英语教案-《英语》七年级·上 Unit 4教案

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英语教案-《英语》七年级·上 Unit 4教案

《英语》七年级·上 Unit 4教案

英语教案-《英语》七年级·上 Unit 4教案

Unit 4 Having Fun outside the school

  In this unit students learn to express their activities outside the school, for example, going shopping, having a picnic , and going to the zoo. Lets discuss the three activities separately.


Lets go shopping

In this part students learn to ask for and state prices, talk about clothing, making suggestions.

Target language

Can I help you? Yes, please. What can I do for you? How much is it ?Its 70 yuan.

Grammar focus

Can/How much questions /uncountable nouns/ coutable nouns/Demonstratives: this, that, these, those

The teacher asks the students if they like going shopping. Says "Today Ill take you to go shopping."

Section A

Teaching objectives: Students know how to ask and state prices.

Step1. Organizing the class. 

1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report.

Step 2. Listen, read and say

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

1.Call attention to the picture. Ask who are the people and where they are.. "A mother takes her daughter to go shopping. They are talking with a salesman in a store."

2.Point out the conversation and read it with a student. Explain the meaning of "look for" if necessary.

3.The teacher takes out a piece of paper with a tall building in it. Says "This is the first floor, this is the second floor, and this is the fourth floor." Read "fourth" for several times. And there are different sections on the fourth floor. Say "This is the clothes section, this is the trousers section, and that is books section." Then, the teacher ask the students to read "fourth" and "section" for several times.

4.Ask the whole class to read the dialogue together, paying attention to "What can I do for you?"

Step3. Pair work

Ask pairs of students to practice together. Later ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class.

Step4. look, listen and say

This activity provides several numbers for the students to learn.

1.The teacher helps the students to review the numbers 1-10, Ask "Do you want to know more numbers in English?" Then the teacher makes use of the video to present the numbers 20, 30, 40,… and so forth. Say "There are twenty books. Twenty, twenty. " "There are thirty trees. Thirty, thirty." So that the students can learn these words in a context.

2.Focus attention on the numbers and ask them to read together.

3.Play a game

Ask the students to read these numbers one by one according to their seats. All the groups can have a match and see which group can get full marks. The best group can get a prize.

Step5.Listen and say

This activity asks the students to distinguish the difference between "-teen" and "-ty".

1. First listen to the tape, asking the students to pay attention to the differences of each two words.

2. Listen to the tape again and read after it word by word.

3. Write some numbers on the Bb, and see if the students can master them well.

Step6. Listen and circle

This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

(1) listen and circle the numbers they hear in the sentences.

(2)From this part, the students can get more attention to the difference between "-teen" and "-ty".

Step7. Read and say

This activity gives the students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation.

1. Say, "Please look at the picture. The mother is buying a dress for her daughter. She is talking with the salesgirl now. Listen carefully to the recording of the conversation. Then tell me how much the yellow dress is."

2. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then ask them to find out the answer to the question" How much is the yellow dress."

3. Play the tape a second time. This time students read after the tape sentence by sentence. While theyre reading, they should circle some difficulties they dont know.

4. Make a brief explanation of the difficulties, such as "try on", "off", "on sale" and so on.

5. Ask the whole class to read this dialogue together.

Step8. Pair work

  Ask the students to practice the conversation with their partners. Later ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class.

Section B

Step1. Organizing the class. 

1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report.

.     This activity provides students practice in recognizing the target language in this section.

1.Say, "When wo go into a shop, we can see many kinds of things. Now, please tell me what you can see in a shop or a supermarket?" Students may give different answers.

2."Please look at the screen, what are these?" Students can give their answers in Chinese. Say "Youre right. Lets recognize them in English."

3. While students are looking at the picture , the teacher plays the broadcasting of each word so that the students can follow the pronunciations of the words.

Step2.Listen and say

This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

1. Play the recording. Students listen and number the words they hear.

2. While theyre listening , move around the classroom checking on their progress.

3. Check out their listening answers. Point out some difficulties some students have.

Step3. Read and practice

1. Call attention to the picture A. Ask a student to read it to the class. Ask the whole class to read it together. Explain "What can I do for you?" "Can I help you ?" We often used by salesclerks. Guide the students to provide different answers to the questions.

2. Call attention to the picture B. Ask two students to read it aloud. After reading, ask them to focus on what the saleslady says.

     3. Have students work in pairs. Ask they work together, move around the room checking progress and answering questions as needed.

4. The teacher takes out a pair of pants. Ask several pairs to come to the Bb to act their conversations out to the class.

Step4. Read

This activity provides a comprehensive reading of an ad for sale.

1. Say "Usually when we go to a supermarket, we can find some things are on sale. Thats to say, you can buy these things with less money than before. Now we are going to read an ad for sale for a food shop. Please read the ad yourselves and fill in the price tags."

2. While theyre reading, the teacher moves around the classroom, providing help when necessary.

3. Ask students to find out the meanings of any words they dont know. They can do this by reviewing the lesson, and found out their own weak points.

4. Ask students to finish the true or false exercise for one minute. Then check out their answers.

5. The whole class read the ad together to get more attention to write an ad for sale.

Step5. Write

This activity provides a writing practice using the target language.

1 .Suppose you a shopkeeper of a clothing shop. Write an ad by yourself.

2. Ask students to think about it for a thile. Ask what they can acquire from the ad above, such as "Come and have a look." "Theres more." "Come and have a lood for yourself."

3. Ask students to do this job at home. The teacher will check it the next day.

Section C

Step1. Organizing the class. 

1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report.

.Step2. Look, read and say

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target lamguage.

