通过因果关系猜词,首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词 (如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等等)表示前因后果。例如:
You shouldn 't have blamed him for that,for it wasn't his fault.通过for引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的错),可猜出blame的词义是"责备"。
通过同义词猜词,一是要看由and或or连接的同义词词组,如happy and gay,即使我们不认识gay这个词,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词,如Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships.此句中的Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于"行星"这一义域。通过反义词猜词,一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如but,while,h owever等;二是看与 not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语,如:He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.根据not at all...handsome我们不难推测出homely的意思,即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。
3 .通过构词法猜词
例如:But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long time.Then there is a dry period,o rdrought.
从drought所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨,于是便有一段干旱的时期,即drought,由此可见drought意思为"久旱","旱灾"。而a dry period和drought是同义语。这种同义或释义关系常由is,or,that is,in other words,be called或破折号等来表示。
2017中考英语阅读理解专项练习—Bobert S. Cassatt
“I would almost rather see you dead.” Bobert S. Cassatt, a leading banker of Philadelphia, shouted when his twenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become an artist. In the 19th century, playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady, but serious work in art was not. And when the young lady’s family racked among(挤身于) the best of Philadelphia’s social(社会各界的) families, such an idea could not even be considered.
That was how Mary Cassatt, born 1844, began her struggle as an artist. She did not tremble before her father’s anger, she opposed(反对) him with courage and at last made him change his mind. Many Cassatt gave up her social position and all thoughts of a thousand and a family, which in those times was unthinkable for a young lady. In the end, after long years of hard work and perseverance(坚持), she became America’s most important woman artist and the internationally recognized leading woman painter of the time.
1. How did Mr Cassatt react(反应) when his daughter made her announcement?
A. He feared for her life. B. He was very angry.
C. He nearly killed her. D. He warned her.
2. What in fact was Mr Cassatt’s main reason in opposing his daughter’s wish?
A. Drawing and painting was simply unthinkable among ladies in those days.
B. He did not believe his daughter wanted to work seriously in art.
C. He believed an artist’s life would be too hard for his daughter.
D. Ladies of good families simply did not become artists in those times.
3. What made Mary Cassatt’s “struggle” to become a recognized artist especially hard?
A. She was a woman B. Her father opposed her.
C. She had no social position. D. She didn’t come from an artist’s family.
4. What do we know about Mary Cassatt’s marriage?
A. Her marriage failed because she never gave a thought to her husband and family.
B. She never married because she did not want to be just a wife and mother.
C. After marriage she decided to give up her husband rather than her career.
D. She did not marry because for a lady of her social position to marry below her was unthinkable.
5. What do we know about Robert Cassatt’s character from the texta