
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
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  下面是CN人才网小编带给大家的英语精品文摘《你在新的一年里会过得很精彩》,请大家一起来赏析。     As we come to the end of another year, we thinking about the New Year and the goals we want to accomplish. New Year's resolutions have gotten a bad rap because most people lose focus after the first few months of the year. They are, however, important because we should have constant growth in our lives.     又到一年年末,想到新的一年,我们有许许多多希望完成的目标。大部分人的新年决心通常都是三分钟热度,维持不了几个月。不过,这些决心其实真的很重要,因为我们的人生需要不断成长。     Each of us has different goals and dreams, and "happiness" will hold a different meaning for us. We all long for a happy and free life that we can live on our terms. We long to wake up each day and spend our time on the things that are important us -- that make us happy.     每个人的目标不同,梦想各异,幸福对每个人来说,也有着不同的意义。我们都渴望自由幸福的生活,拥有梦想的人生。我们希望,每天睁开眼以后,都能做那些对我们而言很重要的事情——那些让我们感到幸福的事情。     Life is hard and throws a lot at us at times. There are circumstances that make us feel stuck and trying to find an escape. Despite what's happened or where you are right now, you can live a happy life on your terms. Happiness starts in your mind and then in the choices you make. Here are five choices that can lead you to whatever a happy life means to you.     生活总是充满艰难险阻,让我们不堪重负。很多时候,我们陷入瓶颈,试图找到突破口。不管过去发生过什么,也不管你如今身在何处,你仍然能根据自己现有的条件,过上幸福的生活。因为你的思想是幸福的源泉,你的决心是幸福的起点。不管你想要过上什么样的幸福生活,以下五大决定都能帮到你。     1. Finding or Creating Work that Fulfills You     找到或创造一份能实现你价值的工作     Forty plus hours is a long time to spend in work that doesn't fulfill you -- or worse -- work that you hate. Those feelings and emotions will affect other areas of your life. We live in the Information Age. Never has there been a time with so much access to knowledge and opportunity to create income. You can use the Internet and social media to find your dream job or start a business you're passionate about. Use what's available to us to today to find or create work that fulfills and brings purpose to your life.     每周40多个小时的工作时间——如果从事的是一份不能发挥你特长甚至你讨厌的工作,那这个时间可是太难熬了。工作上的负面情绪也会影响到你生活的其他方面。身处信息时代,我们身边前所未有地充斥着大量能为我们带来财富的知识与机会。通过互联网和社交媒体,你能找到心仪的工作,或者创立自己喜欢的事业。我们应该利用今天一切可用的资源,找到或创造一份让我们有成就感的工作,找到人生的目标。     2. Ending a Toxic Relationship or Moving Forward in a Good One     结束糟糕的恋情,去寻找更适合你的人     Just like our work, our relationships also have a tremendous effect on our life. They can bring us joy or frustrate us into depression. Relationships are hard because love is involved, and love is rarely rational. It can also be more than romantic relationships; any that are toxic can rob us of happiness. We have to make a choice to purge negativity from our lives in any form. If you have good relationships, make the choice to do the work it takes to grow together.     和工作一样,我们的恋情也对生活质量有极大影响。因为它们,我们会开心快乐,也会郁郁寡欢。因为与爱有关,而爱往往缺乏理智,所以恋情上的事情总是很棘手。它有时又不仅仅是浪漫关系:只要一段恋情让你感到痛苦,那它就再无幸福可言了。我们应该痛下决心,将生活中所有负面消极的东西扫地出门。如果你的恋情很稳定,那么就下决心好好经营爱情,让两个人共同成长。     3. Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone     走出“舒适区”     It's not easy to do things that scare us or that we're not used to. Growing up, we were taught to follow the rules and do what society considers normal. When we stay within our comfort zone, we miss a huge opportunity for growth and adventure. To grow as a person, you have to try new things and figure out if they're right for your life. Step outside of your comfort zone daily and get a blueprint for the kind of life that makes you happy.     那些让我们心生恐惧或尚未习惯的事情,做起来的确不容易。在成长的过程中,我们被教导要循规蹈矩,按照社会常理行事。就这样,我们一直待在舒适区里,错过了经历冒险、获得成长的好机会。而尝试新事物并找到适合自己的方向,是成长的必经之路。试着踏出你每天已经习惯了的舒适区,获得走向幸福生活的蓝图吧。     4. Getting Committed to a Healthy Lifestyle     恪守健康的生活方式     Your health is important to living a long and happy life. Making healthy choices helps you have the energy you need to push forward and make big changes in your life. What you eat affects how you feel and the attitude that you have towards yourself and the world. Make healthy choices and will it will be a big contributor to your happiness.     想要长命百岁、幸福快乐,健康的重要性不言而喻。选择了健康的生活方式,你才有活力大步向前,有精力让生活改头换面。你吃的食物影响着你的情绪,也影响着你对自己和这个世界的态度。选择健康的生活方式吧,因为它将是你得到幸福的最大功臣。