人生有形,不离阴阳--用平衡法创造销售奇迹 -管理资料

管理资料 时间:2019-01-01 我要投稿
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    随着中国大陆市场的迅猛发展,跨国公司塔海尔集团(Tuthill Corp.)总部决定将东北亚地区总部从香港转移到上海,2003年9月塔海尔集团上海代表处在上海正式成立,代表塔海尔集团下属所有子公司,负责联络和服务中国和韩国市场,我出任首席代表并兼任塔海尔集团中国和韩国区域总监,


    塔海尔集团是一家具有近百年历史的跨国公司,总部位于美国芝加哥,年销售额为10亿美元,在全球拥有35家工厂,业务范围十分广泛,分为真空系统和风机、泵、气体联接器、控制、能源系统、联接件、塑料、传送系统和交通技术等10大业务单元。著名的凯尼(Kinney)真空泵、M-D风机、Coppus及Murray汽轮机、GlobalGear齿轮泵、Reyco Granning汽车空气悬浮系统、Fill-Rite手泵和FPP流量表、Hansen和Gromelle联接器均属于塔海尔集团旗下品牌。

    在我担任首席代表近两年的时间内,我创建了一支充满活力富于凝聚力的销售队伍,创造了年销售业绩从700万美元到1850万美元的销售奇迹,而这不能不归功于 “平衡”原则, 该法则与中国古代的阴阳说有异曲同工之妙。《黄帝内经》曰:人生有形,不离阴阳。阴阳者,天地之道也,万物之纲纪,变化之父母,生杀之本始,神明之府也,治病必求于本。





    塔海尔TBS系统正是操作贯彻上述理念并竭力将其转化为实际行动和结果的管理系统。塔海尔TBS系统是在借鉴丰田TPS系统上建立起来的,涵盖了诸如LEAN、Kaizen、TQM等得到广泛应用的先进管理方法。我们将TBS视为塔海尔完整的商业哲学,兼具纪律性和灵活性。用一个比喻的说法,TBS不是BigBang这种大爆炸式的,而是类似于射击中那种Rapid Fire速射式射击的;TBS并不急于求成,一蹴而就,而是渐进式地按部就班地持续改善,不断趋于进步。(注:TPS—Tuthill Business System;LEAN—精益生产管理;Kaizen—持续改善;TQM—全面质量管理)




    塔海尔公司采用的是Y理论:积极促进人力资源的改善,认为员工都有成功的欲望并需要承担责任,对工作非常感兴趣,在得到适当的培训和认可的条件下工作。梅奥的理论也认为:通过给予员工尊重和提高员工的满意度能有效地提高劳动生产率。Blake 和Mouton的管理方格理论注重任务和人的需要两者的综合协调。

    我公司通过猎头公司招聘了一名区域销售经理,该先生有良好的教育背景和相关的工作经验,但是不巧的是该先生的牙齿有点先天不足,牙齿不够整齐而且很脆弱的样子,按照西方人的观念,担当从事国际业务的销售经理有些不是很合适,通过与我的老板的沟通,在公司费用较为紧张的情况下,我们决定由公司承担该先生的牙齿矫正的费用,目前该先生的牙齿整齐,经常向用户展现他迷人的微笑,业绩非常突出,今年销售增长率相比去年同期增长150% 。


    一名高级销售经理,通常工作到凌晨2点,他的电脑使用时间每天高达14个小时, 不巧的是在他去国外出差的前一天,他的硬盘坏了,正好是周六,HP公司的维修部不上班,为了不耽误公务,该员工主动去自费购买了一台IBM 笔记本电脑,我得知后,同意由公司承担这笔费用。该员工非常感动,在这次出差中为公司承接了80万美元的订单。








    With the rapid expansion of Chinese market, Tuthill Corp. moved the regional headquarter of East North Asia from Hongkong to Shanghai to give better service to our valued Chinese customers. Tuthill Shanghai Representative Office was established in September, 2003. I was appointed as the Chief Representative and the Regional Director to mainly cover the region of China and Korea. Tuthill Shanghai office is responsible for the sales & marketing and service in Chinese and Korean market on behalf of all the overseas subsidiaries of Tuthill Corp.

