
时间:2024-05-28 12:14:23 写人的作文 我要投稿





  She is like a ray of warm sunshine, shining on every corner of my heart, moving me! She is the great hero in my mind - Dr. Jiang.

  Remember when I was a child, I was bitten by a dog. Because I bit my life, I stayed in the hospital for a few days, and Dr. Jiang happened to be my attending doctor. During the days when I was in hospital, Dr. Jiang sang, danced and told me stories... He was with me almost all the time. I thought Dr. Jiang was my personal doctor.

  Every time Dr. Jiang left, I would stubbornly hold her and wouldn't let her go. But my parents said to me, "Dr. Jiang wants to treat other patients and can't accompany you for the time being." "ah! How can it be? Isn't Dr. Jiang my personal doctor? Just tease me? Why do you have to treat others?" "Dr. Jiang is not your personal doctor! People have to treat others! Let Dr. Jiang go!" my mother scolded angrily. At this time, I sadly let go of Dr. Jiang's hand and looked at her leaving back.

  Under the careful treatment of Dr. Jiang, I soon recovered my health. When I finally got out of the hospital, Dr. Jiang hugged me and said, "Xiaojiang, do you know? There is a kind of magic in the world, which is called love..." at that time, although I could not fully understand this kind of "magic", Dr. Jiang's attentiveness and diligence had already made me respect her.

  I didn't understand until I grew up. In fact, what she said about love is her concern for me, her consideration for all patients, and her heartfelt love for the profession of doctor. Dr. Jiang - you are the eternal hero in my heart!


  I think my hero is Bill Gates .I admire him because of his he was a college student,he had a talent for computer that is what changes the donates money to the poor ,which means that he is very kind to the people. what I learn from him is to insist on my dream and never give it up.

  This is our I will tell you something about how we use we come to the lab,we should get prepared for should take the test tubes or other things we we are in the lab,we should follow the teacher's mustn't touch anything without experiments may be we should do as the teacher tells us we leave the lab,we should put the intruments back in the we should clean the lab,close the window and lock the door.


  We watched the movie "yuan longping". The film describes Mr Yuan longping hybrid rice planting and successfully, I watched the movie, feel very sigh with emotion, touched me is Mr Yuan longping indomitable spirit.This movie to a foreigner talk to Mr Yuan longping, on Mr Yuan longping to account before some of the things.Mr Yuan longping is very strong, again and again before him, and he is not afraid of difficulties, not back, he was planting hybrid rice when there are many difficulties, but he always remembered his belief that the pursuit of my life is to make all the people away from hunger. Mr Yuan longping is not just sitting in the lab, but to study in the field. CCTV reported, the agriculture department assessment team all just released, guided by Mr Yuan longping "y two optimal 2" one hundred mu of super hybrid rice plots on average 926.6 kg per mu, broke the record of large area of rice per mu in our country. Mr Yuan longping represents China perennial spirit, do we stand? We must take action, contribute to the motherland!


  Hero, a glorious term, a shocking thing, a respected and respected person...

  In my mind, there is also a hero, Yang Liwei, who boarded the “Shenzhou” and flew in space for 21 hours. Yang Liwei - the first flying man in China, because he has the spirit of hard struggle and hard work, great national self-confidence and pride in this nation. Let the world see the dawn of China’s aerospace industry and the wisdom of the Chinese people. Similarly, behind the success, uncle Yang Liwei’s sweat and effort are unimaginable: In 1996, after strict selection, uncle Yang Liwei became the first generation of astronauts in China. The first hurdle he faced was basic theory training, and he had to learn more than 30 subjects again. Yang Liwei, who has always been unwilling to fall behind, even more forgets to sleep and eat. In the first two years, his bedroom was never closed before 12 o’clock. The next step is the training of adapting to the aerospace environment, which is more difficult, but Uncle Yang Liwei worked hard and skillfully, slowly figured out the rules and methods, and successfully passed various strict training. Finally, by secret ballot of the expert group, uncle Yang Liwei was determined as the candidate for the first flight with excellent results and comprehensive quality. By Uncle Yang Liwei these touching things, I couldn’t help thinking of one thing: one day, in physical education class, the teacher asked us to run 800 meters. The teacher’s words seemed like a bolt from the blue. I was stunned at once, because running was my weakness! Sure enough, as I expected, I could bite my teeth and survive the first two laps, but I couldn’t survive the last lap, so I couldn’t resist the temptation of rest and walked up It’s embarrassing to think of it now! Now I set uncle Yang Liwei as my goal, because he is the hero in my mind, the only hero in my mind!


  A Hero in My Heart

  Have you ever seen the film"hero"?I think you have .You may like the people in the film.But I don't think they are the real heroes.In my heart,the Chinese astronaut,Yang Liwei is the real hero.He was the first to get to the moon in our country.

  And the trip to the moon was succesfully made by him,though there were quiet a difficulties,Also,they brought us the courage as well as the knowledge.As an astronaut,Yang works very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly.So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one .We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero .


  What is a hero? Maybe a thousand people have a thousand answers. He can be a fisherman struggling with the waves, a scientist discovering the mysteries of nature, or a national hero who died for his country. However, the heroes in my heart are those who have firm faith and struggle for it all their life.

  Heroes often don't have too much superhuman power. All they have is a firm belief and unyielding will. The famous ancient Greek orator demesne had a congenital stuttering and could not pronounce clearly. Although he had full opinions, he could not express them. In order to overcome this physiological defect, the speaker put stones in his mouth every day, ran to the beach and practiced speaking in the face of the sea, but he actually got rid of his stuttering. In order to practice his speech wholeheartedly, he locked himself in the basement of his home. He didn't come out for two or three months. He also crossed his heart and told him to cut off half of his hair, so as to completely eliminate the idea of going out to play. Through tenacious efforts, demesne finally became a world-famous Great speaker. Demesne is a hero, a hero who overcomes his own shortcomings. He has always had only one belief, that is, to practice speaking hard. So, day after day, year after year, he steadfastly took perhaps some heavy and painful steps, like a little turtle who just returned to the sea. Although there were many difficulties on the way, he never gave up. Tolstoy, a great Russian writer, once said: as long as we unswervingly move towards the goal, we will achieve the goal. This truth seems to be very simple and everyone understands it, but how many can really move forward with firm faith? In the face of difficulties and setbacks, most people will choose to escape and take a detour. The reason why heroes are heroes is that they still have rock solid faith in the seemingly desperate situation, and they still burn the fire of struggle in their chest and don't give up. Firm faith is the way of heroes. Their lives are immortal and eternal because of persistence. Because of this, demesne became a hero in my heart.


  Lin Hao is a student, He is only nine years old, After Wenchuan Earthquake happen,he saved two of his classmates, Then he walked for seven hours to safety.

  I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy, He did his best when he faced great danger.

  I should learn from him, I will think of others first and help them as much as possible,I Will never give up when I face any difficulties.


  in my opinion, it is not so easy to be a hero. first,a hero must be brave. when he sees someone do a bad deed, he must be brave enough to catch him or to stop him. secondly, he must be strong enough, otherwise he himself will be beaten to death.

  there are fewer heroes now because of several reasons. i think the most important reason is that people dont want to mind other peoples business. because they think it will do them no good. but i think society calls for heroes. fighting against crimes is not just the job of the police. its the duty of every citizen.


  Perhaps, in the eyes of others, the so-called heroes have great achievements, infinite wisdom and super power, and the hero in my heart is an ordinary urban management.

  One morning, he was patrolling the street. As usual, there were blue sky and white clouds, harmony and peace. But it didn't last long. At about 8 a.m., a slightly faster battery car came into view. On the car sat two elderly people in their 70s. When the battery car drove near the Zhenglu parking lot, suddenly the car "hit" and fell to the ground, the wheels were still rotating rapidly, and there was a big pool of blood on the ground.

