
时间:2023-04-25 20:41:32 环境保护论文 我要投稿
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摘要: 为了促进陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区新农村植被建设的健康发展,对该区新农村植被建设进行了调查,发现新农村植被建设过程中存在着3个主要问题.(1)喜欢选择常绿树种,且多以松类、柏类为主,影响了当地以苹果、梨为主的果业发展.(2)模仿城市绿化,热衷于修建广场和草坪,导致田园风光、传统文化等乡村特色消失.(3)树种、草种比较单一,多为外来树种,不能反映区域特色,且树种、草种间搭配不够合理,存在着相克现象.建议新农村植被建设以乡土树种为主,合理搭配树种.突出田园风光和区域特色. Abstract: In order to promote new countryside vegetation construction healthy development in loess hilly and gully regions of northern Shaanxi, an investigation had been done and found 3 main problems in the process of new countryside vegetation construction. The first problem was evergreen trees usually been chosen at first, and most species were conifer, such as pine, cypress. These evergreen species had adverse effect on the local fruit, such as apple and pear industry development. The second problem was imitated the urban greening, keen to build squares and lawn, caused the pastoral, traditional culture and others of the village characters disappeared. The third problem was trees and grasses species relatively simple, and most were exotic species, not reflected the regional characteristics, and the trees and grasses species collocation were not reasonable, there were mutual restraint. The authors proposed that the native vegetations should be main vegetations in the process of new countryside vegetation construction, trees and grasses should be arranged reasonable, and characteristic of countryside and region should be stand out. 作 者: 白岗栓    李明霞    耿桂俊    惠涛    汪有涛    BAI Gang-shuan    LI Ming-xia    GENG Gui-jun    HUI Tao    WANG You-tao   作者单位: 白岗栓,BAI Gang-shuan(西北农林科技大学,水土保持研究所,陕西,杨陵,712100;中国科学院,水利部,水土保持研究所,陕西,杨陵,712100)

李明霞,LI Ming-xia(西北农林科技大学,林学院,陕西,杨陵,712100)

耿桂俊,GENG Gui-jun(中国科学院,水利部,水土保持研究所,陕西,杨陵,712100)

惠涛,汪有涛,HUI Tao,WANG You-tao(陕西省安塞县,延河流域世行贷款项目办公室,陕西,安塞,717400) 

期 刊: 水土保持研究  ISTICPKU   Journal: RESEARCH OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION  年,卷(期): 2009, 16(6)  分类号: X171.1  关键词: 陕北黄土丘陵区    新农村植被建设    生态环境    Keywords: loess hilly and gully regions of northern Shaanxi    new socialist countryside vegetation construct    ecological environment   










