
时间:2022-12-28 11:26:16 兆波 英语作文 我要投稿
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  机遇和成功英语作文 篇1


  Opportunity and Success

  Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don’t e often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don’t recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they e to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇2

  Different people have diffhrent views on opportunity But it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere In contrast,those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities Adminedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself For example,many people lost their jobs in recent years However, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed

  Therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own handsgooglegoogleadreephtml.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇3

  "When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

  When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it, too. Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, "I know he's good. But is he lucky?" Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can't make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

  When it es to success, luck can mean being in the right place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer e along. Nothing can replace hard work, but working hard also means you're preparing yourself for opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

  How many of the great intentions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus' so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus' chance discovery wasn't pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round.

  Success that es from pure luck and no hard work can be a real problem. For example, consider a teenage girl who bees a movie star. Imagine she's been picked from nowhere because of her looks. She is going to feel very insecure, because she knows she didn't do anything to earn her stardom. On the other hand, think about an actress who's spent years learning and working at her craft. When she finally has good luck and bees a success, she will handle stardom better. She knows she earned it.

  People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready when opportunity knocks. When it es to success, I think that hard work and luck go hand in hand.








  机遇和成功英语作文 篇4

  Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will plain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect( ). It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a person's success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience. In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.



  机遇和成功英语作文 篇5

  Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect. It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a person's success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience. In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.



  机遇和成功英语作文 篇6

  good morning, ladies and gentlemen. at present, my fellow students and i have before us great personal and educational opportunities. at the same time, we are running into a variety of challenges.

  today's college education provides us with opportunities for bringing out the creativity and talent that we have within us. this is nurtured both by our learned professors, and by the growing dimension of knowledge sources, such as the world wide web and multimedia sources. our educational experience is being transformed both within and beyond the traditional classroom. however, challenges still exist.

  at the end of every semester, students in my university are required to fill out a questionnaire as a review of the previous semester. the questions usually cover a broad range of college life, from curriculum adjustment to canteen service. and almost every time, the questionnaire includes one essential question, that is: as a college student, what are your major challenges? and almost every answer includes two aspects: studying and professional. these two challenges will remain our preoccupations as long as we live in such a competitive world.

  a series of challenges in our studies start from almost the beginning of our freshman year. we may wonder whether we've chosen the right major. we may wonder if the extracurricular activities add credits to our studies. we may work our heads off to get a glorious a, because b is already mediocre and c is almost unacceptable. later on we may be competing with our hardworking, intelligent peers, including our best friends to get into an ideal graduate school. all of these sound so familiar and they have somehow made our college education so goal-obsessed that we sometimes fail to fully enjoy our educational experience.

  apart from challenges in learning, there are also professional challenges. the competitive world today has also brought about the “knowledge economy,” which requires the effective use of knowledge for economic and social development, and also requires skilled and multi-oriented students with a marketable vocational sense. therefore, sophisticated calculations upon the value of a university degree are being made. graduate employability statistics are being scrutinized. programs like resume writing and interview skills are seen as a must. again as i've said above, when professional concern dominates our college education, we may lose the essence of our educational experience.

  indeed, facing these two challenges, how can students manage to be what the employers seek and at the same time to enjoy a valuable, insightful and rewarding educational experience?

  for me, the solution to the problem lies in what can be called an “educational synthesis”. i remember attending a lecture by professor tu weiming, director of harvard yenching institute. in his lecture, professor tu argued that the ideal state of college education is to arrive at a synthesis, a combination of specific knowledge, humanistic insight and sense of social responsibility.

  admittedly, there is much to do to bridge the gap between our educational experience in college and the social employment in society. “educational synthesis” can help us narrow the gap. fortunately, today's college education provides us with such a diverse world. from this diverse world we may choose what we want to form our own educational synthesis.

  ladies and gentlemen, as charles dickens once commented upon the time of the french revolution, “it was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” and i'm afraid so it is with our time.

  i believe, once we achieve our own educational synthesis, we will be able to transform our challenges into opportunities. we will be able to see the best time of our life. and more importantly, we will be able to see the best time of our nation. thank you.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇7

  What factor decides everyone’s opportunity? Some people believe that opportunity is just a matter of coincidence; other people believe that opportunity is around us, it needs people to perceive. In my opinion, besides what mention above, opportunity also needs us to create.