1. Say "Dad is buying something in a store. Now please look at the picture,Dad is talking with the salesman Ben. What are they talking about?"

2 Call attention to the conversation on the right. Ask two students to read it to the class.

3. Have the students fill in the shopping lists according to the conversation.

4. Ask the whole class to read the conversation after the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

5. Ask students to work in pairs. Have each student take a turn asking and answering the question.

6. Ask several pairs of students to act out the conversation. The teacher can provide the real things for the students to perform, like salt, eggs and milk.


.  1. Ask students to match word halves.

2. While students are matching, the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary.

3. Ask some students to speak out the answers.

4.The teacher says Chinese words , and asks the students to speak English and spell each word. This activity can be done one by one.

Step4. Look, listen and say

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language of "How much"?

1. Say "Boys and girls, when you are buying something, will you cut the price down?" "I like bargaining very much. Sometimes when I cut the price down, I feel very proud."

 "Next we are going to learn how to bargain."

2. Ask the students to listen to the recording of the conversation. Have them find out the answer to the question, "How much is the watch at last?"

3. Play the recording again and ask students to listen carefully and repeat it sentence by sentence.

4. Ask the students to practice with their partners. Then choose several pairs to act out the conversation.

5. Say "Sometimes when we are choosing something, maybe we dont buy it if the pric is not fit for us. Then what shall I say?"

6. Play the tape and guide students to answer "Thanks anyway were just looking."

7. Ask students to practice with their partners. As they talk to each other, move around the room checking on their progress.

Step5.Listen and say

This activity provides listening and speaking practice by using the alphabets "h" and "w"

1. Play the recording. Students listen carefully and repeat it one by one.

2. Divide the class into four groups. Each group read two words, and see which group can do the best job.

3. Play a game. Choose several students to come to the Bb. When the other students read those English words, they have to act out each word by using their body language.

Section D

Step1. Organizing the class. 

1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report.

Step2. Listen read and say

.     This activity provides listening and oral practice by using the target language.

1. Say "Do you know Mickey Mouse? Do you like it? Today, Im going to tell you something about Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse opens a new shop, which sells a lot of food. He sells vegetables to the earthworm, and he sells com and wheat to the ant. He is so kind that he helps the ant carry the food home. Then, a cat comes. He is not friendly. Do you want to know that happens next? Please listen to the recording, fill in the blanks and find out the answer."

2. Play the recording. Students listen carefully and fill in the blanks.

4. Check their answers and ask several students to read the conversation out.

5. Ask students to look through the conversation an find out the questions they dont know. Teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary.

Step3.Pair work

1. Ask students to act out the short play with their partners.

2. Ask several groups to come to the Bb to perform.

Step4.Grammar focus

1. Review the grammar focus. Ask students to say the questions and answers.

2. Point out that the sentence pattern "How much is /are.. "is to ask the price. And the words "is" and "are" are used according to the singular or plural forms of the things.

3. Pay attention to the pronunciation of "$20" and so on.

4. Take out some pictures, with shoes, computers, eggs, coats, water and something else in them.

5.Ask students to guess what are  countable nouns and what are uncountable nouns.

Call attention to those nouns in the textbook. Ask students to repeat each word.

Step5.Useful expressions

1. Point out that these expressions are very useful when going shopping.

2. Ask students to repeat them one by one

3. Divide the students into two groups. Have them read these expressions separately. See which group can be better.

Step6. Write

This activity provides writing practice by using target language.

1. After a short guidance, let students complete the conversations with the correct words.

2. Check students answer. Ask two pairs of students to read the conversations.

3. Have the .whole class practice the two conversations. And each pair much take turns to do this job.

Lets have a picnic

Section A

Teaching objectives: Ask students to master how to make telephone calls about invitaions and suggestions.

Language focus: whats up?

                 Would you like to? / Lets……

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 : Organizing the class. Organizing the class. 

1.Greetings between the teacher and students.

2.Duty report.


Step 2 : Revision

       Get students to talk about "How much……?" questions by showing them some pictures with the objects and prices in them.

Step 3 : Presentation 

Say  "Please look at the picture. There are two children in it. They are Jane and Kangkang. What are they doing? What are they talking about? Please listen to the recording. After a while, Ill ask you to tell me the answers."

Step 4 : Listen, read and say

1.Ask students to listen to the recording for the first time. Then answer the questions.

2.Listen to the recording again. While listening, ask students to follow it sentence bu sentence.

3.Ask the whole class to read the conversation together.

Step 5 : Work alone

1.  Say  "After reading, lets see when Jane is going to discuss the picnic and visit a friend, and what Jane is going to do on Sunday. Now, please look at the table. Fill in the blanks according to the conversation."

2.While students are writing, the teacher moves around the classroom, providing help when necessary.

3.After finishing the exercise, the teacher checks their answers.

Step 6 : Pair work

1. Divide the whole class into two groups to read the conversation.

2. Ask them to practice this conversation with their partners. They should change their roles.

Step 7 : Work alone

Ask students to read Kangkangs plan and give him suggestions on the picnic. The teacher can five some advice. For example, dont forget the food and so on.

Step 8 : Pair work

1.Ask students to number the sentences to make a telephone conversation. Before doing, the teacher points out how to make a telephone call and how to make suggestions.

2.Whole the students are doing exercise, the teacher moves around the classroom to provide help when necessary.

3.Ask students to practice the conversation with their partners.

Step 9 : Practice

Say "Tom wants to go swimming on Saturday, and Mary has no plan on that day. Suppose  you are Tom, and your partner is Mary. You want to invite Mary to go swimming with you. Please make a telephone call according to these information." The teacher moves around the classroom and provide help when necessary.

