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  屠呦呦英文介绍 1

  The 2011 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors a scientist who discovered artemisinin and its utility for treating malaria. Tu Youyou (China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing) developed a therapy that has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world. An artemisinin-based drug combination is now the standard regimen for malaria, and the World Health Organization (WHO) lists artemisinin and related agents in its catalog of "Essential Medicines." Each year, several hundred million people contract malaria.

  Tu led a team that transformed an ancient Chinese healing method into the most powerful antimalarial medicine currently available.



  屠呦呦英文介绍 2

  The landmark success of herbal expert Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman national to win a Nobel prize in science, has aroused an intense sense of national pride and hopes on the future of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Tu, born in 1930, shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Irish-born William Campbell and Japan’s Satoshi Omura for her discoveries concerning a therapy against malaria.

  She discovered Artemisinin, a drug that has significantly reduced the death rates for patients suffering from malaria. “Artemisinin is a gift for the world people from the traditional Chinese medicine. It is of great significance for curing malaria and other infectious diseases and for protecting the health of the world people,” Tu said in Beijing. “ The discovery of Artemisinin is a successful example of collective research on traditional Chinese medicine. The prize winning is an honor for China’s science cause and traditional Chinese medicine in their course of reaching out to the world.”

  In 2011, Tu became the first scientist on the mainland to win America’s respected Lasker Award for the anti-malaria therapy. Graduating from the Beijing Medical College in 1955, she is chief researcher and professor at the Beijing-based China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

  On China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo, the breaking news has been forwarded by at least tens of thousands of users and received numerous “thumb-ups.” Netizen “Shengxiaxohuiyi” wrote, “ Now I feel truly proud of being a medical student.”

  草药专家屠呦呦作为首位获得诺贝尔科学奖的中国女性获得了里程碑式的成功,这激起了强烈的民族自豪感和对中医药未来的希望。屠生于1930年,因其在疟疾治疗方面的发现,与爱尔兰出生的William Campbell和日本的Satoshi Omura共同获得了2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。




  屠呦呦英文介绍 3

  Tu Youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang in 1930. The famous line from "The Book of Songs - Xiaoya" expresses the beautiful expectations of Tu Youyous parents for her, as the deer crow and the apples in the wild are eaten.

  In 1951, Tu Youyou was admitted to the School of Medicine of Peking University (now the Medical Department of Peking University) and chose the Department of Pharmacy as her first choice. She believes that the major of traditional Chinese medicine is most likely to be close to exploring the field of traditional Chinese medicine with a long history, which aligns with her interests and ideals. During her four years in university, Tu Youyou worked hard and achieved excellent results. In her professional courses, she has a great interest in plant chemistry, herbal medicine, and plant taxonomy.

  In 1955, Tu Youyou graduated from university and was assigned to work at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (now the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine) directly under the Ministry of Health.

  In 1969, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute where Tu Youyou worked received a research and development task for "Chinese herbal medicine anti malaria", code 523, which became the code name for the research project on new drugs for malaria prevention and control at that time. Tu Youyou joined the Traditional Chinese Medicine Collaboration Group and, together with researchers from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, reviewed medical records from various dynasties to select the most frequently used anti malaria prescriptions, and tested their effectiveness.

  In the second half of 1971, Tu Youyou changed from using ethanol for extraction to using ether with a lower boiling point than ethanol. On October 4, 1971, a neutral extract of Artemisia annua was successfully extracted, achieving a 100% inhibition rate against Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium falciparum.

  In 1977, she first wrote a paper titled "A novel sesquiterpene lactone - artemisinin" under the name of the "Artemisinin Structure Research Collaboration Group", which was published in the Scientific Bulletin and attracted close attention from countries around the world. In 1980, Tu Youyou was appointed as a masters supervisor, and in 2001, she was appointed as a doctoral supervisor. She has been engaged in research on traditional Chinese medicine and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for many years, and her outstanding contribution is the creation of new antimalarial drugs - artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin.







  屠呦呦英文介绍 4

  Tu Youyou is the first Chinese native scientist to receive the Nobel Prize in Science and the first Chinese scientist to receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. It is the highest award received by the Chinese medical community so far, and also the highest award received for achievements in traditional Chinese medicine.

