
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
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  A) 1-5 AADDB B) 1-5 BBADB C) 1-5 DBCBA

  D) 1-5 CDBAB E) 1-5 ACBDB


  Chapters 7-8基础知识归纳与练习Keys:

  (One possible version)

  I. 1. masks 2. Curiosity 3. attempt 4. beneath 5. was kidnapped 6. theories 7. perfectly 8. gift 9. genius 10. conductors 11. band 12. research 13. applause 14. purpose

  15. shocked

  II. 1. alone; lonely 2. puzzled 3. forced 4. generally 5. offered

  III. 1. let; down 2. regard; as 3. sense of humour 4. burst into 5. have known; by heart

  6. put in a prison 7. sum up 8. in reply to 9. led to 10. presented; with

  IV. 1. pulled off 2. felt sorry for 3. find out 4. be good at 5. at the ceremony

  6. received an invitation 7. agreed to 8. was on my way to 9. For the first time; changed his mind 10. fell in love with

  V. 1. Christine became Tom’s wife yesterday.

  2. We are all surprised at this bad news.

  3. The mother kissed her baby’s face.

  4. Romeo began to love Juliet when he saw her for the first time.

  5. Hans didn’t know what the professor was talking about.

  6. Don’t put your hands on these ancient Chinese bronzes in Shanghai Museum.

  7. Can you help me?

  8. John’s parents were so happy that they cried when they saw their missing son.

  9. He will be back in a short while.

  10. The development of nuclear energy is the result of Einstein’s research.

  11. The question is simple enough for a child to answer it.

  12. After he finished doing all his work, he left his office.

  13. Lily invited me to attend her wedding.

  VI. 1. How lonely 2. When; did; force 3. platform which 4. How did; answer 5. oughtn’t he 6. wouldn’t like 7. Where did; study 8. make up her mind

  VII. 1. that 2. if 3. whether 4. who 5. what 6. what 7. what 8. when

  9. where 10. why 11. how 12. whose 13. which 14. how much 15. how many

  VIII. 1. to share the money 2. to rest 3. to save up 4. to become 5. not to pass

  6. to stay at home

  Chapters 7-8 综合能力测试题Keys:

  I. 1-5 ADCCD 6-10 CDCDA 11-15 BCABD

  II. 16-20 CADBC 21-25 ADBDD

  III. 26-30 DACBD 31-35 DACBC 36-40 DACBC 41-45 BDCAA 46-50 DACCB

  51-55 FBEAC 56-60 EFDBC

  IV. (One possible version)

  61. How can I get to the Opera House?

  62. The beggar no longer appeared.

  63. What do you go to Canada for?

  64. You should remember the new words well.

  65. Angela never makes her friends disappointed.

  V. (One possible version)

  66. born 67. to take 68. won 69. studying 70. invited


  Lang Lang — A Piano Genius

  Lang Lang was born in Shenyang in 1982. He began to play the piano when he was 3. He got the first prize in the piano competition in his hometown when he was only five. In the following years he won some prizes. In 1996, He went to America to continue his study. In 2005, he was invited to have a concert at the White House. In 2008, he played in Bird’s Nest for the Beijing Olympic Games.

  He has become one of today’s most outstanding pianists in the world, and is named as “A young people changing the world”.

  Chapters 7-8完形填空训练Keys:

  A) 1-5 BDACD 6-10 BADBD

  B) 1-5 BACBA 6-10 DACBA

  C) 1-5 CAABA 6-10 CACAD

  Chapters 7-8阅读理解训练Keys:

  A) 1-5 ACABA B) 1-5 DBCDB C) 1-5 ACDCB

  D) 1-5 ACCBD E) 1-5 AACBC


  Chapters 9-10基础知识归纳与练习Keys:

  I. (One possible version)

  1. imagine 2. survived 3. excited 4. exciting 5. cultivated; cultivator 6. discovered

  7. advantage 8. filled 9. truly 10. closed

  II. (One possible version)

  1. enemy 2. man-made 3. set up 4. regularly 5. copied 6. quality 7. make use of

  8. As a result 9. begins with 10. On the contrary

  III. (One possible version)

  1. changed my views 2. all over the world 3. Besides 4. make good use of 5. do experiments 6. at the latest 7. give up 8. took place

  IV. (One possible version)

  1. take back 2. take away 3. take off 4. take part in 5. take in 6. takes up

  V. (One possible version)

  1. He was so frightened that he didn’t say even a word.

  2. The girl is so young that she can’t get married.

  3. The problem is too hard for all of us to work it out.

  4. She was so angry that she could say nothing.

  5. Kate went to the library instead of going to the cinema.

  6. Zhao Benshan is an actor with strong sense of humor.

  7. Tom runs faster than any other student.

  8. The square is full of visitors.

  9. There are over 3,000 different types of plants in the park.

  10. Tom got up early this morning in order to catch the first bus to school.

  VI. (One possible version)

  1.To avoid talking to him 2. To do this experiment 3. to encourage you 4. to get there on time 5. to be heard 6. to ask me to have dinner with her 7. to find the meaning of the word 8. to keep healthy 9. to make breakfast for the family 10. to earn some money

  VII. (One possible version)

  1. Fortunately 2. widely 3. quickly 4. better 5. carefully 6. best 7. politely

  8. carefully 9. faster 10. largest

  VIII. 1-5 DFAGC 6-10 DFBAE

  IX. (One possible version)

  1. with 2. most 3. that 4. stopped 5. friends 6. me 7. time 8. seems 9. any 10. ill

  Chapters 9-10 综合能力测试题Keys:

  I. 1-5 BDABD 6-10 CCBAD 11-15 ABBCC

  II. 16-20 DABAC 21-25 CDABD

  III. 26-30 CBDAC 31-35 DACDA 36-40 DBCBA 41-45 DCCBA 46-50 CDABC

  51-55 DACBE 56-60 BAEDC

  IV. (One possible version)

  61. Jim works harder than any other student in our class.

  62. The basket is filled with apples.

  63. My sister went to the concert instead of going to the party.

  64. The dress is so big that I can’t wear.

  65. What do you think of the film?

  V. (One possible version)

  66. protect 67. People’s 68. tomorrow 69. Grade 70. Students’


  Dear Tony,

  How are you feeling now? We all miss you very much. I have something good to you.

  Today we went to the people’s Park to plant trees. We gathered at the school gate at 8:00 am. We took the school bus there. As soon as we arrived there, we started to dig holes. Then we planted the young trees and filled the holes with earth. After planting the trees, we went to have a picnic lunch. We had a good time there. How I wish you could have come with you.

  With regards!


  Chapters 9-10完形填空训练Keys:

  A) 1-5 CABBD 6-10 ADACB

  B) 1-5 ABCDC 6-10 ABABB

  C) 1-5 ADABD 6-10 ABBDB

  Chapters 9-10阅读理解训练Keys:

  A) 1-5 BBCCD B) 1-5 BCDBB C) 1-5 CBDDB

  D) 1-5 DACBB E) 1-5 BCDCD