Step 10 : Homework

1. Practice the conversations in this lesson with your partners.

2. You ask your friends to have a picnic next Saturday. Please write down a short conversation about it.

Section B

Teaching Objectives : Go on to learn about making telephone calls and making suggestions.

Language Focus : May I speak to ……, please?

Can I give her a message?

All right.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 : Organizing the class. 

1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report.

Step 2 : Presentation

Say "Sometimes when you call your friends, but he or she is not in, and someone else receives the call. Then what will you say to her / him? Now, Id like you to listen to the conversation between Jane and Marias mother. After that, you can find out the answer."

Step 3 : Listen, read and say

1. Play the recording for the first time, and ask the students to find out the answer.

2. Play the recording again, and ask the students to follow it.

3. Ask the whole class to read the dialogue.

4. Let the students practice with their partners.

Step 4 : Listen and write

        This activity provides listening and writing practice by using the target language.

1. Say " Please look at the table. There are six sentences for you to choose. You have to fill in the blanks by listening to the recording."

2. Have two students to read the conversation and check if they are right or wrong.

3. Ask the whole class to read it together.

Step 5 : Pair work

This activity asks students to practice with their partners. As they talk to each other, the teacher moves around the room checking their progress.

Step 6 : Listen and follow

       This activity is to train students pronunciation.

1. Ask the students to listen to the recording first, and find out some characteristics of these sentences.

2. Play the recording again, and ask students to repeat.

3. Ask some students to read, and check if they can make some progress.

Step 7 : Listen, read and say

  1. Say "If you dial the wrong number, what will you do? Now, please listen to the recording. You can get the answer."

2. Play the recording for the first time, ask students to find out something they dont know. Then help them to solve.

3. Play the recording again and ask students to repeat.

Step 8 : Work alone

       This activity provides oral practice by using target language.

1. Say "There is a message for you, and you have to make a dialogue according to this information. Please practice with your partners."

2. While students are practicing, the teacher moves around the classroom, providing help when necessary.

3. Ask some pairs to act it out.

Step 9 : Homework

1. Practice the conversations in this lesson with your partners.

2. If you call your friend Tom, but he isnt in, and his brother receives your call. Please write down a conversation between you and Toms brother.

Section C

Teaching Objective: Lead students to master present continuous tense.

Language focus : What are they doing?

Theyre having a picnic.

Whats she doing?

She is ……

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Organizing the class.

Greetings between the teacher and students.

Step 2: Presentation

Say "When we have a picnic, what shall we do? Please look at the picture. The children are having a picnic. They are doing a lot of things here, for example, carrying water, collecting firewood and so on. Now, please listen to the recording and tick the words you hear.

Step 3 : listening

Play the recording and ask students to tick the words they hear.

Step 4 : Pair work

1. Ask two students to read the two samples.

2. Then tell the students who is Maria, Jane and Michael.

3. Ask students to do this exercise with their partners. One asks, and the other answers. For example, one student points to a girl, asks "Whats Maria doing?" The other students answer "She is washing the dishes."

Step 5 : look, ask and answer

1. Say "There are eight pictures here, and what are they doing? Please look at the first picture, what is she doing?"

2. Ask one student to answer the question. Say "Now, you can ask and answer like us according to these pictures."

3. Ask the students to practice with their partners. While they are practicing, the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary.

4. Ask several pairs to act it out.

Step 6 : listen, read and understand

1. First ask students to look at the picture and listen to the recording.

2. Ask the whole class to repeat it after the recording.

3. Do some understanding problems about this passage,

4. Ask several students to repeat it.


Section D

Teaching objectives: Students can master how to practice present continuous tense.

Language focus:    What are they doing?

What is she doing?

What is he doing?

May I speak to…?

Can I give her a message?

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Organizing the class

1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report .

Step 2: Presentation

Say "There is an old Mcdonald living in the forest. He is very lonely. Hed like to have a picnic with his friends .Will his friends come to have a picnic with him? Please read these pictures and then tell me your answer . "

 Step 3: Look, read , and say

1. Ask students to look at these pictures and read the sentences . Then let them speak out the answer. 

2. Ask several students to read the story to the whole class .

3. Have students do the role-play .

4. Ask students to look at the last picture. Asks "What are they doing now ?"

Step 4: Group work

1. Ask students to discuss these questions. While they are discussing, the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary .

2. Ask some pairs to act it out .

 Step 5: Grammar focus

1. Ask students to read these sentences.

2. Present some pictures on the blackboard . Ask "What are they doing ? What is she doing ?" Let students practice themselves .

 Step 6: Useful expressions

1. Say "These are very useful expressions about making telephone calls. First, Id like you to read them together ."

2. Ask students to make a telephone call to their friends according to these useful expressions .

 Step 7: Pair work

1. Ask students to look at these pictures. Ask "What are they doing ?"

2. Ask students to discuss with their partners and fill in the blanks.

3. Let students do pair work with their partners. While they are practicing , the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary .

 Step 8: Pair work

1. Ask students to number the sentences to make a conversation individually.

2. The teacher checks their answers. Ask the whole class to read the conversation out.  

3. Ask students to practice with their partners about the conversation. 

 Step 9: Homework

      1. Ask students to listen and read the conversation at home.

 2. Preview next lesson. 


Lets go to the zoo.

Section A

Teaching Objects: Learn some new words about animal names. Students can talk about their favorite animals.

Language Focus : What animals do you like best?

              Whats your favorite animal ?

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Organizing the class

     1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report .

Step 2. Presentation

Say "Please look at the picture . There are four children here. They are going to the zoo on Saturday . They are talking about their favorite animals. Please listen to the recording, then answer my questions .

