Of Friendship 论友谊(4)

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Of Friendship 论友谊(4)

himself; and that more by an hour\'s discourse, then by a day\'s meditation. It was well said by Themistocles to the king of Persia;that speech was like cloth of Arras, opened, and put abroad; whereby the imagery doth appear in figure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs. Neither is this second fruit of friendship, in opening the understanding, restrained only to such friends as are able to give a man counsel: (they indeed are best) but even, without that, a man learneth of himself, and bringeth his own thoughts to light, and whetteth his wits as against a stone, which itself cuts not. In a word, a man were better relate himself to a statue, or picture, then to suffer his thoughts to pass in smother. 友谊底第二种功用就在它能卫养并支配理智,有如第一种功用之卫养并支配感情一样。因为友谊在感情方面使人出于烈风暴雨而入于光天化日,而在理智方面又能使人从黑暗和乱想入于白昼也。这不仅指一个人从朋友处得来的忠谏而言;即在得到这个之前,任何心中思虑过多的人,若能与旁人通言并讨论,则他底心智与理解力将变为清朗而有别;他底思想底动作将更为灵活;其排列将更有秩序;他可以看出来把这些思想变成言语的时候它们是什么模样;他终于变得比以往的他聪明,而要达到这种情形,一小时底谈话比一天底沉思为效更巨——这些都是没有疑义的。塞密斯陶克立斯对波斯王的话说得极是。他说:“言语有如张挂展览的花毡,其中的图形都是显明的;而思想则有如卷折起来的花毡”。友谊底这第二种功用(就是启发理智),也不限于那些能进忠言的朋友(他们当然是最好的朋友了),即令没有这样的朋友,一个人也能借言谈底力量自己增长知识,把自己底思想使之明白表现,并且把自己底机智磨厉得更为锋利,如磨刃于石,刃锐而石固不能割也。简言之,一个人,与其使他底思想窒息而灭,毋宁向雕像或图画倾诉一切之为愈也。   Add now, to make this second fruit of friendship complete, that other point, which lieth more open, and falleth within vulgar observation; which is faithful counsel from a friend. Heraclitus saith well, in one of his enigmas; dry light is ever the best And certain it is, that the light that a man receiveth by counsel from another, is drier, and purer, than that which cometh from his own understanding, and judgement; which is ever infused and drenched in his affections and customs. So as, there is as much difference, between the counsel that a friend giveth and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a friend and of a flatterer.   现在,为充分说明友谊底这第二种功用起见,我们再一谈那个显而易见,流俗之人也可以注意到的那一点,就是朋友底忠言。赫拉克里塔斯在他底隐语之一中说得很好,“干光永远最佳”。一个人从另一个人底诤言中所得来的光明比从他自己底理解力,判断力中所出的光明更是干净纯粹,这是无疑的:一个人从自己底理解力与判断力中得来的那种光明总不免是受他底感情和习惯底浸润影响的。因此,在朋友所给的诤言与自己所作的主张之间其差别有如良友底诤言与谄佞底建议之间的差别一样。   For there is no such flatterer as is a man\'s self, and there is no such remedy, against flattery of a man\'s self, as the liberty of a friend. Counsel is of two sorts; the one concerning manners, the other concerning business. For the first; the best preservative to keep the mind in health, is the faithful admonition of a friend. The calling of a man\'s self to a strict account, is a medicine, sometime, too piercing and corrosive. Reading good books of morality is a lime flat, and dead. Observing our faults in others is sometimes improper for our case. But the best receipt (best, I say, to work, and best to take) is the admonition of a friend. It is a strange thing to behold, what gross errors, and extreme absurdities, many (especially of the greater sort) do commit, for want of a friend, to tell them of them; to the great damage, both of their fame, and fortune. For, as St James saith, they are as men, that look sometimes into a glass, and presently forget their own shape, and favour. As for business, a man may think, if he will, that two eyes see no more than one; or that a gamester seeth always more than a looker on; or that a man in anger is as wise as he, that hath said over the four and twenty letters; or that a musket may be shot off, as well upon the arm, as upon a rest; and such other fond and high imaginations, to think himself all in all.  因为谄谀我者无过于我;而防御自谄自谀之术更无有能及朋友之直言者也。诤言共有两种:一是关于行为的,一是关于事业。说到第一种,最能保人心神之健康的预防药就是朋友底忠言规谏。一个人底严厉自责是一种有时过于猛烈,蚀力过强的药品。读劝善的好书不免沈闷无味。在别人身上观察自己底错误有时与自己底情形不符。最好的药方(最有效并且最易服用的)就是朋友底劝谏。许多人(尤其是伟大的人们)因为没有朋友向他们进忠告的原故,做出大谬极误的事来,以致他们底名声和境遇均大受损失,这种情形看起来是很可惊异的。这些人是,有如圣雅各所说,“有时看看镜子,而不久就会忘了自己底形貌的”。讲到事业方面,一个人也许以为两只眼所见的并不多于一只眼所见的;或者以为局中人之所见总较旁观者之所见为多;或者以为一个在发怒中的人和一个默数过二十四个字母的人一般地聪明;或者以为一枝旧式毛瑟枪,托在臂上放和托在架上放一样地得力;他可以有许多类此的愚蠢骄傲的妄想,以为自己一身就很够了。

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