  At this time, there were more than a dozen onlookers nearby. When he saw that these people were very curious, he walked over and looked. He saw an old man lying on the ground, except for some contusions. The old woman's situation was very serious. Her face was full of blood still seeping out, and her skirt and sleeve tube were already wet.

  He was very sad to see indifferent people. Why can't people help them. He rushed into the crowd, first made sure that grandpa had nothing important, then went to wipe the blood for grandma, picked them up, and then sent them to the hospital at a fast speed. He didn't leave until he got the news that the old man had been saved.

  He is my father. Later, I asked him, "Dad, why do you want to help? Are you not afraid of being wronged by them? Is it a 'murderer'?" my father smiled and said: "children, if you help them, they may be wronged, but if you don't help the people, they will fall. If the people fall, we can't help them!"

  This incident taught me that once morality and civilization are lost, it is irreparable. Since then, he has become a hero in my heart. Heroes are actually very ordinary. They are just ordinary people, but what is not ordinary is that they have an honest and courageous heart. Even if they will be misunderstood and hurt, they will still do it, because this is their duty, their conscience, and this is the hero.


  When talking about the hero, people will think about the person who saves the world, such as superman and batman, they care about the public’s lives and interest all the time. In the real life, people believe that a hero at least can make great influence to the society, like the scientist. But in my opinion, some true heroes are easy ignored, they are doing the ordinary jobs while making great contribution to the society.

  The city cleaners are the classic ones, they beautify the city and bring comfort to the public. Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job. They are heroes and should be praised.


Ladies and gentlemen:

  We are glad to have such a good chance to visit Hong Kong with our hero Yang Uwei. And I'll take this opportunity to introduce Yang Liwei to all. Mr Yang was born in Suizhong, Liaoning Province. Mr Yang has a happy family, he and his wife with his 8-year-old son.

  He used to be an excellent pilot with an experience of 1350 hour s flight. Many years ago he had a dream, that is to step on the moon. We are sure that his dream will come true. Yang Liwei is the first astronaut who flew in space in China. We are proud of him!

  That s all. Thank you!


  A hero can be anyone you love, a friend, or a family member. My hero is Jessica, who is very good, brave, kind, giving, compassionate, and sharing. She's my friend, my best friend! I wish we were sisters. In fact, we are like sisters. We grew up together and often played games together. We go to the same high school, in the same class, we even sit at the same table. She means a lot to me! She always supports me to do some things, and she always helps me, such as learning piano and dancing, and she teaches me to do my homework. Heroes always help others. That's why Jessica is my hero.


  My hero is not a person who is known by many people, she is just a person I want to thank most. She is my teacher. My teacher is very experienced and well-trained. She has a sense of humor which makes her classes lively and keeps our attention to her subject.

  She teaches us not only much knowledge but also some skills on how to learn English well. She treats us as her own children. When we are in troubles, she always encourages us to face the difficulties bravely and cheers us up. With her help, I have made great progress in English.

  So she is respected by me and becomes the important hero in my heart. My teacher is like a lighthouse in the sea, guiding me to reach the coast of success. He is the real hero in my mind.


  My HeroI think lots of students like the pop singer named Jay. I also like him very much. When he released his first album, I started to buy his album. And I never miss any album of his. Do you know as a boy, Jay was called Dull Stupid. But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play. His mother sent him to a piano school when he was four. When he has grown up, he had developed an ability for instant playing

  beyond his years. I learned to play the piano from 7 years old to 13 years old. I often feel bored when I practise playing the piano. But Jay was always crazy about playing the piano. I think he really likes music. So I admire him very much, and I call him "hero". I admire Jay. The real reason is when the others all denied him, he never gave up. He tried his best to change his life. I think it is good for everybody. I hope that everyone can learn from him---try their best to do everything. Then I think we will make the grade. 1


  Lin Hao is a student, He is only nine years old, After Wenchuan Earthquake happen,he saved two of his

  classmates, Then he walked for seven hours to safety.

  I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy, He did his best when he faced great danger.

  I should learn from him, I will think of others first and help them as much as possible,

  I Will never give up when I face any difficulties.