Step 3. Listen, read and say

1. Play the recording for the first time. Ask students to find out the answer to the question "What are the childrens favorite animals?"

 2. Play the recording for the second time .Ask students to repeat it sentence by sentence.

 3. Ask students to practice this dialogue with their partners.

 4. Ask some pairs to act it out .

Step 4. Work alone

1. Ask students to complete the chart themselves, according to the conversation.

2. Ask some of the students to read their answers out.

Step 5. Pair work

1. Says "What animals do you like in the zoo ? Please talk with your about your favorite animals."

2. While students are practicing, the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary.

3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

Step 6. Look, listen and read

1. Says "Look at the four children. Where are they ? What are they talking about ? Do you want to know where they are going ? Please listen to the recording, and then answer the questions ."

2. Play the recording for the first time, ask students to answer the questions above.

3. Pointing to the picture, says "Now they are in the zoo. They are asking something from a guide .Listen to the recording, then tell me what they are talking about ."

4. Play the recording for the second time. Ask students to repeat it.

    Step 7. Look, listen and circle

1. Ask some students to read these animal names.

2. Play the recording, ask students to circle the animals names they hear.

3. Check their answers.

Step 8. Homework

1. Ask students to write down a dialogue about their and their friends favorite animals.

2. Finish the exercise in the exercise books.

3. Ask students to recite the dialogues in the lesson.

  Section B

   Teaching objectives: Train the students comprehensive ability of four skills.

   Language focus: Let me help you.

   Teaching procedures:

   Step 1:  Organizing the class  

          1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report .

   Step 2: Work alone:

1. Say "Please look at these pictures. These pictures are about a story. Look at the first picture. There is a baby monkey crying. Why is he crying? Who helps him at last? Please read the story alone. Then Ill ask you to answer these questions."

2. Ask students to read the story and finish the true or false exercise.

3. Check their answers.

   Step 3: Pair work

1. Say "Its a very interesting story. Id like you to act it out with your partners."

2. Ask students to practice the story with their partners. While they are practicing, the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary.

   Step 4: Listening

1. Ask some students to read the animals names.

2. Play the recording. Ask students to number the words they hear.

3. Check their answers.

   Step 5: Listening

1. Ask students to listen the conversation. Then fill in the blanks.

2. Check their answers.

   Step 6: Class activities.

1. Say "Look at the picture. There are four children here. What are they doing? They are chanting. Would you like to chant like them? Lets do it."

2. Ask students to read the chant after the teacher.

3. Ask the whole class to read it together.

4. Divide the class into several groups. Have a competition among them.

Step 7: Homework

1. Finish the exercise in their exercise books.

2. preview the next lesson.

Section C

Teaching Objectives: Let students master how to ask the time.

Language Focus:  What time is it?

      What is the time?

      Its one oclock.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Organizing the class

      1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report .

Step 2: Presentation

      Draw some clocks on the blackboard. The time is different. Says "What time is it?

Its twelve oclock. Whats the time? Its six oclock. Please look at the picture in your text books. Its time for the children to go home.

Step 3: Look, listen and say

1. Play the recording for the first time. The students just listen.

2. Play the recording again. Students repeat it.

3. Ask students to read the dialogues with their partners.

4. Ask several pairs to act it out.

Step 4: Look, listen and learn

1.  Say  "Do you know how to recognize the time in English?" There are six pictures in your books. Each picture stands for one time. Now, Lets go to learn them."

2.  Ask students to look through the six pictures to be familiar with them.

3.  Play the recording for the second time. The students just listen.

4.  Play the recording for the second time. The students repeat it.

5.  Point to "past " and "to", explaining the difference between them.

6.  Ask the whole class to read the time again.

Step 5: Pair work

1. Ask students to look at each picture and read the time out.

2. Ask one student read the activities out. Let every one knows what each picture stands for.

3. Ask two students to read the model. Point out the sentence pattern "Its time to do something"

4. Have the students to make conversations about each picture with their partners.

5. Ask some groups to act the conversations out.

Step 6: Listen, read and say

1. First ask students to recognize their animals.

2. Play the recording and ask students to find out the ways of asking time.

3. Play the recording again. Have students repeat it.

4. Ask students to practice the two dialogues with their partners. While they are practicing, the teacher moves around the classroom and provides help when necessary.

5. Ask some pairs to act out the conversations.

Step 7: Homework

1. Write down two conversations about the time according to part3.

2. Practice these conversations after class.

3. Preview next lesson.


Section D:

Teaching objectives:

1. Review the present continuous to consolidate what students have learned.

2. Master the pronunciations of "m, n, igh".

3. Master the ways of expressing time.

Language Focus: What time is it?

              Whats the time?

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Organizing the class

      1. Greetings between the teacher and students.

2. Duty report.

      Step2 : Listen.

1. Asks "What are they doing? What are they doing like?"

2. Play the recording for the first time, and students just listen.

3. Play the recording again and ask students to match the pictures with actions.

4. Check their answers.

      Step3: Pair work

1. The teacher acts drinking water without any words, and asks students what she is doing.

2. Ask students to make actions, and let their partners guess what they are doing.

3. Ask some pairs to perform to the whole class

Step 4.listen and follow

1. Play the recording and ask students to repeat.

2. Ask the whole class to read these words.

3. Point out some errors they may make.

4. Point out how "igh" is pronounced .

Step 5.Grammar focus

1. Ask two students to read these sentences.

2. Write down some time on the blackboard ,and ask students to make conversation .

3. Ask some pairs to act the conversations out.

     Step 6.Useful expressions.

