考研专业课备考 英语专业语言学模拟试题

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考研专业课备考 英语专业语言学模拟试题

I. choose the best answer to the question: (10%)

考研专业课备考 英语专业语言学模拟试题

1.Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate?

a)[j] b)[t?] c)[z] d)[d3]

2. The pair of words "lend" and ''borrow" are _____.

a) gradable opposites b) relational opposites

c) synony d) co-hyponyms

3.The study of language development over a period of time is termed as __________linguistics.

a) comparative b) applied

c) synchronic d) diachronic

4.The function of the sentence "Water boils at 100 degree Centigrade" is ____.

a) interrogative b) directive

c) informative d) performative

5. _____ refers to a construction where one clause is coordinated with another.

a) embedding b) recursiveness

c) conjoining c) cohesion

6. The word beginning with a bilabial consonant is

a)reach b)pun c)chair d)link

7. The word beginning with a paloalveolar sound is

a)pencil b)welfare c) Saturday d) should

8. The word beginning with a lateral is

a)vary b)question c)luck d)rash

9. The word beginning with an afiricative is _____.

a)fission b)science c)cheer d)jumble

10. The word containing a front vowel is

a)dead b)book c)hot d)class

II. Fill in the blank with the correct word:(10%)

1. Sorry, I didn't turn up . I __________forget. (clear/clearly)

2.I'm afraid I'm __________out of food.(clean/cleanly)

3. The prisoner got __________away (clear/clearly)

4.Come __________!I want to tell you something.(close/closely)

5.Let's meet __________after lunch; then I'll take you to your room, (direct/directly)

6. You can eat __________in my restaurant whenever you like, (free/freely)

7. He can jump really (high/highly)

8. My friends are __________teachers.(most/mostly)

9.I haven't been to the theatre much __________.(late/lately)

10.Isn't the little girl dressed __________.(pretty/prettily)

III. Distinguish the following terms: (15%)

competence language linguistic potential

IV. What is the sense relation between the following two sentences?

What is the defining characteristics of this relationship?(15%)

a) The girl he married was a Chinese.

b) He married a girl.

V. Proofread the following paragraph:

You may have to add a word, cross out a word, change a word or tick a sentence in case it is error-free.(20%)

1. George Bush grew a tall, slim, __________

2. handsome teenager. He is a fine athlete, __________

3. and popular alongside both boys and girls. __________

4. But people remembered most about him __________

5. was how unselfish he was.__________

6.The Bushes were a close, happy family__________

7.For Bush children, Maine in the__________

8. summer was the best of possible ad__________

9.ventures. They spent long hours look__________

10.for fish ,sea rechins and crabs.__________

11.They picked berry, climbed trees.and__________

12.hiked in tire wood.Nature's bounty __________

13.was all around them——the wonder of__________

14.tidal pools, the smell of salt airs,__________

15.the sounds of waves crashing the____________

16.rocks at night, summer storms __________

17.sweep along the rocky coastline .__________

18.Sailing became one of George Bush's__________

19. great love.Handling boats of all__________

20.kinds became secondly nature to him.__________

VI.Discuss the influence of language and culture on each other by comparing the kinship vocabulary in English and Chinese. (15%)

VII. Explain the difference between a derivative word and a compound word (15%)


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