
时间:2021-07-04 20:52:01 作文网 我要投稿




  A man went to a pet shop to buy a parrot. Before showing the parrots to the man, the salesman said, “Our parrots are the most beautiful birds in the world.” “What are the like?” asked the man. “They are like very normal parrots, but they are can speak many languages.” “Oh I wish that I could see them now.” The salesman took the man into another house and showed him three parrots. “How much is the parrot? The man asked. “This blue one can speak four languages and costs $1,000, and the red parrot knows six languages and costs $2,000. The orange one over there costs $3,000, but he doesn’t tall at all.” “Three thousand!” shouted the man, “How comes so much?” “Well,” the salesman went on, “We don’t know what he does优秀作文 专注写作 作文人, but the other two call him ‘boss’.” 


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