1. Says"These are the useful expressions of this Unit .You must know how to use the them First ,please read them".

2. Provide some expression about some sentences .For example ,point out "could you tell me the time ?" is a polite way of asking the time .

     Step7.Look and answer .

1. Say "There are six picture here ,Each picture stands for one time ,Now please make some conversations according to these pictures,"

2. Ask students to practice with their partners .

3. Ask some pairs to act out ..

Step 8.sing the song

1. Play the recording ,and ask students to listen.

2. Play the recording again and ask the students to follow.

Step 9. Homework

1. Practice  these dialogues with Partners after class .

2. Write down a conversation about asking the time ,with "past" and "to" being used .

3. Review the whole unit .










Unit 4 Having fun outside the School   Lets have a picnic

The First Period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.

Target language.

Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Communicative competence.

Making telephone calls.

Making suggestions.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

   Key vocabulary: have a picnic, make plans, right away, be free, have to, visit, tell…about, must, first, forget, swim, Saturday, Sunday

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

Target language

Whats up?

Are you free this Saturday?

Would you like to go out for a picnic?

How about…?


Dont forget…

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Section A 1a Listen, read and say

1. Show a telephone (or draw a picture of one) to the students and say: "My telephone number is 4366783. What is your telephone number?"

2. Imitate the sound of the telephone ringing and show two pictures, saying: "This is Kangkang and this Jane. They are making a telephone call. Please listen to the tape."

Play the tape for the students. Play it again and ask the students to repeat.

Step 2. Section A 1b Work alone.

Show the table and tell the students: This is Janes plan. Please finish it according to the conversation.

Ask two students to write down their answer on the blackboard and check the answer.


Time Activity

Tomorrow afternoon discuss the picnic

Saturday visit a friend

Sunday go out for a picnic

Step 3 Section A 1c Pair work

Give the students a few minutes to practice the conversation and ask two pairs to act it out.

Step 4 Section A 1d Work alone

Ask the students to find out the following sentences from the conversation in 1a:

1. Would you like to go out for a picnic?

2. Then how about this Sunday?

3. Lets discuss it in our classroom…

Tell the students when we make suggestions we can use the sentences and we can also use "Dont forget…"

Get the students to read Kangkangs plan and give him suggestions on the picnic. 

Possible answers:

Dont forget your lighter.

Dont forget two pails.

Dont forget to have a discussion at 4: 30.

Dont forget to do shopping at 5:00.

Ask a group of students to read their answers one by one.

Step 5 Section A 2 ,A 3 Pair work

1. A 2 Pair work

Ask the students to number the sentences to make a telephone conversation.

Answers: 2,5,6,8,3,4,1,7,9

Check the answers with the students and let the students practice the conversation with their partner.

2. A 3 Pair work

Show Toms schedule and Marys schedule to the students and say: Suppose you are Tom and your partner is Mary. You want to invite Mary to go swimming with you. Make a telephone call.

Step 6 Summary and Homework

1. Review some key words and target language

have a picnic, make plans, right away, be free, have to, visit, tell…about, must, first, forget, swim, Saturday, Sunday

Whats up?

Are you free this Saturday?

Would you like to go out for a picnic?

How about…?


Dont forget…

2. Homework: Write down the conversation in Step 6 on your exercise book.



Unit 4 Having outside the School   Lets have a picnic

The Second Period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.

Target language.

Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Communicative competence.

Making telephone calls.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

Key vocabulary: wrong, be not in, give her a message, call me back, tell …about,

Im sorry to bother you. This is Kangkang.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

Making telephone calls.          Take a message.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Greet the students as usual and check the homework.

2. Suppose your partner is Jim. You want to invite Jim to go shopping with you. Make a telephone call. Ask two pair of the students to make a telephone call to revise Section A.

Step 2 Section B 1 Listen, read and say

 1. Ask the students: "If Jim is not in and his father answers the telephone, what will you say to his father?"

 Collect the following phrases:

call me back, give …a message, tell him the number, speak to etc.

Ask the students to read the new phrases.

2. Say: Jane makes a telephone call, please listen to tape and answer the questions:

 Who does she want to speak to?

 Who answers the telephone call?

3. Play the tape and get the students to find out the answers to the questions. Play the tape and and let the students to repeat the conversation.

3. Ask the students to read the conversation in pairs.

Step 3 Section B 2a and 2b Work alone and Pair work

1. Tell the students: You are going to listen to a telephone call but there are some sentences are missing, please listen to the tape and choose the correct sentences to fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.

2. Pair work.

 Listen again and check your answers. Then practice with your partner.


A: 2. Hello?

B: 3. May I speak to Li Ming, please?

A: Sorry, Li Ming is not here now. 4. Can I give him a message?

B: Thanks. This is A. 1. Could you ask him to give me a call?

A: Sure. 5. Does he have your number?

B: No, he doesnt. My phone number is 5563677.

A: 5563677. OK. 6. Ill give him the message.

B: Thank you.

Step 4 Section B 4 Listen read and say

1. Ask a student to make a dialogue with the teacher.


S1: Hello. May I speak to Kate?

T: I beg your pardon?

S1: May I speak to Kate?

T: Kate? Theres no Kate here.

Ask: "Whats the matter?" Get the students to answer: S1 dials the wrong number.

2. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat the conversation.

3. Ask the students to read the conversation in pairs and then act it out.

Step 5 Section B 5 Work alone

Show the following message on the screen and then ask the students to finish the telephone call.

First tell the students: Mary makes a telephone call to Lisa, but Lisa isnt in. Lucy answers the telephone call and she writes the message. Please finish the telephone call.

To: LisaTime: This morningMessage: Please call Mary at 58773677                          Lucy


Lucy: Hello.

Mary: Good morning! This is Mary. Is that Lisa?

