
时间:2023-04-25 16:20:21 读后感 我要投稿
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2009年11月10日 亲爱的爱玛老师, “大象的孩子”叙述了为什么现在每只大象都有长鼻子。 在“蛾和星星”里,小蛾因为想飞向星星,而不想往灯上飞,所以没有早死。它的寓意是如果你怀有远大的目标,你的生活将更美好。 我已经把这本书里的故事都读完了。 我刚读完《福尔摩斯历险记》。 在这本书里的所有故事里,我最喜欢“海军协定”这一篇, 因为这一篇最神秘。偷海军协定的小偷是我根本没想到的一个人,但福尔摩斯太聪明了,找到了小偷。 我也刚把杰夫-斯通写的《鹰》读完了。这是“五个祖先”系列小说中的第五本。“五个祖先”系列小说共有七本书:《虎》,《猴》,《蛇》,《鹤》,《鹰》,《鼠》,和《龙》。 这本书讲鹰的故事。他是一个功夫战士,却想变成龙。 (在前一本书《鹤》里,鹰从监狱里逃了出来。) 他有一张寻宝图,于是他和虎,马骝(猴),鹤,查尔斯(一个荷兰人)以及他们的间谍小鼠一起去找宝藏。但当他们到目的地,却发现螳螂已经取得宝物了。 在鹤的影响下,鹰改变了很多。 他以前暴怒,自私,傲慢,到处恐吓别人。 现在他不大容易生气了,也没有那么骄傲自大。 我认为他,虎,猴和鹤变成了一个所向无敌的团队。 您的学生, 冰 *** 2009年11月17日 亲爱的冰, 我很高兴看到你能注意到书里人物性格的改变。 有些人物慢慢地在改变,有些在书的末尾改变。 书的结尾是怎样的? 作者是怎样阐述他的主题的? 《养女基里》的作者凯塞琳-帕特森出生在中国。 我想你可能对这点感兴趣。她的父母曾是传教士。 你认为在书的前三分之一,基里喜欢任何人吗?     真诚的,   爱玛老师 *** 注:《养女基里》是冰儿刚读完的另一本书,虽然他没有把这本书写进读后感里,但他的书单上列出了这本书。老师看到了,就告诉他关于作者的背景资料。 ***   11/10/2009 Dear Ms. Emma, “The Elephant’s Child” describes why every elephant nowadays all have long noses.  In “The Moth and The Star”, the child moth wants to fly to the star, instead of flying to the lamp.  Therefore he didn’t die young. The moral of it is that if you have a large goal in life, you will live better and longer.  I’ve read all the stories now. I just finished Adventures of Sherlock Homes. In all the stories in the book, I think The Naval Treaty was the best. I like it because it is the most mysterious one.  The thief who stole The Naval Treaty was a man who I didn’t even suspect, but Sherlock Holmes was clever enough to discover him. I also just finished Eagle, by Jeff Stone.  It is the 5th book in “The Five Ancestors” series. There are seven books in this series: Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Crane, Eagle, Mouse, and Dragon. This book is about Ying, an eagle kung fu warrior who wants to be a dragon.  (He escaped from the prison in the previous book, Crane. )  He has a treasure map, and together he and Fu, Malao, Hok, Charles (from Holland),  and Shaosha, their spy, go in search of the treasure.  But when they there, they find Tonglong already with the treasure. Ying changed a lot while in the influence of Hok.  He used to always be angry, selfish, arrogant, and spewing threats all over the place.  Now he doesn’t get angry that often anymore, and less arrogant.  I think he and Fu, Maolao, and Hok are an unbeatable team.   Your student,   Ben *** 11/17/2009 Dear Ben, I like how you notice that characters change in books.  Some characters change throughout the book and others change by the end. What was the resolution to your book?  How does the author share his message or theme? Katherine Paterson, the author of The Great Gilly Hopkins, was born in China.  I thought you would find that interesting.  Her parents were Christian missionaries. Do you think there is anyone Gilly likes in the first third of the book? Sincerely, Ms. Emma










