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摘要: 目的 研究北京城区沙尘天气对人群以呼吸系统症状为主的急性健康影响.方法 采用自填式问卷调查法,在2005年春季的一次强沙尘天气期间,对北京市崇文区4所小学845例4~5年级学生及1653例成人进行调查,内容包括被调查者一般情况、浮尘天气过程自觉不适症状及诊疗情况等.同时收集浮尘天气过程PM_(10),NO_2及SO_2的日平均浓度,对大气各污染物与人群症状发生率做多元回归分析,并对儿童与成人的症状发生率进行比较.结果 浮尘天气导致儿童与成人组发生眼、口、鼻、咽喉等部位的不适症状,大气PM_(10)浓度与人群多数症状的发生率间存在正相关,此外,儿童对浮尘污染的刺激更为敏感.结论 浮尘天气导致大气PM_(10)浓度的升高,可以对人体呼吸系统产生急性不良影响. Abstract: Objective To assess the acute health effects of the population exposure to a dust event in Beijing. Methods A total of 845 children from 4 primary schools and 1653 adults were investigated in Beijing by the questionnaires during a dust event in the spring of 2005. The symptoms, such as upper respiratory and stimuli symptoms, were recorded daily. The daily air pollution (PM_(10), NO_2 and SO_2 ) data were monitored at the same time. The association between the concentrations of air pollutants and the incidence of symptoms in exposed population were analyzed by multiple regression models. Results Positive associations were found between the PM_(10) concentrations and respiratory symptoms both in children and adults during the dust event. The children were more susceptible than adults to air pollution. Conclusion The dust events could have adverse effect on human respiratory health. There were positive association between increased ambient air PM_(10) concentration and incidence of upper respiratory symptoms. 作 者: 张鑫 王洪源 王涛 赵微 张志刚 王旗 ZHANG Xin WANG Hongyuan WANG Tao ZHAO Wei ZHANG Zhigang WANG Qi 作者单位: 张鑫,王洪源,王涛,王旗,ZHANG Xin,WANG Hongyuan,WANG Tao,WANG Qi(北京大学公共卫生学院,北京,100191)赵微,ZHAO Wei(北京市崇文区疾病预防控制中心)
张志刚,ZHANG Zhigang(国家气象中心)
期 刊: 卫生研究 ISTICPKU Journal: JOURNAL OF HYGIENE RESEARCH 年,卷(期): 2009, 38(6) 分类号: X513 R56 关键词: 沙尘天气 PM_(10) 急性健康效应 Keywords: dust event PM_(10) acute health effects【北京城区强沙尘天气对人群短期健康影响的调查分析】相关文章:
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