Lucy: Sorry, she isnt in. Can I give a message to her.

Mary: Thanks. This is Mary. Could you ask her to give me a call?

Lucy: Sure. Whats your phone call?

Mary: My phone number is 58773677.

Lucy: 58773677. OK. Ill give her the message.

Mary: Thank you.

Step 4 Section B 3 Listen and follow

Play the tape for the students to listen and imitate and ask them to pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

1. Whats up?                         2. Can I give him a message?

3. Thank you.                         4. This is Kangkang.

4. I have to visit a friend.

Step 4 Consolidation

Revise the following sentences:

Sorry, she is not here now.

Can I give her a message?

Ill give her the message.

Could you ask him to give me a call?

Homework: Write down a telephone call and act it out with your partner.

Unit 4 Having fun outside the School Lets have a picnic

The Third Period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.

Present continuous

Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Communicative competence.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

Key vocabulary: carry water, collect firewood, look at, wash the dishes, sing songs,

Target language: What are they doing? They are having a picnic.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

Present continuous

Target language: What are they doing? They are having a picnic.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework. Ask two pairs to act out their telephone call.

Step 2 Section C 1a

1. Show the picture to the students and get the students to talk about the picture.

2. Play the recording for the students and tick the words they hear.

3. Check the answers.

Step 3 Section C 1b

1. Imitate the sound of the telephone ringing and show two pictures of Kangkang and Jane and present the following conversation:

A: What are they doing?

B: They are making a telephone call.

Ask the students to repeat the conversation and understand the meaning.

2. Ask the students to ask and answer according to the picture.

What is Maria doing?       She is preparing food.

What is Jane doing?        She is washing the dishes.

What is Michael doing?     He is carrying water.

What is Marias dog doing?  It is looking at the food.

Step 4 Section C 2 Look, ask and answer

1. Show the pictures and ask one student to present the dialogue as an example with the teacher.

What is she doing?

She is eating an apple.

2. Ask the students to ask and answer according to the pictures in pairs first.

3. Ask the students to ask and answer about the pictures one by one.

Step 5 Section C 3

1. Let the students look at the picture and talk about it and encourage them to use some words and phrases theyve learnt.

2. Play the recording for the students to repeat the sentences.

3. Give the students a few minutes to read the sentences and ask them to pay attention to the following words: playing, singing, flying, running, collecting.

Step 6 Section C 4

Tell the students that they are going to listen to some actions about Tom. Ask the students to listen and number the actions from 1-6.

Step 7 Summary

Revise some key words and target language:

1. carry water, collect firewood, look at, wash the dishes, sing songs,

2. What is Maria doing?       She is preparing food.

What is Jane doing?        She is washing the dishes.

What is Michael doing?     He is carrying water.

What is Marias dog doing?  It is looking at the food.

4. playing, singing, flying, running, collecting.

Step 8 Section C 5

Let the students to chant.

Step 9 Homework

Read the sentences in Section C 3.









Unit 4 Having fun outside the School  Lets have a picnic

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Review some target language in Section A-D.

Oral practice.

Present continuous.

2. Ability Objects

Communicative competence.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

Key vocabulary: lonely, next, basket, listen, have a meeting, at home

Review some target language in Section A-D

Hello? This is Maria. May I speak to Jane?

Can I give her a message?

All right. Ill give her the message.

Sorry, she is not here\ in\ at home.

Could you ask her to call me back this afternoon?

What are they doing?              What is he\she doing?

They are having a picnic.           He\she is washing dishes.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

Present continuous

 Oral practice.

Ⅳ. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Show some pictures to the students and get them to ask and answer according to the pictures.

What is he\she doing?

He\She is running.

2. Ask a few students to act and the others ask and answer according to his or her action.

Step 2 Section D 1a

1. Draw a picture and say: Look at the man. He is at home, but he is lonely and he would like to have a picnic with his friends and then have a meeting. Repeat the sentences and teach the new words and phrases:

at home, lonely, have a meeting

2. Section D 1a. Ask the students to look at the pictures and say: old Mcdonald is lonely too. He would like to have a picnic with his friends. What food can you find in the picture? 

Answers: hamburgers and cakes, fish and chicken, French fries and bread

3. Play the tape and get the students to repeat. Ask the students to read the sentences.

4. Ask two group of students to act out the short story.

Step 3 Section D 1b

1. Collect some words of food and drinks that the students have learnt and ask the students to spell the words out.

fish, meat, chicken, hamburger, bread, French fries, rice, dumpling, noodle, porridge,

tea, coffee, Coke, milk, juice,

2. Divide the students into several groups and let the students discuss the questions:

  Whats your favorite food?

  Do you want to have a picnic with your friends?

  If you do, what food do you want to bring?

 Step 4 Section D 2a, 3

1. Show the sentences to the students and explain something about Present continuous.

2. Have a competition. Ask the students to make a sentence with Present continuous.

3. Section D 2a, 3 Ask the students to fill in the blanks and get four students to write down their answer on the blackboard. Check the answers.


He is reading.

She is listening.

She is running.

They are eating.

Ask the students to pay attention to the words with -ing.

Step 5 Section D 2b, 4

1. Review the sentences. Ask the students to read the sentences and then let the students practice the sentences with their partner.

2. Section D 4 Get the students to number the sentences to make a conversation.

Answers:  4  Yes, this is Lucy. Please ask him to go to school and have a meeting tomorrow morning.

2  Hello! May I speak to Mr Li?

3  Im sorry. He is not at home. Can I give him a message?

6  Thank you!

1  Hello?

7  You are welcome.

5  Ok. Ill give him the message.

Step 6 Homework

Review some words and some target language in Section A-D.