  One factor that plays an important role in determining our opportunities is coincidence. For example, some people born in a rich family, they enjoy great chances to be successful, because the fame and the reputation from the family provide them chances. Comparing to those people who born in a poor family, they don’t have such chances, it is hard for them to seize the chances, they need to work for it.The other factor that plays an important role in determining our opportunities are our positive attitude. Opportunity often exists all around us, it is waiting for those people who are brave to grasp it. A person who is positive will perceive the chance, he will not be defeated by fail, still holding the hope that chances comes any minute, so they will grasp the chance as soon as it comes.

  In conclusion, everyone has the chance to be successful; it contains many factors, such as coincidence, attitude and others. In order to fulfill our lives, we must seize the chance to realize our dreams.





  机遇和成功英语作文 篇8

  Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect.

  It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a person's success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience.

  In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇9

  Some people regard opportunity as the most important way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect. It can make a person successful. A person who is positive will perceive the opportunity, he will not be defeated by fail, still holding the hope that opportunity around the corner, so they will grasp the opportunity as soon as it comes.

  In a word,we should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇10

  There is a quotation with unknown origin, “The fool miss opportunities, the wise are good at seizing opportunities, and the success create opportunities.” Actually, opportunities are given to those who are well-prepared.

  Opportunities are really miraculous. They often appear around us as a matter of fact. While wiser can find them and get achievement by using them, fools frequently miss them and then complain the unfair of fate. It is because opportunities favor well-prepared brains. Only these brains can recognize and seize opportunities. 83

  An old Chinese saying says, “One minute on stage needs ten years under stage.” When we are envious of those superstars’ great chances, fete and success, their efforts behind the flowers and applause are ignored.

  No pains, no gains. Someone consider scientists’ great findings as a result of accident chances. Obviously it’s wrong. Without many years’ research, could Fleming become the finder of penicillinWithout thousands of times’ experiments, could Edison know the most proper material to make filament

  There’re many people only waiting for, calling and dreaming about opportunities. They don’t realize, for them, opportunities are just like

  plenty of stars, can be seen but not touch. Even opportunity appears, they can not find it, let alone catch and use it.

  Whether we can hold an use opportunities or not depends on our preparing in knowledge and thought and our diligence. Let’s try having a well-prepared brain to be a success.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇11

  Some people believe thatopportunities only knock at the door of the luckiest fewregardless of their ability, educational backgroundor what kind of person they are.


  Therefore, rather than working hard to create some chances,they wait passively for the arrival of opportunities.However, many others think that opportunities can be obtained with active efforts.

  In their eyes, opportunities always come to those people who are well prepared.So these people always work hard and try their best to seek every possible opportunity.



  机遇和成功英语作文 篇12


  There will be detours and setbacks in life, but it is the unexpected detours in life that make an extraordinary life.


  Flaubert once said to Maupassant, "genius is nothing but patience.". How can a man in words escape from suffering? How daunting is it to seize the opportunity, meet the challenge and create the indomitable and brilliant life in the predicament?


  The desert is thousands of miles, the yellow sand is long, and the camel bells are long. You, a flexible strange woman, Wang Yi, deduce the myth of sentimental going out of the fortress. A gentle woman in the south of the Yangtze River would boil the green silk into frost white and wither her red face under the wind and sand. Who can bear this fate, and you, Zhaojun, just with a bitter pipa, left a silent tomb under the setting sun. You, turn the rough life fortune into the eternal glory of sacrifice for national peace in the Chinese history books, shining.


  White Dew across the river, water and light connect the sky, like a reed, Ling Wanqing is at a loss. It's you, broad-minded Zizhan, boating in red cliff. Why don't you want to "go to the king, Yao and Shun, and make the wind pure"? But you can't escape the "Wutai poem case". Why don't you choose Huangzhou to benefit the common people? "The feather fan, the silk towel, the scull and the scuttle in the conversation and the laughter are all gone", that magnificent Zhou Yu, you admire him, however, you are you finally, the track of changing your life is not too bad? Isn't it pleasant to sing "let life be like a drizzle"?


  "Yuan Xiang flow endless, Quzi resentment how to eliminate!" Zheng Xiu's slander, Zi Lan's slander and Huai Wang's enlightenment. That's not where you live, doctor Sanlu! Sad and disappointed, so excluded, ill fated, but you still keep a childish heart! Is there any loyal master like you in history? I'm sorry that the imperial court is failing day by day, but I can't help you. So, you, self sinking Miluo, what a song and cry move. Every sentence in Lisao is your one piece of devotion!


  "The water is shining, the mountains are clear and the rain is strange." the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, the drizzle in March, is crisp. You, Fan Li, take Xi Shi to boat the West Lake and send out boats. Why linger on Goujian's high position and fame? You know that King Yue's sufferings are hard to reconcile with his sufferings. Who in the world does not want fame and power? But you know the truth of "birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden, cunning rabbits are dead, and running dogs are cooked" and the lesson of the failure of all the great masters. Let's go, Mr. Tao Zhugong. You have written down the most perfect life principle of being wise and protecting yourself. Give up fame and gain, and achieve the best fate.


  Caishikou is full of people. A prisoner's car is carrying you in a shawl. Tan Sitong, one of the Six Gentlemen in 1898, is in charge. "There will be sacrifice in the reform, then start from me!" You will never yield to the die hards and awaken the national consciousness with your blood. "I smile from the horizontal Dao to the sky, to keep the liver and gall of Kunlun", you, become a short life of glory for the immortality of national integrity.


  Life will be full of hardships, thorns, and confusion. However, we can seize the opportunity and achieve great success.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇13

  different people have diffhrent views on opportunity. it is held that there are few opportunities. but it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

  those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. in contrast,those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities.as to me, i agree with the latter. adminedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one cant create opportunities himself. in most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. for eample,many people lost their jobs in recent years. some people wait for opportunities in vain. however, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. eventually they become employers themselves.

  therefore, to some etent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇14

  different people have diffhrent views on opportunity. it is held that there are few opportunities. but it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

  those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. in contrast,those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities. as to me, i agree with the latter. adminedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself. in most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. for example,many people lost their jobs in recent years. some people wait for opportunities in vain. however, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. eventually they become employers themselves.

  therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇15

  Joe fowler said: "a wise man is always seize the opportunity to turn it into a better future." Yes, chances are the perishable, we must firmly grasp,. , as Shakespeare said: "it with flowers in full bloom, pick wisely. Don't stay beautiful scenery difficult again, otherwise the moment, it will fade fade, fall in the dus t." Opportunity is like the flower, you are not a good time to grasp the opportunity, it will be with you.

  Opportunity is everyone some, but many people did not go to fight for, did not go to catch. Take time while time is, for lost no longer. I used to pass time and time again opportunity, always think there next time, but life is like a live show, will you come again the second time, can only regret, after the village, didn't the shop. You have added a kind of regret in life.

  Life is the secret of success is a good chance comes, seize it immediately. The opportunity to let us better step to success, waved to the future, no longer follow the footsteps of the past. When opportunity to smile to you, you in the past and embrace it! Don't just indifferent.

  Only a fool waiting for chance, while a wise man will make. Opportunity does not have to look for you, but you have to actively look for opportunities, waiting for the opportunity, is a very stupid behavior. We are looking for opportunities to create opportunities, and let the chance to be your friend, forever cannot leave you!

  Life, not a lack of competition, the competition force, the source of power is a chance.







  机遇和成功英语作文 篇16

  Both opportunity and ability are equal and important in success.If there is opportunity given but you do not have the ability,you will not have the gut to take up the opportunity.On the other hand,if you have the ability butyou will not given the opportunity,you will also not shine.Therefore to be successful,be ready and be prepared with all the knowledge you can acquired so as to strengthen your ability.Grasp the opportunity the moment it comes.Opportunity does not always come and it can come very fast and goes very fast.Only those who act fast grasp the opportunity.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇17

  Some people think that opportunities result from luck.They think that it occurs randomly and are being given to people for no reason.Some think that there is no such thing as an opportunity,and that everything gained by a person must be done through hard work.But it is undeniable that opportunities are very important.They are like the extra step-up that puts you above the rest of the crowd should you be lucky enough to get it.I believe that opportunities are indeed fate; however,only those who are well prepared can grasp the opportunity given to them and make a change to their lives.



