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毕业论文:《生命中不能承受之轻》与《倾城之恋》中的女性比较 - 语言文学毕业论文
摘 要:采用女性视角来平行研究《生命中不能承受之轻》与《倾城之恋》中的3位女性。对于特丽莎与白流苏的研究主要是研究她们对待男人、爱情、婚姻的异同,萨宾娜与白流苏的研究主要是从个性差异入手的。通过这些研究得出了她们鲜明的个性,特丽莎是软弱的,萨宾娜是叛逆的,白流苏是柔中带刚的。爱是特丽莎的信仰,背叛是萨宾娜的最爱,她俩的存在构成了生活的两极——轻与重、灵与肉。白流苏以婚姻为事业的生活,是当时中国普遍存在因没有经济基础而依赖丈夫过着“寄生”生活的无奈女性的写照。总之3位女性的生活都不是理想的,特丽莎与白流苏都受制于生活的重,显得被动,萨宾娜则被生活的轻所牵制而使生活的意义被消解。
关键词:女性 米兰昆德拉 《生命中不能承受之轻》 布拉格之春
张爱玲 《倾城之恋》
Abstract:Adopt the female angle of view to study to the parallelism The Unbearable Lightness Of Being with A Love Story In The Ruined City medium three females.For especially Teresa and Bailiusu mainly are to study the different and similar that they treat the man, love, marriage, Sabinre and Bailiusu mainly commence from the character difference.Pass these researches their fresh and clear character, especially Terasa is weak, Sabinre is a treachery of, Bailiusu is soft to win to take just.The love is especially the faith of Teresa, the betrayal is favourite of Sabinra , the existence composing of her a pair living two poles- light and heavy, work properly with the meat.Bailiusu with marriage for business of living is a Chinese widespread existence to depend on the portrayal that the husband lived the helpless female who" live on" the life at that time because of have no economic foundation.In fine all of the lifes of three females are not ideal, especially Teresa and Bailiusu are all under the yoke of living of heavy, seem to be passive, the light that Sabinra was then live lead long make but living meaning drive eliminate the solution.
Keywords:Female Milan kundera The Unbearable Lightness Of Being
The spring of Prague Zhangailing A Love Story In Ruined City
【毕业论文:《生命中不能承受之轻》与《倾城之恋》中的女性比较 - 语言文学】相关文章: