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毕业论文:草莽英雄的完美化身—武松形象解析 - 语言文学毕业论文
摘 要:描写武松出场到落草2龙山的10回(2103回到3102回),是《水浒》中最精彩的章节。其中的“打虎”、“杀嫂”、“斗杀西门庆”、“醉打蒋门神”、“大闹飞云浦”、“血溅鸳鸯楼”,更是突出刻画了武松的英雄形象。作者笔下的武松性格中,充满着古代英雄的力、勇、智、义,充分寄托着正能胜邪的理想。而比起其他水浒英雄来,武松的力、勇、智、义都表现出了更高的层次,代表中华民族对于侠义英雄的崇拜,放射着英雄主义、理想主义的夺目光彩。
关键词:勇和力 刚正 复仇 机敏智慧 局限
Abstract: Describe and loose and appear on the scene to taking to the greenwood militarily ten times of Erlongshan (from 23 times to 32 times), it is the most excellent chapter in The Water Margin. It is among them " go tiger-hunting ", " kill by sister-in-law " , not " it is kill door not west celebrate to fight ", the " drunk to play by door god Jiang " , " make a scene by scud Pu ", " last mandarin duck floor blood ", have portrayed the military heroic stature that looses outstandingly even more. Loosing it in the personality militarily in the works of the author, is full of ancient heroes strength , brave , intelligently , justice , fully finding sustenance and can win the evil ideal . And come by hero compared with other the Water Margin, military strength , brave that loose,, intelligently, justice demonstrate high level, on behalf of worshipping to chivalrous hero of Chinese nation , are radiating the brilliant splendor of the heroism , idealism.
Key words: Brave and strength staunch and upright
Revenge alert intelligence limitation
【毕业论文:草莽英雄的完美化身—武松形象解析 - 语言文学毕业论文】相关文章:
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