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摘要: 对雨季广州大气中的硝酸盐粒子进行了两年的观察.粒子被分为两部分:粗大粒子(r>1.0 μm)和微小粒子 (r≤1.0 μm).用离子色谱对粒子总量进行了总体分析,用复合薄膜法和X-射线分析法对单个粒子进行了分析.总体分析结果表明,粗大粒子中的NO-3、Ca2+和Na+含量比微小粒子中的高.对单个粒子的分析发现,硝酸盐粒子不仅存在于粗大粒子中,而且也存在于微小粒子中,证明硝酸能凝结在海盐上形成粗大硝酸盐粒子,粗大硝酸盐粒子有可能起着最终消除广州大气中硝酸的作用. Abstract: Aerosol samples were collected from the air of Guangzhou during rainy season for two years. Atmospheric particles were size-fractionated into two size ranges: coarse particles(r>1.0μm) and fine particles (r≤1.0 μm). The aerosol particles were measured with bulk analyses by ion chromatography and analyses of individual particles by multiple thin film method and X-ray analysis technique. Chemical analysis of bulk samples showed that the content of NO3-, Ca2+ and Na+ in the coarse size range was much higher than that in the fine size range. Analyses of individual particle showed that nitrate particles existed not only in the coarse size range but also in the fine size range. Evidence of nitric acid condensed on the sea salt particle to form a coarse nitrate particle was obtained. Coarse nitrate particles probably serve as a permanent removel mechanism for nitric acid in the air of Guangzhou during rainy season. 作 者: 兰善红 钱公望 作者单位: 华南理工大学,制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东,广州,510640 期 刊: 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) ISTICEIPKU Journal: JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 年,卷(期): 2002, 30(1) 分类号: X502 关键词: 硝酸盐 单个粒子 复合薄膜法 广州 雨季 Keywords: nitrate individual particle multiple thin film method Guangzhou rainy season【雨季广州大气中的硝酸盐粒子】相关文章:
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