Unit 7  Lets go to the zoo

Section A

Teaching aims:

 1 read and understand the dialogue as a whole

2 In this section, students learn to talk about preferences and show the reasons .

Important points in teaching

1 names of animals,

2 language points 

3 improve students ability of listening and speaking

Difficult points in teaching: what questions and answer.

Teaching aids:  some animal cards , a tape recorder

Teaching methods: communicative method

Teaching procedures:

      Step 1 Greet and review what they learned last period.

      Step 2 Lead-in

Activity 1 Say to the students, " Today we will go to the zoo to pay a visit "and ask "what animals do you know , you should tell me in English.?" Then write the names of the animals on the right of the blackboard.

Step 3  Presentation 

Activity 1  Hold up the lion card and ask:

 T:  Whats this?

 S :  Its a lion.

T:  Yes, its a lion, I like lions. They are strong. And the lion is the king of the beasts.

Then show them some other animal cards to consolidate the names of the animals.

Activity 2  After that, ask students to read the words after you

Activity 3  Ask three students the question "What animal do you like best?" respectively : and then write the following on the left of the blackboard

T : " What animal do you like best?"

S1  I like       .

T  What animal do you like best?"

S2  I like       .

T  What is your favorite animal?

S3  My favorite animal is       .

Step 4 Practice

Activity 1 Say to the students:

 "These are very useful structures. Now every one please find a partner and use them to make a simple dialogue " .At the same time , you can also make a dialogue with another student to check how well he masters.

Activity 2  ask several pairs to act their dialogue out. And you should remember to try your best to praise and encourage their performance 

Purpose :improve students courage and ability of speaking.

 Step 5  Ask students to read the dialogue on page 93 themselves. then read together. And do the exercise of page 93.

 Step 6  Explanation of the Language points.(write the following in the center of the blackboard)

1 be free :闲的,空闲的, 自由的。如:Im free today.

2 What animal do you like best?=Whats your favorite animal? 这是用来询问别人喜好的句型,还可将animal 换成food, sport 等类型的词。如:

---Whats your favorite sport?

---My favorite sport is basketball.

Step 7  Ask students to look at the two pictures of page 94.and ask students to guess "where are the students now?" "Who is the lady?" then let them listen to the passage ,following the questions

1 "When do they go to the zoo?"

2 "How long do elephants live, fifty or sixty years?"

After the listening comprehension, ask students to read the passage by themselves and then make following sentences to lead to the language points of this passage.

1 我们谈论了许多关于大象的事。

2 一会儿之后,我们就到达了学校。

3 你每天睡多少小时?

 Language points.(write the following after above language points)

1 talk about  :谈论关于……如:we talk about the people we see .

2 after a while  片刻之后,一会儿之后。如:After a while, we see the panda.

3 arrive at  到达,抵达。相当于get to   如:I arrive at my home at six oclock.

4 how many +可数名词复数:多少…如:…How many apples does he eat?

 Then ask students to read the passage loudly by themselves .and try their best to recite it.

Step 8   Consolidation

1 Ask some students to do some actions imitating a monkey , a horse ,a lion a tiger and a panda respectively and let others to guess what this animal is. If the student cant act out, he can also say some characteristics of this animal ,then let others to guess. In this way we review the names of the animals.

2 practice the structures in the dialogue by themselves.

Step 9 Sum up and blackboard design

---What animal do you like best?    Be free: 闲的,自由的,空       king    zoo---I like ...                       …如: Im free today..         elephant  animal--- Whats your favorite animal?   What animal do you like best ?     beast    lion---My favorite animal is …         ==whats your favorite animal      favorite  tiger

Section B

Teaching aims:

1 read and understand the dialogue as a whole.

2.improve students ability of reading comprehension

3 improve students ability of communication

Important points in teaching :

1 To get the students to have a good understanding of the dialogue.

2 To get the students to learn to use some useful patterns.

Difficult points in teaching:

To get the students learn hoe to use the useful patterns in real situation.

Teaching aids: a tape-recorder, some pictures.

Teaching procedures:

         Step 1  Greeting and Revision

Use the projector to go over the names of animals. In this activity, students compete to see who can remember the most and who can speak out the names most quickly.

Step 2  Lead-in

T: If one day, a baby monkey is lost, what will you do ? will you help him?

S : ……

T: How do you help him.?

S …

T: Very good, all of us are good students. And we are all very clever. Yes, we should help each other. Today, we will read s story t. we will see  , how does Kangkang , a little boy, do ?

Purpose: lead in the topic " Let me help you".

Step 3  Presentation

Activity 1 :Ask students to open the book on page95. and read the story in the zoo. by themselves

Activity 2 : Discuss the exercise on page96 in pairs.

Purpose: improve students ability of reading

Activity 3 : Check the answer together

Step 4  Analyze the dialogue

  Give explanation to the following structures and expressions

.1. Whats wrong with…? …… 怎么啦?……  出了什么毛病?

如:Whats wrong with your head?

Whats wrong with her pen?

         2. over there:   在那儿。

        如:---Where is my bag?

   .---Its over there.

3 . Here we are :  我们到了。

4. Its very kind of sb. to do sth: 某人做 ……事真是太好了。

 Its very kind of him to buy me a dog.

Step 5  Practice

Activity 1  Ask students to make sentences using above patterns by themselves.

Activity 2  Ask students to read the story as fluently as possible.

Purpose: to improve students ability of speaking.

Activity 3  Ask students to act out the story with his partner. Then choose one or two to act out in the front of the class. Try your best to encourage and praise your students.

