GPS/VISNAV integrated relative navig
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GPS/VISNAV integrated relative navigation and attitude determination system for ultra-close spacecraft formation flying
Abstract:For the improvement of accuracy and better faulttolerant performance, a global position system (GPS)/vision navigation (VISNAV) integrated relative navigation and attitude determination approach is presented for ultra-close spacecraft formation flying. Onboard GPS and VISNAV system are adopted and a federal Kalman filter architecture is used for the total navigation system design. Simulation results indicate that the integrated system can provide a total improvement of relative navigation and attitude estimation performance in accuracy and fault-tolerance. 作者: Author: Xiaoliang Wang Xiaowei Shao Deren Gong Dengping Duan 作者单位: Institute of Aerospace Science & Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China 期 刊: 系统工程与电子技术(英文版) EISCI Journal: JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS 年,卷(期): 2011, 22(2) 分类号: V448.2 Keywords: control and navigation relative navigation federal Kalman filter spacecraft formation flying global position system (GPS) vision navigation (VISNAV) 机标分类号: V41 V44 机标关键词: spacecraft formation flying attitude determination performance in integrated system attitude estimation Simulation results navigation system Kalman filter total approach GPS better 基金项目:【GPS/VISNAV integrated relative navig】相关文章:
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