
时间:2023-05-02 02:33:15 小学英语教案 我要投稿
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课题MODULE 1 FRIENDSUnit2 he’ cool课型New 课时1目的要求This is my brother.  he’s cool.内容分析 描绘人物的性格特征教具学具 radio  pictures  word cards教学程序(教学过程 的设计)  Step 1:warmT: Hello,boys/girlsSs: Hello,  Mr wang .复习句子she’s a bit shy.He’s a clever pupilMs Smart is a nice teacher让学生读并且说出汉语意思。Step2:listen and point    1. You will need to point out the different meanings of the word “cool”.   出示单词卡cool,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times)鼓励学生用不同的语气说nice, 并用体态语让学生对“cool一词心领神会。   In this unit, cool mean fashionable,and it is most commonly used to mean “quiet cold”  出示单词卡little,然后让学生说出汉语,(Repeat 3 times)鼓励学生用不同的语气说nice, 并用体态语让学生对“little,一词心领神会。  2.句子 This is my big brother .  He’s cool.  My mother is very nice. My little sister is cute.My father is very clever.3 师: You did very well. Now let’s watch and listen to the text. 让我们来听课        文,   4 一句句跟读课文.    5 将课文再完整的呈现一遍..Step3     fun time:            师: All right, now let’s relax. Enjoy an English song. 让我们放松一下.欣赏一首英文歌曲,在歌曲中我们看看歌曲中的小女孩是什么性格。      step 4师: 同学们我们今天学习的话题是有关描绘人物性格特征的。     My big brother is cool.     My mother is very nice .     My father is very clever .My little sister is cute .My friend is very naughty .Step5  Homework 1.          1.     朗读并抄写要求四会的单词2.      用笔头交流的形式,使用句型     板书设计 MODULE 1 FRIENDSUNIT 1 He’s cool             My big brother is cool.              My mother is very nice .              My father is very clever .My little sister is cute .My friend is very naughty .    板书设计  