    Tuthill Corporation is a multinational company with over one hundred years’ history. The headquarter is located in Chicago USA and there are about 40 plants all over the world. The annual turnover of Tuthill Corporation is USD1billion. The products were classified to 10 major business units: vacuum and blower systems, pump group, coupling group, controls group, energy system, linkage group, transfer systems, plastic group and transportation technologies. The well-known brands such as Kinney Vacuum, M-D pneumatics blower, Coppus and Murray turbine, GlobalGear pump, Reyco Granning air suspension system, Fill-Rite fuel pump, FPP flow meter, Hansen and Gromelle coupling are all under the same flag of Tuthill.

    During the past 2 years operation of Tuthill Shanghai office, our annual sales increased from USD7million to USD18.5million. We have built an effective and productive sales team with high energy level and good team work spirit. Balance is our philosophy of team building and it exactly meets the theory of Taoism(the balance of Yin Yang) in Chinese ancient culture and modern management theories such as 7S theory, Management Grids theory.

    The theory of Yin Yang said: Life can not go without Yin Yang. Yin Yang is the basis and principle of the world, the parent of change and the beginning and ending of the life. To recover from disease, life should balance between Yin and Yang.

    7S theories regards the shared value as the core of other 6S and requires the balance of all the 7S factors.

    Blake and Mouton’s Management Grids Theory focuses on the integrated coordination between the task and people’s needs.

    Vision of the company: Balanced triangle of stakeholders*

    Vision is one of the core glossary in the company culture and It is related to foresight, percipience, shared value, etc. To do the business is just like to fight with the adversary in the war. To win the war, you need to have unique philosophy and intelligence. Team members should have same goal and shared value and the leader should have exquisite percipience and sophisticated foresight.

    The vision of our company involves the delicate balance of three “stakeholders”, the customer, the employee, and the shareholder. Tuthill Corporation strives to optimize this relationship knowing that if we focus too much on one point of the “triangle”, the others will suffer and the long-term success will be in jeopardy.

    Our company have five initiatives to help us “balance the triangle”: 1. Meet customer’s global needs 2. Build employee capabilities 3. Pursue innovative growth strategies 4. Improve financial performance 5. Implement Tuthill business system. These initiatives have been cascaded down throughout Tuthill to ensure our efforts are focused and aligned to increase our likelihood of success.

    TBS (Tuthill Business System) is modeled after the Toyota Production System and has been popularly described as Lean, Kaizen, TQM, etc. We view TBS as a total business philosophy that instills the discipline but yet the flexibility to help us prosperous. TBS is not a “big bang”, high risk endeavor. It is a “rapid fire”, little steps, approach to improvement. We firmly believe that a bias for action to gain two steps forward, although there may be a temporary one step backward, will provide consistent incremental improvement.

    Leadership Model: Three Circles Model

    According to the theory of 3 circles management model, the management should balance task, team and individual perfectly. Tuthill Corporation Shanghai Office is responsible for the business in China & Korea, the regional sales managers need to travel domestically and abroad frequently to develop the international market and fulfill the high sales target within limited expense budget. Meanwhile, our employees are all well educated and cultivated, they have their own personal career development desire. To be a successful sales team, we should find the solutions to the following conflicts: How to reach the sales target with this limited expense budget? How to motivate and develop the individual? How to construct and maintain the team?

    Tuthill adopts the Y theory: company should promote the improvement of Human Resources system actively; company should believe in that each employee has the strong desire to be successful and wish to take more responsibilities; people has interest in work; and people will work effectively under suitable training and recognized working condition. Meanwhile, as Mayo’s research revealed: the production efficiency can be improved if the company respects the people and increases the employee’s satisfaction.

    We have employed a regional sales manager last year through head hunter company. This person has good education background and rich relevant working experience in the similar industrial field. However, he has got weaken and untidy teeth and in the view of western culture, it is considered as a disadvantage to this position since he should meet the global customers face to face frequently. What should I do? Shall I keep and develop this high potential candidate or give up to seek for a perfect guy? I discussed with him frankly and wish him to do the dental surgery and our company absorbed all the cost for him. Now he always shows his dazzling smile to the customers because he is happy from the bottom of his heart and he has great confidence on himself, his sales increased 150% this year comparing with that of last year.

