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摘要:自然水体不同组分光谱之间存在复杂的耦合作用机制,由此导致水体光学特性的高度复杂性,给水质参数遥感反演带来了很大的不确定性,目前对此缺乏系统性认识.基于水体光学Monte Carlo高光谱模拟,研究了典型可遥感水质参数叶绿素a(Chl.a)、总悬浮物(TSM)与黄色物质(CDOM)光谱特征之间的耦合效应.结果表明:水体组分之间的光学影响具有不对等性;Chl.a与C130M的存在不影响TSM信息提取时特征波段的选择;由Chl.a主导的水体对TSM的信息提取影响甚微,而TSM对Chl.a反射光谱产生的影响非常显著.随着TSM浓度不断增加,Chl.a的浓度对反射率的响应不断减弱,当TSM浓度达到一定水平时,Chl.a的反射光谱对其浓度的变化完全失去响应.即使在Chl.a敏感的特征波段670 nm,当TSM较高时,其光学特性可完全湮没Chl.a的光谱响应,使得在高浓度TSM的水体中提取Chl.a的浓度信息非常困难.CDOM的存在使得蓝绿波段比值算法在Chl.a在中高浓度时失效;由TSM主导的水体比由Chl.a主导的水体对CDOM的光学影响更为显著,TSM对于短波区域CDOM的光学特性具有更强的抑制性.研究结果可为水质遥感波段的选取、水体组分反演算法的适用浓度范围及水色卫星传感器的波段设置等方面提供了理论基础,尤其对于二类水体水质遥感的发展具有较大的促进作用.Abstract:Based on aquatic optics Monte Carlo hyperspectral simulation,the interactions between spectral characteristics of chlorophyll a,total suspended matter(TSM)and colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM)were discussed.The result shows thatthe nonlinear and spectrally varying interactions between different water components are extremely highly asymmetric.The existing of chlorophyll a and CDOM has little effects on the characteristic wavebands selection and information retrieval of TSM,while the effects of TSM on chlorophyll a are obvious.With the stepwise additions of TSM,the response of chlorophyll a to its concentration becomes weak.When the concentration of TSM increases to a certain degree,the spectral response of chlorophyll a concentration will disappear.Even at the sensitivity waveband of chlorophyll a such as 670 nm,when the TSM is in high concentration,the spectral reflectance will not change with chlorophyll a concentration,which lead to difficulty to extract the chlorophyll a concentration in turbid water dominated by suspended matter.The existing of CDOM causes the blue and green band ratio algorithm to fail when the chlorophyll a is in middle to high concentration.The spectral effects on CDOM of the water body dominated by TSM are more obvious than that dominated by chlorophyll a.There are strong inhibition effects of TSM on the CDOM spectral properties in the short bands.The research results can provide theoretical basis for characteristic waveband selection,the application scope of water component concentration inversion algorithm and the waveband setting for case 2 water remote sensing. 作者: 周冠华[1]田国良[2]陈军[3]李京[4]宫阿都[4] Author: ZHOU Guan-hua[1]  TIAN Guo-liang[2]  CHEN Jun[3]  LI Jing[4]  GONG A-du[4] 作者单位: 北京师范大学资源学院,北京,100875;北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京,100191中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京,100101青岛海洋地质研究所,山东,青岛,266071民政部/教育部减灾与应急管理研究院,北京,100875 期 刊: 光谱学与光谱分析   ISTICEISCIPKU Journal: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 年,卷(期): 2010, 30(2) 分类号: X87 关键词: 水色遥感    光谱耦合效应    蒙特卡罗模拟    Keywords: Ocean color remote sensing    Spectral coupling effects    Monte Carlo simulation    机标分类号: S96 TU9 机标关键词: 体组分    光谱耦合    效应研究    Water Quality    Coupling Effects    TSM    水体    浓度    suspended matter    光学特性    interactions    dissolved organic matter    Monte Carlo    information retrieval    特征波段    spectral reflectance    spectral properties    inversion algorithm    theoretical basis    spectral response 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金,国家科技支撑计划课胚,教育部人文社会科学规划项目










