
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】

  Amanda was unhappy with the amount of money she was making at her job, so she went after a position with a competitor and negotiated a higher salary.


  When she told her current employer about the higher salary offer, it countered with a considerable increase in her current salary to keep her on board.


  Hoping this is what would happen all along, Amanda accepted the new salary and stayed with her employer.


  One year later, the company made a round of layoffs because of changing market conditions and Amanda was one of the first to go. Not because she was a bad employee -- because she was overpaid compared to her contributions.


  In today's society, workers associate earning a high salary as one of the most important aspects of their jobs. They assume making a lot of money equals happiness, satisfaction, less stress and job security. Unfortunately, this is not always the case; Amanda's story is just one of many examples of how having a higher paycheck can backfire.


  "Our sense of value and self-worth is often tied to how much money we make," says Michael Zwell, human capital expert and author of "Six-Figure Salary Negotiation." "There is an illusion that we live with and believe that a bigger paycheck makes us happier and more valuable."

  《六位数工资谈判》一书作者、人力资本专家Michael Zwell说:“我们的价值感和自我价值感往往和拿所少工资密不可分。人们有这样的错觉,认为收入越高就越快乐、越有价值。”

  In fact, research shows otherwise. Studies have shown most people feel happier in a five-figure job where they are earning more than the majority of other people in the company than they do in a six-figure job where they are making significantly less than others, says Stan Smith, founder and CEO of Smith Economics Group Ltd., in Zwell's book. Ultimately, he says, people can't rely on short-lived salaries, promotions and raises to keep them happy but rather the contributions they make in the long run.

  事实上,研究的结果却有所出入。在Zwell的书中,Smith Economics Group公司创始人、首席执行官Stan Smith说,一些人拿五位数的工资,但他们的收入比公司多数人高,另一些人拿六位数工资,但他们的收入比公司多数人少,研究表明,前者比后者更快乐。最后,他说,要保持快乐,人们不能依赖于短期的(高)收入、晋升或提拔,而是要着眼于长期来他们所做出的贡献。

  Smaller paychecks reap large rewards 收入少、收获多

  In some situations, having a smaller paycheck than you'd like can actually be a bonus. If you are in a job where there's a steep learning curve, for example, getting a smaller paycheck will buy you time to develop the skills and experience to earn more in long run, Zwell says.