    A few months ago, another regional sales manager lost companies’ laptop in the pub. He reported me the accident immediately and he felt guilty of his mistake. He wished to compensate for the company loss and would like to buy a new one from his personal funds. Because this computer was rented from a computer company by Tuthill Australia, I contacted Tuthill Australia at once and got the information that Tuthill Australia has bought insurance for this computer and the insurance company would absorb the loss. Based on the theory of Mayo, I talked to the person and forgave his fault and didn’t ask him compensate the lost computer. I think that my decision really improved his satisfaction towards the organization. He has got outstanding achievement on sales and developed 12 distributors within one year.

    Here is another case happened regarding the company laptop. One senior sales manager ’s laptop was broken suddenly since he normally uses it 14 hours per day, 7 days per week. It was Saturday and HP maintenance office was closed. He bought another IBM laptop by himself immediately since he had to travel abroad the next day. After I got this information, I decided to get the charge reimbursed by the company. The person was touched and got the order of USD800K during his trip through professional presentation to customer with his new computer..

    Tuthill Shanghai has arranged various international training programs at different plants in USA and Europe in order to develop individual sales skill and product knowledge. Tuthill Shanghai establishes training plan and career development plan for each employee according to the market demand and business status annually.

    To control the expense within budget, we arranged a group meeting to discuss how to reach the sales budget within expense budget, regional managers proposed several ways to reduce the cost by themselves and put it in written as revised travel regulation. It includes: combining several international business trips together and optimizing the schedule, staying in 4 stars hotel instead of 5 stars hotel, using more IP call during international trip, etc. Because the revised regulation is drafted by regional managers themselves, nobody has broken the regulation till now and it really make their trip more cost effective and efficient.

    Tuthill’s premium policy encourages team work spirit. 50% of annual bonus is based on the performance of the whole team and another 50% is based on individual performance. When anyone gets big sales order, we always gather together to celebrate it and appreciate the achievements of sales superstar. Meanwhile, it is really a effective tool to motivate other employees to be next sales superstar. Furthermore, Tuthill Shanghai invited the employees and their family members for company outing activity every year as another encouragement and team building tool.

    Because there are so many different products in Tuthill, different business unit is facing different sub-environment, according to the principle of Lawrence & Lorsch, the organization should be differentiated and integrated in a right way to be effective in the complicated and diversified environment. So I adopt MBO(management by objective) and empowerment. Each regional sales manager is responsible for certain types of products, he is empowered for the business development of certain products such as making sales strategy, arranging business trip, organizing advertisement and promotion events. In a word, they are empowered to work with sufficient autonomy. I usually focus on boundary management and appropriate integration, my role is coordinator, supporter and facilitator to ensure the effective results. With the above management model, our sales managers could give prompt response to the request of our valued customer effectively and efficiently under the complicated and diversified environment, through this way, we captured the business opportunities and developed our business successfully.

    Now the relationship among task, team and individual in Tuthill Shanghai is well balanced: employees are well developed and satisfied; people gets along well each other; the team is full of passion towards the work; .the business is growing rapidly in the right direction.

    We are living in a rapid developing new era, everyday we are facing more and more complicated and diversified environment, task and people. However, life can not go without Yin Yang, as long as we can well balance those factors, make suitable differentiation and appropriate integration on the diversified and uncertain environment, take effective and initiative action to make things better, we will succeed finally.

    We welcome challenge and expect the difficulties appear. We enjoy in solving the problems because it will make us stronger!

    江浩,生于1972年,1996年4月毕业于华东理工大学并获得硕士学位,中欧国际工商学院EMBA,历任德国KSB泵上海公司项目经理、西门子中国有限公司市场经理、英国斯特林流体系统(亚洲)有限公司中国区销售总监, 现为美国塔海尔集团(Tuthill Corp.)上海代表处首席代表、中国韩国区域总监,


人生有形,不离阴阳--用平衡法创造销售奇迹》(https://www.unjs.com)。联系电话: 13311838757,电子邮件: JHao@tuthill.com.cn
