- 相关推荐
1. 你是从哪个学校毕业的?什么时候毕业的?你读的是什么专业?
Where did you graduate from?/ From what school did you graduate?
When did you graduate?
What major were you in? / What was your major in your university in China?
2. 你现在做什么?在什么学校读书?读什么专业?何时毕业?
What/where are you studying NOW?
What’s major now?
When will you graduate?
3. 你为什么要放弃在中国大学的读书而去加拿大留学?你为什么要换专业?
Why do you give up study in such a good Chinese university and go to Canada?
Why do you change your major? / Give me reasons that you change the major。
4. 你的学术成绩怎样?为什么不是很理想?
What is your academic record?
Why not good?
5. 参加过托福/雅思考试吗?你参加过高考吗?成绩怎样?是否被中国的高中录取了?
Have you ever taken TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE test?
What is your TOEFL/ IELTS/GMAT/GRE score?
Have you tanked China’s National University Entrance Examination? Your score report?
Have you been admitted into China’s university?
1. 你去什么学校读书?为什么选择这个学校?怎么知道这个学校的?这个学校在哪个省?
Which school will you study in? / What’s your school in Canada?
Why do you choose this school?
How do you get to know this school?
Which state are you going to in Canada? / Which part of Canada are you going to?
2. 你申请了几所高中?都录取了吗?
How many schools did you apply for?
All the schools accepted you? / You were admitted into all these schools?
4. 谁帮你申请到这个学校的录取?是你自己申请的学校吗?
Who applied for this school’s admission for you?
Did you apply by yourself?
5. 你有奖学金吗?有多少?谁帮你申请的?
Do you have scholarship?
How much is it?
Who apply for you?
1. 你为什么要去加拿大?
Why do you go to Canada? / What is your purpose to go to Canada?
2. 你为什么选择加拿大留学而不是其他国家?
Why do you choose Canada to study rather than other foreign countries?
3. 你有明确的学习计划吗?
Do you have clear study plan? What’s your study plan? / Please let me know you study plan。
4. 你花这么多钱去加拿大读书值得吗?你在中国也可以学习这个专业的知识而且费用又少,一定要去加拿大吗?
Is it necessary for you to spend so much money studying in US?
If you study this major in China, you can cost less while obtain the same knowledge, why choose the expensive way?
1. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?他们为什么不去加拿大留学?
Do you have brother or sister?
Why don’t they go to Canada to study?
2. 你是否有亲戚在加拿大?他们在加拿大做什么?为什么没有回中国?你会跟他们一样留在加拿大吗?
Do you have any relative in the Canada? / Are there any family members of yours in Canada?
What do they do in US?
Why don’t they come back to China? / Why do they stay in Canada?
Will you stay in Canada like them?
3. 你去过加拿大吗?你父母去过加拿大吗?
Have you gone to Canada? / Have you been to Canada in the past?
Did your parents go to Canada?
4. 你去过其他国家吗?去做什么?为什么不在那留学?
Have you ever been to abroad? / Did you go to other foreign countries?
Why did you go there? / What did you do in the country?
Why don’t you choose to further your study there?
5. 关于一些个人喜好类的问题
随机问答 food ,book , sports travelling, photo, friend, season, weather