher said it was the first class in the morning. The math teacher also said that at that time, a small toy will be distributed, but it cant be played.


  I came to school early and came to the class. When I saw it, it turned out to be dice. Everyone had six dice. Our head teacher, Mr. Lu, said that he only brought a pencil box, and I laughed to death in my heart.


  We soon got to the amphitheatre. The class began. I looked at the big screen, which showed "multiplication formula of six". I listened attentively to the teacher. Several times, when the teacher asked questions, I raised my hand, but I was afraid that the microphone would be put on my mouth, so I retracted my hand again. On one occasion, the teacher asked us to put the formula "6636" on the dice, and we all raised our hands eagerly. I raised my hand, too. I just wanted to shrink back when the teacher invited me. I walked to the podium with confidence, took out the dice and turned all six dice to the side of the six points. The teacher asked me, "Why do you put it like this?" I replied, "Because there are six points on each dice, and there are six dice, six times six equals thirty-six points." The teacher borrowed my dice pendulum and let the students say, so he returned the dice to me. Another time, I crustily skin of head raised my hand, and the teacher invited me. I didnt take the microphone, so I said it directly. The teacher took the microphone and asked me to say it again.


  When the bell rang, a math class ended, and I felt very proud.

  一堂难忘的课英语作文 31


  In my six years of primary school life, there are many unforgettable classes, and the most memorable one is a math class. I felt the fun of learning in that math class.


  The math teacher asked us to do a few exercises after giving us an on-demand presentation of the difficult problem of Olympic Mathematics. I thought the exercises given by the teacher were very simple and I did them quickly. After the teacher looked at my answers, I drew big red checkmarks. I was very happy. Later, the teacher looked at my deskmates answers and picked up my books. I was thinking: Didnt the teacher already approve them? What are you doing with my books? The teacher expanded the unit I wrote. After I saw it, my face immediately turned red. I wanted to pick up the pen. I said to the teacher, "The teacher asked me to draw, so dont draw." But the teachers arm pressed my pen and said with a smile, "Dont draw, let me draw! Expand a bracket directly in the future, and I will write it for you. "


  After reading it, the teacher had a difficult problem. I thought about it and immediately started to write. When the teacher saw that the students had finished writing, he began to batch below. The teacher went to my seat to see if my unit had expanded brackets. After the teacher ticked it, he said to me, "Hey, its all expanded." I covered my face with a book and nodded. I think: I cant be too lazy to even draw brackets in the future.


  After this lesson, I learned a lot of knowledge, and I felt the fun of learning by checking one by one. This lesson also made me aware of my own shortcomings and made me know that I cant be lazy in the future.


  英语作文 1

  Recently,the students of Senior 3 in our school have had a discussion about the whether we should have classes on weekends.In my opinion ,we should not have classes on weekends. My reasons are as follows.

  First of all ,we have a busy learning on weekdays,after that ,we all feel tired ,so we need a short of rest.

  Second, on weekends, we also have a lot of homework to do , if we have classes on weekends,we have no time to finish homework.

  Third ,also the most important of all ,as the students of Senion 3, we should have free time to arrange our study .For example ,when to do homework ,when to have a rest and so on .That is why I think we should not have classes on weekends.





  英语作文 2

  Our study can be divided into two parts:one is in class and the other is out of class.Both of them are important to students.They de-pend on each other.

  We must attach importance to after-class study.What we have learnt in class is very limited,because only knowledge in textbooks can be acquired.However,we can learn more out of class.A most important thing is that knowledge comes from practice.In the after-class study we can apply our knowledge to practice.

  Just like after-class study,study in class is also very important.It occupies most of our time.We must pay much attention to it.In-class study and after-class study are closely connected with each other and improve each other.

  If thats the case ,why dont we combine them and study effectiv-ely?

  我们的学习可以被分成两部分:一部分在课堂上,另一部分在课堂外。 这两部分对学生来说都是重要的,它们互相依存。

  我们必须重视课后学习。我们在课堂上学到的东西是有限的,因为只能学到课本上的知识。然而,课外我们可以学到更多的东西。最重要的是知识来源于实践。 课外学习可以让我们把知识应用到实践中去。

  正如课外学习一样,课内学习也很重要。 它占用了我们的.大部分时间,我们必须重视它。 课内与课外的学习紧密地联系在一起,它们互相促进。


  英语作文 3

  Time spent in school is always beneficial. The course is designed for children to exercise their body and mind. For most parents, a longer school day means children studying or playing under the supervision of a teacher.

  Once there is no supervision at home, many children tend to spend their time doing things that are not worth doing. For this reason, some people think that the school day should be extended.

  On the other hand, children must learn to stay away from school and friends. Independent thinking and learning is an important way to become independent. Besides, too much stuff will make people dislike it or become boring. So if we extend the school day, children may become sluggish or listless, or even develop a strange dislike for school.




  英语作文 4

  When I was very small, I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents.

  I had the great time there, I liked the environment so much.

  There was a long river in front of my house, the water was very clean, I could see the small fish swim.

  My grandma usually washed her clothes along the river side.

  But now when I went back to my hometown, the river was very dirty, the water was light yellow and there were so many rubbish floating in the river.

