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摘要:为了分析含钒钛转炉渣氧压酸浸过程的热力学特点,根据高温水溶液中计算标准摩尔吉布斯自由能和活度系数的经验公式,通过计算得到了氧分压0.5 MPa、对应离子的质量浓度0.1 mol/kg、温度60~200℃条件下V-Ti-H2O系的电位-pH图.在pH<2的酸性条件下,可溶性V3+,VO2+,VO2+的稳定区几乎全部包含在TiO2的稳定区范围内,随着温度由60℃升高到200℃,钒、钛稳定共存区对应的氧化还原电位逐渐增大,pH逐渐降低.钒、钛稳定区的共存特点从热力学角度为转炉渣采用氧压酸浸工艺通过一步酸浸将钒浸出的同时使钛富集在渣中提供了理论依据.含钒钛转炉渣的氧压酸浸实验结果表明,在浸出温度140℃、氧分压0.5 MPa、粒度0.055~0.075mm、液固比15:1、浸出时间120m in、搅拌速度500r/min、初酸浓度200 g/L的条件下,钒的浸出率为96.87%,钛的浸出率为8.76%.钒与钛通过氧压酸浸工艺能够得到有效分离,实验结果与热力学计算结果一致.Abstract:To analyze the thermodynamic characteristics of leaching process of converter slag,(4)-pH diagram of V-Ti-H2O system at oxygen partial pressure of 0.5 MPa,ionic mass concentration of 0.1 mol/kg and temperatures ranging from 60 to 200 ℃ was obtained by recently published critically assessed standard Gibbs energies and activity coefficients of various species.When pH<2,stable regions of V3+,VO2+ and VO2+ exist in the stable region of TiO2.The pH values of stable regions of vanadium and titanium decrease and redox potentials become more positive with the temperature increasing.Vanadium and titanium could be separated by one-step leaching based on thermodynamics.The experiment results of pressure acid leaching of converter slag show that leaching rates of vanadium and titanium are 96.87% and 8.76% respectively,at 140 ℃ of temperature,0.5 MPa of oxygen partial pressure,0.055-0.075mm of particle size,15:1 of liquid to solid ratio,120 min of leaching time,500 r/min of stirring speed and 200 g/L of initial acid concentration.Vanadium and titanium could be selectively separated in the pressure acid leaching process,and the experiment result is in agreement with thermodynamic calculation result. 作者: 牟望重  张延安  豆志河  吕国志  刘燕 Author: MU Wang-zhong  ZHANG Ting-an  DOU Zhi-he  L(U) Guo-zhi  LIU Yan 作者单位: 东北大学材料与冶金学院,多金属共生矿生态化利用教育部重点实验室,沈阳110819 期 刊: 中国有色金属学报(英文版)   ISTICEISCI Journal: Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 年,卷(期): 2011, 21(9) 分类号: X756 关键词: 电位-pH图    V-Ti-H2O系    氧压酸浸    转炉渣    钒    钛    Keywords: (4)-pH diagram    V-Ti-H2O system    pressure acid leaching    converter slag    vanadium    titanium    机标分类号: TF8 TD9 机标关键词: 钒钛    转炉渣    氧压酸浸    过程    氧化还原电位    converter slag    acid leaching    oxygen partial pressure    leaching process    thermodynamic calculation    activity coefficients    浸出率    experiment    稳定区    热力学    mass concentration    酸浸工艺    实验结果    leaching rates    stable region 基金项目: the National Key Basic Research Program of China,the National Natural Science Foundation of China,National Science and Technology Support Plan of China during the 11th Five-Year Plan 含钒钛转炉渣氧压酸浸过程V-Ti-H2O系的电位-pH图[期刊论文]  中国有色金属学报(英文版) --2011, 21(9)牟望重  张延安  豆志河  吕国志  刘燕为了分析含钒钛转炉渣氧压酸浸过程的热力学特点,根据高温水溶液中计算标准摩尔吉布斯自由能和活度系数的经验公式,通过计算得到了氧分压0.5 MPa、对应离子的质量浓度0.1 mol/kg、温度60~200℃条件下V-Ti-H2O系的电位-pH图...





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