  机遇和成功英语作文 篇18

  Opportunities are one of the essential factors to success. As an saying goes, “He who seizes the right moment, is the right man.” However, opportunities are rare, and they only favor those who are well prepared often. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone in society. However, as for most people, opportunities come quietly and leave without being noticed. In contrast, those who have made enough preparation and take full advantage of opportunities will achieve success. The story of Bill Gates is a good case in point. When he was in college, the world was undergoing an information revolution. People at that time thought a giant machine as a computer could only be used to calculate and did not expect that it could become so popular today. Bill Gates, however, seized the opportunity. He gave up his studies to join with his friends and finally created the world’s largest personal-computer software company. In a word, considering how important seizing the right moment is, we college students are supposed to make every effort to get fully prepared lest we miss the opportunity.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇19

  As an old saying goes: "a wise man is always seizing the opportunity and turning it into success." chances are the essential, and we must firmly grasp. Opportunity is like a flower, if you grasp it in time, it will help you. Opportunity belongs to everyone, but many people did not prepare well to get it, did not go to catch it. Only a fool man waits for chance, while a wise man will make it. Opportunity will never look for you, but you have to actively look for opportunities. Waiting for the opportunity is a very stupid behavior. We are looking for opportunities to create opportunities, and let the chance be your friend forever and cannot leave you! Life, not a lack of competition, the competition force, the source of power is a chance. In a word, we must take action right now, and grasp the opportunity that will give you a future full of spirit.

  机遇和成功英语作文 篇20

  Les Brown and his twin brother were adopted by Mamie Brown, a kitchen worker and maid, shortly after their birth in a poverty-stricken Miami neighborhood.

  Because of his hyperactivity and nonstop jabber, Les was placed inspecial education CLAsSes for the learning disabled in grade school and throughout high school. Upon graduation, he became a city sanitation worker in Miami Beach. But he had a dream of being a disc jockey.

  At night he would take a transistor radio to bed where he listened to the local jive-talking deejays. He created an imaginary radio station in his tiny room with its torn vinyl flooring. A hairbrush served as his microphone as he practiced his patter, introducing records to his ghost listeners.

  His mother and brother could hear him through the thin walls and would shout at him to quit flapping his jaws and go to sleep. But Les didn’t listen to them. He was wrapped up in his own world, living a dream.

  One day Les boldly went to the local radio station during his lunch breakfrommowing grass for the city. He got into the station manager’s office and told him he wanted to be a disc jockey.

  The manager eyed this disheveled young man in overalls and a straw hat and inquired, “Do you have any background in broadcasting?”

  Les replied, “No sir, I don’t.”

  “Well, son, I’m afraid we don’t have a job for you then.”

  Les thanked him politely and left. The station manager assumed that he had seen the last of this young man. But he underestimated the depth of Les Brown’s commitment to his goal. You see, Les had a higher purpose than simply wanting to be a disc jockey. He wanted to buy a nicer house for his adoptive mother, whom he loved deeply. The disc jockey job was merely a step toward his goal.

  Mamie Brown had taught Les to pursue his dreams, so he felt sure that he would get a job at that radio station in spite of what the station manager had said.

  And so Les returned to the station every day for a week, asking if there were any job openings. Finally the station manager gave in and took him on as an errand boy - at no pay. At first, he fetched coffee or picked up lunches and dinner for the deejays who could not leave the studio. Eventually his enthusiasm for their work won him the confidence of the disc jockeys who would sendhim in their Cadillacs to pick up visiting celebrities such as the Temptations and Diana Ross and the Supremes. Little did any of them know that young Les did not have a driver’s license.

  Les did whatever was asked of him at the station - and more. While hanging out with the deejays, he taught himself their hand movements on the control panel. He stayed in the control rooms and soaked up whatever he could until they asked him to leave. Then, back in his bedroom at night, he practiced and prepared himself for the opportunity that he knew would present itself.

  One Saturday afternoon while Les was at the station, adeejay named Rock was drinking while on the air. Les was the only other person in the building, and he realized that Rock was drinking himself toward trouble. Les stayed close. He walked back and forth in front of the window in Rock’s booth. As he prowled, he said to himself. “Drink, Rock, drink!”









