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Some Advantages
* Increased free trade between nations
* Increased liquidity of capital allowing investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations
* Corporations have greater flexibility to operate acroborders
* Global mamedia ties the world together
* Increased flow of communications allows vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the world
* Greater ease and speed of transportation for goods and people
* Reduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effect
* Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations
* Greater interdependence of nation-states
* Reduction of likelihood of war between developed nations
* Increases in environmental protection in developed nations
some disadvantages:
# Increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest labor
# Increased likelihood of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nations
# Corporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organizations and average individuals
# Threat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression
# Greater chance of reactions for globalization being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural heritage
# Greater risk of diseases being transported unintentionally between nations
# Spread of a materialistic lifestyle and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperity
# International bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and individual sovereignty
# Increase in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing countries as they vie for resources
# Decreases in environmental integrity as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules in developing countries