  Tu Youyou (born December 30, 1930), female, Han ethnicity, member of the Communist Party of China, and a pharmacist. Born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, in 1951, he was admitted to the Department of Pharmacy at Peking University School of Medicine with a major in raw medicine. Graduated from Beijing Medical College (now the Medical Department of Peking University) in 1955. After graduation, I received two and a half years of training in traditional Chinese medicine and have been working at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (renamed as the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2005). During this period, I was promoted to a masters supervisor and a doctoral supervisor. I am currently the Chief Scientist, Lifetime Researcher and Chief Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Director of the Artemisinin Research and Development Center, Doctoral Supervisor, and recipient of the Medal of the Republic.

  I have been engaged in research on traditional Chinese medicine and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for many years, and my outstanding contribution is the creation of new anti malaria drugs artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin. In 1972, a colorless crystal with the molecular formula C15H22O5 was successfully extracted and named artemisinin. In September 2011, the discovery of artemisinin, a drug used to treat malaria, saved the lives of millions of people worldwide, especially in developing countries, and was awarded the Lasker Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award in Life Science by the GlaxoSmithKline China R&D Center.

  In October 2015, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering artemisinin, a drug that can effectively reduce the mortality rate of malaria patients. She became the first Chinese person to win a Nobel Prize in science. The first Chinese local scientist to receive the Nobel Prize in Science, which is the highest award received by the Chinese medical community to date and also the highest award for achievements in traditional Chinese medicine.

  Received the highest national science and technology award in 2016 on January 9, 2017. On December 18, 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council awarded Comrade Tu Youyou the title of Reform Pioneer and awarded her the Reform Pioneer Medal. In May 2019, she was selected on Forbes China Technology 50 Womens List. Selected as one of Time magazines 100 Most Influential Women in March 2020.

  In 2020, the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine established a nine-year undergraduate doctoral program in traditional Chinese medicine called "Tu Youyou Class".


  屠呦呦(1930年12月30日- ),女,汉族,中共党员,药学家。浙江宁波人,1951年考入北京大学医学院药学系生药专业。1955年毕业于北京医学院(今北京大学医学部)。毕业后接受中医培训两年半,并一直在中国中医研究院(2005年更名为中国中医科学院)工作,期间晋升为硕士生导师、博士生导师。现为中国中医科学院首席科学家,终身研究员兼首席研究员,青蒿素研究开发中心主任,博士生导师,共和国勋章获得者。





  屠呦呦英文介绍 5

  Tu Youyou (1930-), a pharmacist, is a lifelong researcher and chief researcher at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is also the director of the Artemisinin Research Center at the Institute of Chinese Medicine and has served as the director of the Chemistry Department at the Institute. The recipient of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine has won the Lasker Clinical Medicine Award in the United States and the Warren Albert Award from Harvard Medical School.

  For decades, she has been engaged in research on traditional Chinese medicine. She and her research team have innovatively developed new types of antimalarial drugs - artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin. They have been commended at national scientific conferences, and the "new antimalarial drug artemisinin" has won the second prize of the National Invention Award. Because the discovery of artemisinin, a drug used to treat malaria, has saved the lives of millions of people worldwide, especially in developing countries.



  屠呦呦英文介绍 6

  Today, as a representative figure of the research and development achievements of artemisinin, Tu Youyou won the first Nobel Prize in the field of natural science in Chinese Mainland and became the only woman among the winners of the Nobel Prize in China.

  The famous line in the Book of Songs, "You You, the deer chirp and eat wild Artemisia annua," is the origin of the name Tu You You, and the wild grass that the deer eats is Artemisia annua. This is a mysterious arrangement, and her life is destined to be associated with Artemisia annua. However, this Chinese persons long-awaited Nobel Prize has come with such a "Chinese style".

  "This honor belongs not only to me personally," Tu Youyou once said in an interview. "It is an honor for traditional Chinese medicine to go global. It belongs to every member of the research team and the group of Chinese scientists."

  Tu Youyou, a female scientist from Ningbo who was previously unfamiliar to outsiders, has entered the public eye and the Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin, known as the "Chinese miracle medicine" for treating malaria.





  屠呦呦英文介绍 7

  Anyone who first hears of Tu Youyou will be attracted by her name.

  Tu Youyous name originates from the famous line "Youyou Deer Roaming" in the Book of Songs, which means the sound of deer chirping. Whats even more fascinating is that the second half of Youyous deer singing poem "Eating the Wild Apple" amazed people. From the time of naming, Tu Youyous fate was destined to be linked to this magical little grass.

  Tu Youyou said that she is just an ordinary plant chemistry researcher, but as a Chinese scientist who has made discoveries in the treasure trove of Chinese medicine and is recognized by the international scientific community, she feels proud. In my childhood, I witnessed firsthand the scene of folk traditional Chinese medicine formulas saving people and treating diseases. However, I never imagined that my life would be so closely related to these magical herbs.

