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The Nature of Materials
This first essay is about a pending marriage between biology and some of the technologies of engineering. It is a story of a long-standing flirtation that has been consummated a number of times, but never properly solemnised, despite repeated attempts, and no one is quite sure how many of the offspring, if any, have been viable. Whether the union will be blessed in the near future is anyone' s guess. In the hope of helping the marriage on its way, I start with four lucky things the bride has to wear at the wedding for the marriage to succeed, at least in one of the more recent Western traditions.
作 者: Julian F. V. Vincent 作者单位: Centre for Biomimetics and Natural Technologies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK 刊 名: 仿生工程学报(英文版) SCI 英文刊名: JOURNAL OF BIONICS ENGINEERING 年,卷(期): 2005 2(2) 分类号: Q81 TB17 关键词:【The Nature of Materials】相关文章:
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