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Abstract:The process of microwave flocculation and Fe/C micro-electrolysis was used to treat several oilfield production wastewater, and the effects of microwave on flocculation, disinfection, de-oiling and decrease of the corrosion rate were investigated.The results showed that microwave coagulation could reduce 20% dosage for PAC and 30% for PAM, and the settling time of microwave flocculation was only 1/4 of normal flocculation, and total removal efficiency of COD for the wastewater reached 96%.Microwave could effectively kill total growth bacteria (TGB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the wastewater, and the removal of bacteria reached 99%.Microwave accelerated oil-water separation and promoted emulsion-breaking simutaneously, and the average removal efficiency of oil was 95%.Microwave also played an active role in the reduction of corrosion rate, and the average corrosion reduction reached 90% in the microwave assisted process, which was 10 points higher than that in normal process.摘要: 引言 油田的开采在国民经济发展中发挥着重大作用,但随着现代产技的发展和人民生活水平的提高,环境保护日渐受到重视,因此油田开采过程中所产生的大量污染废水治理就显得尤为重要~([1]). 作者: 廖建波卜龙利张爱涛 Author: LIAO Jianbo BO Longli ZHANG Aitao 作者单位: 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,陕西,西安,710055 期 刊: 化工学报 ISTICEIPKU Journal: CIESC JOURNAL 年,卷(期): 2010, 61(4) 分类号: X741 关键词: 微波 油田采出废水 絮凝 铁/炭微电解 Keywords: microwave oilfield production wastewater flocculation Fe/C micro-electrolysis 机标分类号: TU9 TG1 机标关键词: 微波技术 油田 废水处理 production wastewater treatment microwave coagulation removal efficiency corrosion rate 人民生活水平 国民经济发展 total 开采过程 环境保护 废水治理 results points oil active 污染 time 基金项目: 陕西省教育厅专项基金,教育部长江学者与创新团队发展计划创新团队项目【微波技术在油田采出废水处理中的作用】相关文章: