
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】


  A:Since you are invited to be our sole agent, we would like to know your plan to push the sale of our products


  B: Well. we'll do a lot of advertising in newspapers and on TV programs. We'll also send our salesmen around to promote thesale of your goods. We propose the guaranteed annual amount to be 400 .000 dollars for a start.

  B:嗯,我们会在报纸上和电视节目里多登广告,还会派出推销员到各地促销你们的产品 我们建议保证的年销售总额开始先定为40万美元。

  A: What is the territory to be coveredv


  B: All of Europe.



  A: And the rate of commission you want to charge'l


  B: We usually get a g% commission of the amount on every deal.


  A: But all our agents in this line are getting a 6% commission.


  B: Our customers are not familiar with your goods so we'll have spend a lot of money in marketing your products. Since there is sale resistance to overcome in the beginning . you should allow us a higher commission.


  A: Our price is worked out according to the cost. A g% commission means an increase in our price. Well. to help with the sales. we could make this exception and give you a 7% commission for a trial period of one year. What do you say?


  B: In that case. we'II get 2% more in commission for every 1000 sets sold in excess of the quote. Is that all right?


  A: Ok.we'll send you our catalogues and other promotional material free of charge. The advertising expense shall be shared between us on fifty-fifty basis.


  B: Fair enough. We look forward to a happy and successful cooperation between us.