  At the end of 1930, Tu Youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. As the only girl among the five children in the family, Tu Youyou has always received a good education. Her high school classmate Chen Xiaozhong recalled that Tu Youyou remained silent in class, often returning home after class, and her grades were also in the upper middle class, not outstanding.

  Although her grades were not outstanding, Tu Youyou was still admitted to the Department of Pharmacy at Beijing Medical College (later renamed as Beijing Medical University, now the Medical Department of Peking University) in 1951. After graduation, I was assigned to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (now the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine) of the Ministry of Health and have been working there ever since.

  Tu Youyou is very low-key, and even after winning the award, she rarely accepts media interviews. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is somewhat mysterious and does not indulge in worldly pleasures. But in the eyes of friends, Tu Youyou is a complete careless person. Tu Youyou is a rough person in life, not very good at taking care of herself, and is fully focused on work. Once, her ID card couldnt be found and she asked me to help look for it. When I opened her box, I found that the things inside were packed in a mess, unlike most girls who tidy up so neatly. After seeing her, the classmates all laughed at her. She is not very good at household chores, and after getting married, her husband basically does things like buying groceries and things. Chen Xiaozhong recalled.

  Although Tu Youyou is not bound by details in her daily life. But when encountering things she likes, she will show extraordinary perseverance.

  Tu Youyou has invested a lot of effort in artemisinin research. When she received the 523 project, she was approaching her forties, and her daughter was only 3 years old. In order not to affect the research, she entrusted the child to her elderly mother for care. Due to long-term experimentation at that time, the overworked Tu Youyou contracted a disease all over her body.

  In the view of Lucy Shapiro, a member of the Lasker Prize judging committee, the discovery of artemisinin as a highly effective antimalarial drug is largely attributed to the insight, vision, and tenacious beliefs of Tu Youyou and her team.










  屠呦呦英文介绍 8

  After going through multiple detours and experiencing trial and error, the anti malaria records in ancient books gave Tu Youyou new inspiration. In Ge Hongs "Emergency Prescription for Elbow Reserve" from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the phrase "hold Artemisia annua, soak it in two liters of water, wring out the juice, and take it all" made Tu Youyou realize that Artemisia annua may be a good remedy for treating malaria.

  The extraction of artemisinin was a globally recognized challenge at that time. Previously, the pharmaceutical industry had never successfully extracted artemisinin, and the problem may have arisen due to temperature. Tu Youyou took a unique approach and used ether for low-temperature extraction, successfully extracting artemisinin.

  At that time, the scientific research conditions were very poor, and Tu Youyous team could only buy a few large water tanks for extraction and extraction. There are no protective measures and no ventilation system. Due to inhaling too much ether, Tu Youyou even suffered from liver poisoning.




  屠呦呦英文介绍 9

  Tu Youyou is an outstanding woman, and even in the whole world, she is one of the most influential women. In addition to paying attention to her achievements in the field of science, there are actually many positive things about her that inspire and inspire women today. These are all worth our attention and learning from.

  Firstly, it is the spirit of dedication that Tu Youyou embodies, a steadfast commitment to her career. This spirit is exactly what many women currently lack. Many people in society believe that womens more important career is their family, while their own career is not as important, so they do not attach enough importance to their independent career and lack a sense of professionalism. But personally, I dont agree with this point, which is actually an unfair perception of women. Every woman should have her own career, whether part-time or full-time, she should have a spirit of dedication, constantly cultivating and persevering in this field, in order to ensure her independent ability in her career. From a certain perspective, women without their own careers cannot be called completely independent women. It can be seen that as women, we should learn from Tu Youyous dedication and perseverance.

  In addition, many people nowadays believe that women begin to depreciate after the age of thirty, so many women also enter the middle age crisis too early. They feel that it is too late after thirty, so they just muddle through. In fact, such thoughts are short-sighted. In Tu Youyou, we can actually see that "everything is too late, its just the right time". As long as there is a heart of hard work and struggle, when to start is actually the most suitable and earliest time for oneself. People who say its already late are just making excuses and setting limits for themselves.

  As a woman, I believe that Tu Youyou is not afraid of difficulties and has a strong spirit that is worth learning from. Almost all positive paths in life need to be honed, which requires us to work tirelessly and never give up, in order to laugh until the end.





  屠呦呦英文介绍 10

  If a persons greatness is measured by the number of saved lives, then Tu Youyou is definitely at the forefront.

  In the 1960s, malaria ravaged various parts of South Africa, leaving people devastated wherever they went. As the chief scientist of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tu Youyou resolutely took on this almost impossible mission of treating malaria and saving lives.

  At that time, there was no cure for malaria, so Tu Youyou visited the people and compiled various prescriptions related to malaria. She walked through the streets and alleys with her feet; Relying on one hand, jotting down the doctors prescription. "There is no mountain higher than a person, no road farther than her feet," Tu Youyou meticulously compiled a collection of 6.4 million words of prescriptions, step by step. These words pile up, surpassing the distance between Southeast Asia and South Africa, and the distance between people and hearts!

  Not all failures add up to success. Tu Youyou has studied over 200 medicinal herbs, but still has not received any. Someone earnestly advised her to give up, after all, many developed countries have no way to deal with malaria. However, Tu Youyou still refused to give up because she felt that she was holding the lives of countless patients in her hands, harboring their only hope.

  She flipped through ancient medical books, and the descriptions of Artemisia annua in the books gave her great inspiration and hope. She found that there is a substance that has almost 100% inhibition on malaria, which is artemisinin. But just as she was ecstatic, the flame of hope was extinguished by a basin of cold water - can artemisinin be used on humans? Once the medicine is used incorrectly, it is a cost that no one can afford.

  Tu Youyou resolutely decided to test the medicine with her own body. After time and time again facing life-threatening situations, Tu Youyou finally ushered in an exciting moment - the experiment was successful! After repeated cycles of improvement and experimentation, artemisinin finally obtained a new drug certificate in 1986. So, she caused the malaria incidence rate to plummet by 50%.

  In modern society, there are actually many parents who do not want their children to engage in scientific research, but only want them to have a good job and live their own little life steadily. Tu Youyou was born into a scholarly family, but she devoted her whole life to the scientific cause. With her actions, she gave life an extraordinary answer.

  Tu Youyou, you are the gospel of the world, the pride of China, and my idol.









  屠呦呦英文介绍 11

  On October 5, 2015, a moment that can be recorded in history: The Caroline School of Medicine in Sweden announced in Stockholm that Chinese female scientist Tu Youyou and two other scientists shared the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in recognition of their achievements in research such as malaria treatment. This is the first time a Chinese scientist has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Science for scientific research conducted domestically in China.

  Tu Youyou has been engaged in research on traditional Chinese medicine and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for many years, and her outstanding contribution is the creation of a new type of anti malaria drug artemisinin. In May 2004, the World Health Organization officially listed artemisinin compound medicine as the preferred drug for treating malaria, and Chinese miracle medicine has since shown remarkable efficacy around the world. Nearly two hundred failed experiences have set a new milestone in the history of human medicine; Half a century of arduous exploration has brought about a change in the fate of billions of people. The unwavering scientific spirit and humanistic sentiment of Chinese scientists are worthy of everyones respect. The first Nobel Prize awarded to Chinese scientists is not only an individual achievement, but also a collective honor. As an award with great symbolic significance, it showcases the exploratory attitude and pioneering spirit of Chinese scientists, showcases the tradition of continuous and sincere cooperation among Chinese scientific and technological workers, showcases the overall level and talent reserve of Chinese medical science, and even expresses the strength and confidence of a country in the field of scientific research. As Tu Youyou said when she was awarded the Lasker Prize earlier, this honor belongs not only to me personally, but also to our group of Chinese scientists. The light of the Nobel Prize also shines on other researchers involved in artemisinin research and development, on the technology workers who have been working hard in different fields for decades, and on the Chinese scientists who hold the fate of humanity in their hearts, whether they are well-known or unknown.

  Traditional Chinese medicine has reached a new height in the human fight against malaria, which is both a news boiling point and a historical moment. Traditional Chinese medicine has always played the role of an outsider in the scientific system in the Western sense, and traditional Chinese medicine theory often faces the embarrassment of being unable to be internationally evaluated and its value cannot be measured. Every collision between Chinese medicine and Western medicine reflects the complex situation of communication and dialogue between different cultural traditions and discourse systems. Now, the contribution of the Chinese miracle medicine artemisinin to humanity has been confirmed. From a powerful perspective, it showcases the global significance of traditional Chinese medicine and expands the space for Chinese natural science achievements to be widely recognized by the world. It also provides greater possibilities for mutual inspiration between Chinese and Western medicine and benefiting humanity.

