
时间:2023-04-25 20:53:54 环境保护论文 我要投稿
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摘要: 以科尔沁沙地阿古拉苏木为典型代表区域, 应用1987-2006年20 a间12幅遥感影像及相应气候数据, 分析了地表环境变化与气候变化间的响应关系, 提出了表征响应敏感程度、影响程度大小排序的气候因子影响指数(CFII). 结果表明: 近20 a研究区地表环境变化表现为不断恶化的趋势. 各类地表环境变化与气候因子变化间有着良好的响应关系, 各类气候因子变化以不同方式和过程不同程度地影响着地表环境的变化. 响应敏感度最大, 即对地表环境变化影响最大的是相对湿度, 其次为降水量和蒸发量. 水分条件是制约干旱半干旱地区地表环境变化的主导因素. Abstract: In this paper, the Agura town--the typical region of Horqin sandy land is taken as study area. Using 12 pieces of remote sensing images and climatic data in the recent 20 years, the effect of climatic change on surface environments is analyzed. Climatic factor impact index (CFII) and the ranking of influence degree are proposed to characterize the response sensitive degree. The results show that: In the recent twenty years, surface environment of the study area is in a deterioration. There is a good relationship between surface environment and climatic factor. Various climatic factors influence the surface environment in different way and at different level. The most sensitive factor is relative humidity, followed by precipitation and evaporation. On the whole, water condition is the key factor that governs the surface environment change in arid and semi-arid areas. 作 者: 马龙    刘廷玺    MA Long    LIU Ting-xi   作者单位: 内蒙古农业大学,水利与土木建筑工程学院,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010018  期 刊: 冰川冻土  ISTICPKU   Journal: JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY  年,卷(期): 2009, 31(6)  分类号: X144 P467  关键词: 科尔沁沙地    典型区域    地表环境    气候变化    响应关系    气候因子影响指数    Keywords: Horqin Sandy Land    typical region    surface environment    climate change    response    climatic factor impact index   













摘要: 以科尔沁沙地阿古拉苏木为典型代表区域, 应用1987-2006年20 a间12幅遥感影像及相应气候数据, 分析了地表环境变化与气候变化间的响应关系, 提出了表征响应敏感程度、影响程度大小排序的气候因子影响指数(CFII). 结果表明: 近20 a研究区地表环境变化表现为不断恶化的趋势. 各类地表环境变化与气候因子变化间有着良好的响应关系, 各类气候因子变化以不同方式和过程不同程度地影响着地表环境的变化. 响应敏感度最大, 即对地表环境变化影响最大的是相对湿度, 其次为降水量和蒸发量. 水分条件是制约干旱半干旱地区地表环境变化的主导因素. Abstract: In this paper, the Agura town--the typical region of Horqin sandy land is taken as study area. Using 12 pieces of remote sensing images and climatic data in the recent 20 years, the effect of climatic change on surface environments is analyzed. Climatic factor impact index (CFII) and the ranking of influence degree are proposed to characterize the response sensitive degree. The results show that: In the recent twenty years, surface environment of the study area is in a deterioration. There is a good relationship between surface environment and climatic factor. Various climatic factors influence the surface environment in different way and at different level. The most sensitive factor is relative humidity, followed by precipitation and evaporation. On the whole, water condition is the key factor that governs the surface environment change in arid and semi-arid areas. 作 者: 马龙    刘廷玺    MA Long    LIU Ting-xi   作者单位: 内蒙古农业大学,水利与土木建筑工程学院,内蒙古,呼和浩特,010018  期 刊: 冰川冻土  ISTICPKU   Journal: JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY  年,卷(期): 2009, 31(6)  分类号: X144 P467  关键词: 科尔沁沙地    典型区域    地表环境    气候变化    响应关系    气候因子影响指数    Keywords: Horqin Sandy Land    typical region    surface environment    climate change    response    climatic factor impact index