  It made me feel that the river had lost its life.

  I missed the old time when I was playing in the river.

  It is human being that ruin the environment, if we don’t take action to protect it, we will destroy ourselves.









  英语作文 5

  When I see the girls dance in the movie, I will be very jealous of their elegant temperament.

  I wish I am one of them, especially when my mother speaks highly of these dancing girls.

  Actually, my mother once had tried to send me to learn ballet, but I was too small and couldn’t enjoy the class.

  I always skipped the class and then went to play with my friends.

  Later my mother found the truth and she had gave up asking me to learn ballet.

  Now I feel regretful, if I insist, I could be the girl that let my parents be proud of.

  The lucky thing is that I have find the things I am interested in and I will not give up.








  英语作文 6

  There are many traffic rules on the road. There are also many rules in the class. Classroom rules are important. They can make us stay safe and study happily in the classroom.

  To keep safe, you mustn’t run or play ball games in the classroom because they may hurt you. You mustn’t fight in the classroom either because it is too dangerous.

  To study happily, you should keep your desk clean and tidy. You mustn’t talk loudly in the classroom because your classmates need a quiet environment to study. Everyone should keep the classroom clean because studying in a clean place can make you happy.

  Follow the classroom rules and they will be helpful to you.





  英语作文 7

  People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life.

  I can’t agree with it anymore.

  Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk.

  The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square.

  Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful.

  Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes.

  The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city.

  I liked this feeling so much.

  At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually.










  英语作文 8

  As September is coming soon, it means my summer vacation is over.

  Looking back at my long vacation, I have the good memories.

  I had gone back to my hometown and spent some time with my grandparents.

  I loved the lifestyle there, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh.

  I was so close to the nature.

  During the part time, I read some novel books, I loved the magical world and I could finish them quickly.

  I was so satisfied with the books I read, I broadened my vision and learned a lot, it could help with my writing.

  I had the great time during my summer vacation.









  英语作文 9

  This is my English classroom . It is not big and not small . We usually study in the classroom .

  There is a blackboard in front of the classroom .It is not big ,but it is helpful .My English teacher usually writes some English letter .The air-conditioner is on the right in the wall .It is white .In summer ,it is cool to us .There is a clock on the behind wall .It is blue and cute .It tells us the time .There are three long desks in middle of the classroom and there are three small desks on the right in the classroom .

  Look !This is my classroom .I like it.






  英语作文 10

  Nowadays, English has been the international language.

  In China, the children have to learn English since their primary education. In some cities, the children even start their English study in kindergarten. Most parents even hire a tutor to help their children to learn English. There is no doubt that English as the international language plays the important role in communication. My uncle travels a lot around the world.

  He has been to many countries. Every time when he returns, I will listen to his stories. I have heard of many wonderful journeys. My uncle likes to communicate with people from other countries, so he can learn the different culture. I want to live as my uncle, but the first thing for me to do is to master English, so that I can communicate with most people and have fun.




  英语作文 11

  Every child has pocket money, when they get the money from parents, most of them will buy what they want and spend the money quickly.

  Parents will give their children pocket money in the certain time, the children can use the money in a wise way. They can take out some money to buy what they need, like the food and clothes, there are still some money left, what should they do to deal with the rest of the money?

  I advise the children to save the money, they can keep it, and in case of their special need. I will save the money to take a trip in the summer vacation, my parents will agree with my plan, because I take out the money, they have no reason to go against me. Sometimes I will use the saved money to support my emergent situation, so there is no need for them to worry about me.




  英语作文 12

  Last night, as I felt so bored, so I started to watch movie, my friend asked me to watch Mist, she told me it was very shocking,

  I was so looking forward to seeing it. Mist is a horror movie, it told about a great mist covered the country, people struggled to live in the world with big monster, at the end, as there was no way to survive, so the protagonist killed his son to make him relieve, just after a few second, the rescue came. The ending is so hopeless for the protagonist, if he holds on for a few second, everything will be changed. The story tells people never to give up hope, who knows what will happen the next second. If we give up hope, we can’t see the good things that will come around.

  Keeping the hope is very important, it will help us to overcome the difficulty.




  英语作文 13

  Nowadays, with the development of high technology, smart phone is very popular among the high school students.

  The smart phone once was thought to be forbidden using in the class, now has become very common tool for students. A lot of students keep their eyes on the phone all the time, even in the class, they still check on it.

  Teachers are upset about this situation, because they feel most students ignoring them when they are passing the knowledge. Some teacher think it is time to let the students hand in their smart phones in the class and after class, these communicational tool will be turned back. I don’t think it is a good idea.

  Even for the teachers, they count on their phones so much, let alone for the students. The teachers should improve their teaching method to catch the students’ interest.





  英语作文 14

  There is no doubt that cell phone has been part of our life. We use it to keep in touch with our friends and families. Its functions have been developed a lot as time goes by. Almost every middle school student has a cell phone, but some overuse it. In the classroom, when teachers are presenting knowledge, but the students are lowing down their heads playing cell phone. So the teachers advocate students not to bring their cell phones into classroom. But who can actually make it? It is better to let students realize the overuse of cellphone makes them study with lower efficiency.










