
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】


  A: Mr. Brown.l'd like to welcome you to our tools factory site. My name is Li Hui and I will be showing you around today. Please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour.l will be happy to answer questions for you. I hope you will have a main idea about our factory.

  A:布朗先生,欢迎您来到我们工厂参观。我叫李辉,今天由我来带您参观工厂,参观期间,如果有问题请随时提问。我乐于为您解答。希望您会对我们厂有个主要了解 。

  B: Thank you.


  A: Now this is our office block. We have all the administrative departments here: Sales.Accounting.PersonneI.Market Research and so on.


  B: Can I have a look at your main plant?


  A: Yes. this way, Considering your safety. please wear protective gear.


  B: Is it really necessary to wear all this protective gear?


  A: Yes.I'll bet your wondering why we ask you to wear hard hats and safety goggles while you're in the plant. The reason is simple:we want to ensure there are no injuries today. As you will see.to maintain a high level of safety,we also require all of our staff to wear similar protective gear.


  B: Okay.


  A: Here in the main.plant is where most of the action takes place. We produce and package more than six hundred thousand units per year on these machines.

  A:这里是主要生产车间,大部分生产在此完成 们用这些机器每年要生产和包装60万套产品。

  B: How many employees do you have working in this area?


  A; We have about 50 employees on the ground floor.which is about 200/o of the total staff. Ground floor employees include production line workers. maintenance staff. and quality control managers.

  A:有50人在这里工作,占总人数的20%,包括 生产线工人、维修工和质量检查人员。

  B: What do all your quality control people oversee?


  A: They are responsible for ensuring the continuity of quality of the products that come out of our plant. Here.Iet's move on to the assembly shop.

  A:他们负责确保我们工厂生产的产品质量的稳 定性。现在,让我们去装配车间看看。

  B: It's up to you.


  A: OK.lets go.


  B: All right.
