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毕业论文-直面生命的真实—《复活》讽刺艺术论 - 语言文学论文
摘 要
This article from esthetics methodology transformation start, reveals by Heidegger hides said is the rationale, take Tolstois world outlook, religious consciousness and human nature consciousness as the background, in detail analyzes Reactivating to satirize the life reality which in art contains. This article thought that, Reactivating outstanding satire art manifested not merely in the artist to at that time the Russian corrupt society reality intense satire above, in a higher level, this kind of satire art has manifested the writer in during the profound social history observation, did to the nature divine nature to the realistic common custom human nature criticalness satire, it also included Tolstoi regarding the self- profound satire.
Key words: The model said; Reveals hides said; Divine nature; Common custom human nature; Satire art
【毕业论文-直面生命的真实—《复活》讽刺艺术论 - 语言文学论文】相关文章:
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