
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  1、高级词汇。翻译时,尽量表现出自己的语言水平,避免使用一些过于简单的词汇,而要选择一些更高级的词汇,例如“have to”可以换成“be obliged to”。



   一般译文:The Silk Road introduced four Chinese inventions to the world. They were papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing.

   高分译文:It was through the Silk Road that the four great inventions of ancient China, namely papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing, were introduced to the world.

   点评:“一般译文”为两个主动语态的简单句,“高分译文”将其整合成了一个被动句。把“正是……才……”处理成了“It was… that…”的强调句型,并将“造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术”处理成了插入语“namely papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing”。



   一般译文:The exchange of material culture is a two-way process. Europe also exported various goods and plants through the Silk Road. It could meet the needs of the Chinese market.

   高分译文:As the exchange of material culture is a two-way process, various goods and plants were also exported through the Silk Road from Europe to China to meet the needs of the Chinese market.

   点评:“一般译文”为三个简单句,而“高分译文”将其合并成了一个长句。把“物质文化的交流是双向的”处理为状语从句“As the exchange of material culture is a two-way process”,并将“满足中国市场的需求”作为目的状语“to meet the needs of the Chinese market”。




  1. 钢筋、水泥等生产资料大幅度增长。

  2. 安徽位于华东的西北部,兼跨长江、淮河流域。

  3. 除此之外,中国其他各地还有各自独特的风俗

  4. 在中华名族的几千年的历史中,产生了很多的民族英雄和革命领袖。


  1. There was substantial growth in the production of capital goods such as rolled steel and cement.

  2. Anhui Province is situated in the northwest of East China, covering both the Yangtze River valley and the Huaihe River valley.

  3. Together with the celebration there appear some other special customs in China.

  4. During the thousands of years of recorded history, the Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders.