
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  The Mysteries of Nazca

  In the desert of Peru, 300 kilometers from Lima, one of the most unusual artworks in the worldhas mystified(迷惑)people for decades._________ (46) But from high above, these marks arehuge images of birds, fish, seashells, all beautifully carved into the earth.

  The Nazca lines are so difficult to see from the ground that they weren’t discovered until the1930s, when pilots spotted them while flying over the area. In all, there are about 70 differenthuman and animal figures on the plain, along with 900 triangles, circles, and lines.

  Researchers have figured out that the lines are at least 1, 500 years old, but their purpose isstill a mystery. _________ (47) However, it would probably be very tricky to land a spaceshipin the middle of pictures of dogs and monkeys.

  In the 1940s, an American explorer named Paul Kosok suggested that the drawings are achronicle(记录)of the movement of the stars and planets. _________ (48) Later, anastronomer tested his theory with a computer, but he couldn’t find any relation between thelines and movements in space.

  Another explanation is that the lines may have been made for religious reasons. Britishresearcher Tony Morrison investigated the customs of people in the Andes Mountain andlearned that they sometimes pray by the side of the road. It’s possible that in the past, thelines of Nazca were created for a similar purpose. _________ (49) But the local people havenever constructed anything this big.

  Recently, two other scientists, David Johnson and Steve Mabee, have speculated that linescould have been related to water. Nazca is one of the driest places in the world and receivesonly 2cm of rain every year. While Johnson was searching for ancient water sources in the area,he noticed that some waterways built ancient people were connected with the lines. Johnsonbelieves that the Nazca lines are a giant map of the underground water in the area. _________ (50)

  A.Other scientists are now searching for evidence to prove this.

  B.A Swiss writer named Erich Von Daniken wrote that the Nazca lines were designed as alanding place for UFOs.

  C.Scholars differ in interpreting the purpose of the designs.

  D.The largest pictures may have been the sites for special ceremonies.

  E.Seen from the ground, it looks like lines scratched into the earth.

  F.He called Nazca “the largest astronomy book in the world”.



  The Old Gate

  In the Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them. This was partlyfor ____ (51) reasons but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded asundesirable, like people with contagious ____ (52). The Old City of London gates were all ____ (53) by the end of the 18th century. The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago, ____ (54) by a stoke of luck, it was never destroyed.

  This gate is, in ____ (55) fact, not called a gate at all; its name is Temple Bar, and it marked the____ (56) between the Old City of London and Westminster. In 1878 the Council of Londontook the Bar ____ (57), numbered the stones and put the gate in storage ____ (58)its designwas unfashionable, and it was expensive to ____ (59) and it was blocking the traffic.

  The Temple Bar Trust was set up in the 1970s with the ____ (60) of returning the gate home.The aim of the trust is the _____ (61) of the nation’s architectural heritage.

  Transporting the gate will ____ (62) physically pulling it down, stone by stone, removing andrebuilding it near St. Paul’s Cathedral. Most of the facade of the gate will probably be _____ (63), though there is a good ____ (64) that the basic structure will be sound. The hardest_____ (65) of all, however, will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood ontop of the gate.

  51.A.sensitive B.defensive C.offensive D.primitive

  52.A.diseases B.injuries C.symptoms D.colds

  53.A.devoted B.declared C.decreased D.demolished

  54.A.for B.or C.but D.none

  55.A.real B.actual C.usual D.current

  56.A.pare B.limit C.lines D.borders

  57.A.along B.down C.up D.away

  58.A.while B.where C.that D.because

  59.A.discover B.repair C.fix D.maintain

  60.A.opinion B.project C.intention D.design

  61.A.conversion B.preservation C.reservation D.registration

  62.A.mean B.stop C.keep D.continue

  63.A.stored B.exchange C.replaced D.recognized

  64.A.chance B.fate C.lesson D.idea

  65.A.case B.voice C.job D.type