考研英语语法重点精解 名词单复数

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考研英语语法重点精解 名词单复数


考研英语语法重点精解 名词单复数





  a little/some/much/considerable/a great (good) deal of/a lot of (lots of) /plenty of/a large amount of/a large quantity of/a wealth of(大量)/heaps of (大量的) +不可数名词

  例句: The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel, that man being Prince Henry the navigator, who lived in 15th century.


  分析: 该句是复合句,其中that man...navigator是一个独立主格结构,进一步解释说明one man; who lived...是非限制性定语从句,解释说明Prince Henry。

  译文: 葡萄牙人给了这位促进海上旅行的人很多荣誉,此人便是15世纪的航海家亨利王子。

  例句: If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.(选自2009年Part C)

  分析: 该句是复合句。主句we may well believe...中带有that引导的宾语从句, if引导的条件状语从句中包含that引导的从句作realizing的宾语,短语made headway in...的意思是“在某方面取得进展”。

  译文: 每个机构的最终价值在于其对人类的独特影响,如果人类在对此的认识上已有所进展,那么我们也许完全可以相信这种经验已在与年轻人打交道的过程中学会了。


  some/a lot of (lots of) /plenty of/a large quantity of/a wealth of/heaps of/a few/the number of/a number of/quantities of/a great many (of) +复数可数名词

  例句: Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they?ve apparently learned is when to stop. (选自2009年Use of English)

  分析: 该句是并列句,在第二个句子中they?ve apparently learned是一个省略关系代词的定语从句,修饰things。

  译文: 许多别的物种能够学习,而且它们已经明显学会的东西之一就是何时停止学习。

  例句: But a number of anthropologists in the early 1900s also rejected the particularist theory of culture in favor of diffusionism. (选自2009年Part B)

  分析: 该句是简单句。其中短语“in favor of ”的意思是“赞成,支持;有利于”。

  译文: 但在20世纪初,许多人类学家也反对文化特殊论,转而支持文化传播论。







  例句: The data received from the two spacecraft whirling around Mars indicate that there is much evidence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet. (1996年第18题)

  分析: 该句是复合句,主干是the data...indicate that..., 其中received...Mars作定语修饰the data;that huge...the planet是evidence的同位语从句。

  译文: 环绕火星的两艘宇宙飞船接收到的数据表明, 有充分的证据表明该行星的赤道附近正下着大暴雨。

例句: Crisis would be the right term to describe the decline in many animal species. (1999年第33题)

  译文: 许多动物物种日渐减少, 用危机一词来描述再恰当不过了。

  (四)下列两类名词只有复数形式, 与动词复数连用


  calipers(卡钳)glasses scales(磅秤)pants

  pliers(钳子)scissors trousers shoes

  jeans shorts(短裤)

  这些名词作主语时谓语动词用复数形式,前有a pair of修饰时,谓语的单复数由pair的`单复数决定。

  例句: I?m going to weigh my luggage: are there any scales?

  译文: 我想把行李过一下磅,有磅秤吗?

  例句: The girl wears sun glasses, which were bought from the glasses? line, and a pair of old ones has been broken.

  译文: 姑娘戴着从眼镜行买来的太阳镜,而那副旧眼镜已经折断了。

  另外还有: arms goodsclothes

  contents headquarters minutes(会议记录)

  regards(敬意) wages respects(敬意,问候)

  thanks fireworks(烟火)archives(档案)

  例句: My wages are the principle source of my income.

  译文: 薪金是我收入的主要来源。


  1. 学科名称:

  politics linguistics

  physics economics

  mathematics ethics

  electronics informatics

  mechanics(力学) statistics



  例句: Talk to anyone in the drug industry, and you?ll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered. (2000年第8题)

  分析: 该句是复合句,talk to anyone in the drug industry是祈使句,that引导宾语从句,since引导时间状语从句。

  译文: 与从事药品工业的人一交谈,你就会发现自从盘尼西林被研制出以后,遗传学是对药品研究最大的冲击。

  2.游戏名称,如: checkers(跳棋)、 darts(投镖游戏)、 billiards(弹子戏)、 cards(纸牌)以及专有名词,如 Naples(那不勒斯),the United States,the New York Times等,但表示瀑布、山脉、岛屿的以s结尾的专有名词常表复数。

  例句: Today, the snooker billiards becomes an international sports activity that the people of various countries like.

  分析: 该句是复合句,that the people of various countries like作定语修饰sports activity。

  译文: 今天,斯诺克台球已经成为各国人民普遍喜爱的一项国际性的体育活动。

例句: Naples is an important seaport of the southwest in Italy.

  译文: 那不勒斯是意大利西南部的一个重要海港。


  1. 有些集体名词后接单数动词,如:

  merchandisepoetry machinery furnitureluggage

  baggage foliage(树叶)

  例句: Modern machinery has been installed in the company.

  译文: 公司已经安装了现代化的机械。

  例句: This class of merchandise is usually sold on D/P(documents payment) basis.

  译文: 这种商品通常在付款交单的基础上出售。


  people police poultry clergy(教士)

  vermin(害虫)cattle militia(民兵)

  例句: These vermin are harmful to the plants, so they must be got rid of.

  译文: 这些害虫对庄稼有害,应该尽快把它们消灭掉。

  例句: All the poultry in Hong Kong were destroyed to stop the threat.

  译文: 为了消除威胁,香港屠杀了所有家禽。


  audience boardfamily class couple crew

  committeegovernment jury party team public



  例句: My family are fond of playing bowls, so they never miss the program involved.

  译文: 我家人都喜欢顶碗的游戏,所以很少错过相关节目。

  例句: My family is a big one, and so it is called extended family by neighbors.

  译文: 我们家是一个大家庭,于是邻居们常称我们家为大家庭。

  注: 需要强调个体时,集体名词一般应使用单位词,如:

  three heads of cattle 三头牛

  a piece of luggage 一件行李


  例如: air(空气)——airs(样子,摆架子)








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