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AB:进来。请。Come in,please.
CD:早上好,很高兴遇到你们。Good morning ,nice to meet you.
AB:很高兴遇见你们,请坐,nice to meet you too , take your seat.
CD:非常感谢。Thanks very much .
A:不用谢,首先告诉我们你们的号码. No , thanks . first ,tell me your number .
C:我的号码是2。My number is 2.
D:我的是4..my number is 4.
B:很好。告诉我你们的名字。Fine ,tell me your name .
C:我的名字叫XXX。很高兴来到贵公司面试。My name is XXX, I’m happy coming here for this intereview.
A:好的,我来介绍一下,这位是面试官,XXX,我是经理XXX。OK. Let me introduce,this is manager XXX, and I’m manager XXX.
B:这次有我们主持这次面试。你们多大了?this time .we hold this interview.
A:你们的加庭住址在哪?where do you live in ?
C:青岛崂山区松岭路99号。Songling numbeer 99 ,laoshan ,Qingdao .
D:我也是。Me too.
B:原籍呢?where do your original family live in ?
A:很好,我想知道你们的专业?well.what is your major
C:英语专业。My major is English .
D:工商管理。my major is business administration
B:你们从哪一所大学毕业?Which university are you attending?
C;我毕业于青岛科技大学。I graduated ftom qingdaokejidaxue .
A:很巧,你们是校友。It’s great ,you are schoolmate.
B:你们有学位证书吗。Do you have bachelor degree?
D:有的,我有工商管理硕士。Yes , I received my MBA degree .
C:我有英语学士学位I received my bachelor degree
A:你们的英语不错。You have a pretty good English .
CD:谢谢。Thanks .
A:不用谢。No ,thanks .
B:你们最喜欢什么课程?what course did you like best?
D经理课程,我上学时对这十分的感兴趣,我认为这十分有益于我现在的工作。Project management. i was very interested in this course when i was a student. and i think its very useful for my present work.
C:英语口译,我认为我能流利的和外国人进行对话。Spoken engkish ,I can use a fluent English chat with English.
A:你们的强项是什么。what are your greatest strengths?
C:我不会紧张在面对重大情况,我的心理素质。I will never nervous when I meet important condition .
D:我曾经,在外国的大学经修过工商管理。I have study in abroad .
A:想应聘什么职位?which position do you want?
C:销售人员。Position of sales.
D:经理助理. Manager’s assistant.
B:你们有工作经验吗?do you have a work experience?
C:yes ,I have part time at a big corporation .
D:是的,我曾经进入过国际大公司进行实习。I have studied this course in the international business training center of the company. A:好吧,你们曾经获得过什么荣誉吗?参加过什么比赛获得了什么奖项。Ok ,do you have any honor about your major, for example,have you ever attend some competitions?
C:我参加过国家大学生英语比赛,获得一等奖,这是我的证书。Yes. This is my qualifications certificate.
D:我参加过省里举办的工商管理研讨会,发表过文章,获得了第一名,这是我的证书。I have attend a meeting of my major ,and I written an article which get the number 1.this is my diploma.
A:你们的经历非常好。你们为什么选择本公司?you have an great experience, but , Why did you choose this corporation?
C:在这儿的工作环境号,还是一个大公司,待遇优厚,能获得很多机会。Here is a good environment and this is a big corporation ,here is high salary.
B:你呢?how about you ?
D:在这儿共工作离家近,并且工资高,能对口我的专业。公司有先进的的企业文化,here close to my home ,and I can use my knowledge in work.
A:恩。你们的业余兴趣是什么?en ,ok, what about your amateur interest?
C:我喜欢和家人一起去爬山,在星期天。I like climb mountain at Sunday.
D:我喜欢看电影,和家人在一起看电影很幸福。I like movie ,I think it is happy to wtch movie with my home .
B:你们的性格怎么样?What kind of character do you think you have?
C:我认为我是乐于助人的,I think Im patient. and Im ready to help others.
D:我是乐观的。I think Im Optimism
A:你们的弱点是什么?what about your weakness?
C:我不擅长使用电脑。I don’t well in computer.
D:我有些害羞,我不太喜欢和刚认识的人说话。Im a little shy. I may be uncomfortable talking with the people whom i have just met for the first time.
B:你们自己能够和他人一起完成合作任务吗?can you achieve a task by yourself or in a group?
A:这非常好,你们的薪资期望是多少?What are your salary expectations?
C:4000元每个月。4000 yuan per month .
B:好的,你们还有什么疑问吗? Ok , Do you have any questions you want to ask?
C:我们什么时候能够得到通知?I wonder when will I know your decision?
A:一星期以后。我们怎么通知你们。We will get in touch with you by the end of next week. By the way shall we notify you by mail or by phone? C:你们通过电话就行。You can by telephone ?
B:谢谢你对我们公司的支持。Thanks for your support.
A:Where are you from?
B:I was born and raised in a small town of Zhaoqing City of Guangdong Province in China. It locates on the South of China and mid-west of Guangdong.
A:Are there any special places in you hometown?
B:Well, I could say so. Zhaoqing is an excellent tourist city. There are so many interesting sights including Dinghu Moutain, LongMu Temple and so on. What i like the most is the DingHu Mountain, which is a major landmark in Zhaoqing, When I get to the top of the mountain, I can breath the fresh air and enjoy the singing of bird. It is a wonderful nature experience. I like it.
A:Is you hometown suitable for young/old people to live in?
B:Well,actually, I guess my hometown is really suitable for old people to live in. Firstly, Living in Zhaoqing, the pace is slow and laid back. And also, the living expense in Zhaoqing is lower than any other big city.
A: Hi, can you tell me something about Chinese holidays?
B: Yeah, I'm glad to introduce some representative holidays days like Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and so on.
A: I heard that different areas have different customs in holidays.
B: That's rght . There may be some differences in detail, but in a large degree, the celebrations are aIike.
A: In spring festival, peoples would eat dumplings. Are there any other things that must be done in these davs?
B: Yeah. Before the holidays, we always do shopping in preparation for the Spring Festival, place doublets and set firecrackers to welcome the New Year s coming with our family.
A: It sounds great. There must be very big noise and we will felt warmly to enjoy the interesting scene.
B: Yes. The whole family enjoys the holidays together.
A: During the festival, people visit relatives and friends with presents
B: Yeah, this is the tradition in Spring Festival
A. Okay, thank you for telling me about these
B: You are welcome.
A:I'd like to go to Hong Kong. When does the nextferry leave?
B:The ferry runs every hour on the hour. The nextone is scheduled to leave at 11 sharp.
A:What's the fare?
B:The one way ticket is 35 HKD, and round-trip is 60 HKD.
A:How long will it take to Hong Kong?
B:About 2 hours.
A:Okay, I'd like to have a one way ticket.