毕业论文:论秘书人员的参谋职能 - 语言文学毕业论文

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毕业论文:论秘书人员的参谋职能 - 语言文学毕业论文

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毕业论文:论秘书人员的参谋职能 - 语言文学毕业论文






    The secretarial staff officer function is a basic working talent in secretary work, but in modern led activity, people did not give the sufficient perception and affirmative to this working, leading along with modern activity gradually complicated. Secretary staff officer assistants working talent develops well, the level of structure that affect the directly and realm of the  secretary  work  service. Therefore, this lesson a characteristics, function for aiming at secretary staff officer working talent and performance method etc. did than clarity, expatiate completely, it is beneficial for the secretarial staff officer in clearer and right cognition working talent, and have the very realistic meaning.

    Key words: Secretary; Staff officer; Working talent; Request


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