Purpose : improve students ability of acting and courage

Step 6 Listening comprehension

Activity 1  Let students listen to part2 and part3 on page96.  then finish the exercise . if necessary, play the cassettes one or two more times until they can get a good marks.

Activity 2  Dont forget to check the answer. 

If they didnt do well, try to encourage them not to lose heart.

T: how many do you

Step 7  Consolidation

Use the expressions and patterns in real situation.

 Situation : One day , Mary sees her friend, LiMing is crying in the class. so she asks him why, and he tells her the reason, according to this situation, ask your students to make a simple dialogue between Mary and her friend, LiMing .


Mary:  Hello, LiMing.

LiMing: Hello, Mary.

M :    Whats wrong with you, LiMing?

L:     My pen is lost.

M:    Dont cry . Let me help you.

(after a while)

M:    Is this your pen, LiMing?

L:    No, it isnt. My pen is yellow.

M:   Here it is. This is your pen.

L:   Oh, yes, thank you . It is very kind of you to help me.

You can use other situations.  for example, ones bag, ones book, or other things is lost. Then ask them to make dialogue

 Step 8  Class activity

Chant with the students together first. then let the students chant themselves.




Section c

Teaching aims:

1) students learn to ask about and say times.

2)some useful structures and expressions :thank you all the same ; excuse me , could you tell me ... go to bed  have sports have lunch

Important points in teaching:

Ability of speaking and listening

Ways of saying times

Difficult points in teaching: To get the students to learn hoe to say times

Teaching aids: a tape recorder , a projector, some cards which are drawn clocks ,a teaching clock with movable hands

Teaching procedures:

Step 1  Greeting and revision

(1)Using projector to review what they learned by asking questions.

i )Whats your favorite color?


ii)I like blue, how about you?


(2)Translate following English into Chinese, and Chinese into English .

i. How many books do you have ?


ii. How long do you watch TV every day ?


iii. 一个星期六的上午,我们去了动物园。


iv. 这个主意听起来很好。


Step2  lead-in

Use a projector to show the pictures one by one . These pictures are copied from  the students book on page97and ask "What is the time ?" after that , teach them the new words and the ways of saying times.(write the following on the right of the blackboard)


1:45 : one forty -five

3:18 : three eighteen

2 采用逆读法, 如:

 1)  当分钟<30时,先读分钟+past+时钟

1:25   twenty five past one

8:19   nineteen past eight


2:30   half past two

3).当分钟>30 时,先读分钟距整点差得分钟数+to+(时钟+1)如:

1:49  eleven to two

1:58  two to two

Optional activity

If students need extra practice with clock time, make a teaching clock with large, movable hands. Display the clock, placing the hands at various times from 1:00 to 12:00 and calling for students to say the clock time shown .

Purpose : consolidate the ways of saying times and make sure students can say the time as quickly as possible

     Step 3  Dialogue presentation:

Activity 1  Listen with the question: Whats the time?(six oclock)

Activity 2  Ask students to read the dialogue in pairs.

Activity 3  Ask students to find out the sentence: 是该回家的时候了。(Its time to go home.)

Its time to do sth

Its time for sth .

如:Its time to go to bed.

Step 4 Dialogue practice

1 ask students to practice the dialogue

2 do part 3 pair work (imitating the model)

Step 5, Come to part 4

Activity1   Ask students to read the dialogue by themselves first .and guess the meaning of followings.

a.  Excuse me, whats the time ,please?

Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?(有礼貌的询问别人的时间的用语)

b.  Thank you all the same (当别人无法帮上你忙时,你的回答用语)

Activity 2  Ask them to read the dialogue in pairs

Activity 3  Ask them to read the dialogue in groups or between boys and girls.

Activity 4  Competition in reciting the dialogue

  Activity 5  Recite the dialogue together.

Step 6  Consolidation

Use the useful expressions and structures to make dialogues. Teachers had better give some situations.

Step 7  Sum up and blackboard design

1.采用顺读法,如:1:45 one forty five                         next time

2.采用逆读法,如:1)当分钟<30时,                       oclock

2)当分钟=30时,                                     past

Section D

Teaching aims:

1). improve students ability of listening.

2). improve students ability of other skills such as acting.

3). go over what they learned in this unit

Important points in teaching:

1). To get students to have a better listening comprehension

2). Go over the ways of saying times.

Teaching aids: some pictures, a tape-recorder,  a projector

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greet with each other

Step 2 Revision

Activity 1.Review the ways of saying times

Activity 2 Do the exercise of page100  part 4

Activity.3 Some exercises are shown on the projector for students to check how well they have grasped in this unit .

A)   1). Are you free        Saturday?

A at       B in       C  on       D of

2).--- My favorite animal is tiger,         about you?

  ---I like monkey best.

A where    B how many   C  how long     D how

3) How can we say "2:52"in English ?

A eight to two             B eight to three

C. eight past two           D eight past three

4). Elephants sleep only four hours        night.

 A at       B in       C on       D with

5) Whats wrong        your pen ?

A with       B on      C  at      D in

6)        is very kind        you to help me?

A It, for      B It, of     C This,  of    D  That,  of 

B) Translate following sentence into English

     1)  --- 现在什么时候了?                                    

         --- 现在八点半了.                                     

2) 是该上床睡觉的时候了.                                      

3) ---对不起, 请告诉我时间好吗?                                  

---对不起, 我没表, 我不知道.                                  


 Step 3  Lead- in

Activity 1 Ask students :

T: Do you want to be a teacher or an actor?


(If students say they want to be an actor, you can continue your topic )

T:" OK, Ill see how you can act. First, listen to me, then please act out what I say. "(Use a projector to show following , and then ask students to act out )

1   He is acting like a monkey             


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