  For a country, the Nobel Prize is a recognition and encouragement, as well as a reminder and motivation. The various public opinions surrounding Tu Youyous award remind us that China needs to further streamline its mechanism for technology evaluation and allocation of technology resources, improve its talent reward and support mechanisms, not only introduce more scientists who can face the world, but also learn to actively lead the worlds vision, and invest in outstanding Chinese scientists and outstanding Chinese scientific and technological achievements.


  屠呦呦多年从事中药和中西药结合研究,突出贡献是创制新型抗疟疾药青蒿素。2004年5月,世卫组织正式将青蒿素复方药物列为治疗疟疾的首选药物,中国神药从此在世界各地显示奇效。近两百次的失败经历,刷新了人类医药史的新里程;半个世纪的艰难求索,换来了亿万人命运的改变中国科学家锲而不舍的科学精神与心怀苍生的人文情怀,值得所有人献上敬意。 中国科学家首获诺贝尔奖,是个体的功勋,也是群体的荣耀。作为一项有巨大象征性意义的奖项,它展现了中国科学家的探索态度、首创精神,展现了中国科技工作者前仆后继、精诚合作的传统,展现了中国医学科学的整体水平和人才储备,甚至表达了一个国家在科学研究领域的实力和底气。如同屠呦呦在此前获拉斯克奖时所言,这个荣誉不仅仅属于我个人,也属于我们中国科学家群体,诺贝尔奖的光芒也同样照耀其他参与青蒿素研发的研究者们,照耀那些在不同领域数十年如一日辛勤耕耘的科技工作者们,照耀那些心中怀着全人类命运的中国科学家们,无论他们是声名远播还是默默无闻。



  屠呦呦英文介绍 12

  Tu Youyous three older brothers have all received good education. As the only girl in the family, Tu Youyou also received a complete education from a young age.

  However, Tu Youyous student career was interrupted for over two years starting from 1946. That year, 16-year-old Tu Youyou was tested by a disaster - she unfortunately contracted tuberculosis and was forced to terminate her studies. At this time, the butcher who had experienced the baptism of war had become very financially challenged. Having tuberculosis, the test for this little girl can be imagined.

  Fortunately, after more than two years of treatment and adjustment, Tu Youyou was able to improve and continue her studies. In Tu Youyous view, this experience of suffering from tuberculosis is the origin of her interest in medicine. "The role of medicine is magical. I thought at the time, If I learn it, I can not only keep myself away from illness and pain, but also save more people. Why not do it?"

  The original starting point of a generation of pharmacists comes from this simple desire to "treat oneself and save others".

  The influence of family also made Tu Youyou increasingly interested in medicine. Father Tu Liangui is a bank employee and enjoys reading books on a regular basis. The small pavilion on the rooftop of the house, filled with ancient books, was not only her fathers study, but also Tu Youyous favorite destination. When her father goes to read, Tu Youyou will also sit on the side and pretend to read a book. Although she couldnt quite understand the text, most books on traditional Chinese medicine were accompanied by illustrations, which made Tu Youyou very enjoy that simple and happy time of reading pictures.

  As the only daughter of her parents, Tu Youyou is deeply loved. What has made many classmates envious is that Tu Youyou enjoys eating fragrant snails. In her busy academic life, her mother always prepares pickled fragrant snails herself and brings them to her beloved daughter.

  In 1948, after taking a two-year leave of absence and her condition improved, 18-year-old Tu Youyou began attending Ningbo Private Xiaoshi High School and became an alumnus with her father Tu Liangui.

  This is a legendary school. Established in 1922, Xiaoshi High School was jointly founded by early Chinese physicist He Yujie, a group of famous scientists at the time such as Ye Bingliang, Chen Xunzheng, and Qian Baohang, along with local industrialist Li Jingdi in Ningbo. The school adheres to the principle of "private management, practical education, and leading the way for the peoples governance". At the beginning of its establishment, the school proposed the educational philosophy of "education should have adaptability, adapt to peoples will, adapt to local customs, and adapt to the times and circumstances".

  By 19:00, the school had already gained fame. Shanghai Fudan University and St. Johns University are both contracted with Xiaoshi Middle School, and all graduates from Xiaoshi Middle School are exempt from the exam and can be directly admitted through recommendation.

  In February 1948, when Tu Youyou entered Xiaoshi High School as a first-year high school student with equivalent academic qualifications, the school had been out of the war of resistance against Japan for less than three years. After the fall of Ningbo in April 1941, it was not until October 25, 1945, that Xiaoshi Middle School was able to resume operations, which later became the anniversary of Xiaoshi Middle School in Ningbo.














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