
毕业论文:浅析《红楼梦》中的薛宝钗 - 语言文学毕业论文

时间:2021-10-31 17:28:37 语文论文 我要投稿

毕业论文:浅析《红楼梦》中的薛宝钗 - 语言文学毕业论文

摘  要:薛宝钗品格端正,容貌美丽,才华出众,学识渊博。这个名门淑媛必须的美德,被她诠释得淋漓尽致。薛宝钗堪称封建淑女的典型,对封建礼教绝对信奉与遵从。虽然她深受封建社会统治者的欢迎,却仍逃不脱家庭奴隶和封建道德殉葬品的悲惨命运。这是1个悲剧,不仅仅是性格的悲剧,爱情的悲剧,而更是1个社会悲剧,时代悲剧。

毕业论文:浅析《红楼梦》中的薛宝钗 - 语言文学毕业论文

关键词:薛宝钗  性格  典型  艺术形象  批判

Abstract:Character Xue Baochai proper, beautiful , exceptionally gifted appearance have, have great learning. This must pure pieces of influencial family Yuan have virtue, annotate thoroughly by her. Xue Baochai can be rated as the feudal fair maidens model , believe in and comply with the feudal Confucian or feudal ethical codes definitely. Though she is received by feudal society ruler favourably deeply , can not still escape from the family slave and miserable destiny of the feudal morals funerary object. This is a tragedy, and not merely a tragedy of the personality , the tragedy of the love, and a social tragedy even more, an era tragedy.

Key words:Xue Baochai   Personality   Model   Artistic image   Criticism