
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】
如果真的是要紧的事情需要你去做,即使没有提醒功能来告诉你,你也会去做。完全专注于你正在做的事情。然后按照你自己设定的计划来做,而不是照着别人的计划行动。 5. Let the past dictate the future. 让过去决定未来 Mistakes are valuable. Learn from them.Then let them go. 错误都是很宝贵的。从错误中总结,不要执着于过去犯下的错误。 Easier said than done? It all depends on your perspective. When something goes wrong, turn it into an opportunity to learn something you didn't know--especially about yourself. When something goes wrong for someone else, turn it into an opportunity to be gracious, forgiving, and understanding. 说起来容易做起来难?这完全取决于你的态度。如果你犯了错,把错误当成是学习的机会,尤其是利用犯错来更多地认识自己。如果是别人犯了错,把错误转变成一个体现你和蔼、宽容、理解他人的机会。 The past is just training. The past should definitely inform but in no way define you--unless you let it. 过去仅仅只是训练。过去会显示出你不足的一面,却不能以任何方式来界定你——除非你让它这么做。 相关阅读:如何应对工作中的失误>>> 6. Wait until I'm sure I will succeed. 等待成功 You can never feel sure you will succeed at something new, but you can always feel sure you are committed to giving something your best. And you can always feel sure you will try again if you fail. Stop waiting. 对于一些新生事物,你无法保证自己一定能获得成功,但是你却可以知道自己有没有尽最大的努力。你能确保自己在失败后继续尝试。所以,停止等待吧。 7. Talk behind someone's back. 在背后说人是非 If you've talked to more than one person about something Joe is doing, wouldn't everyone be better off if you stepped up and actually talked to Joe about it? And if it's "not your place" to talk to Joe, it's probably not your place to talk about Joe. 你对不止一个人谈论关于乔正在做的一些事情,但如果你亲自去跟乔说起这些,不是更好吗?如果你没有权利去和乔讨论,那么你就没有资格去谈论乔。 Spend your time on productive conversations. You'll get a lot more done--and you'll gain a lot more respect. 把你的时间花在更有成效的对话中去。你将会完成得更多,并且获得更多的尊敬。 8. Say "yes" when I really mean "no." 口是心非,不会拒绝 Refusing a request from colleagues, customers, or even friends is really hard. But rarely does saying no go as badly as you expect. Most people will understand, and if they don't, should you care too much about what they think? 拒绝一个来自同事,顾客,甚至是朋友的请求,真的很难。但是偶尔拒绝也并不会像你想象中那么坏。大多数人会理解的,而且如果他们不理解的话,你也没有必要去太多关注别人的想法,不是吗? When you say no, at least you'll only feel bad for a few moments. When you say yes to something you really don't want to do you might feel bad for a long time--or at least as long as it takes you to do what you didn't want to do in the first place. 当你拒绝别人的时候,你只会难过一会。而当你接受了别人的请求,但事实上这件事你确实不想做,你就会难过很久,至少从你一开始不想接受到做完那件事的这段时期,你都会感到难受。 https://www.unjs.com/