
时间:2023-04-27 09:50:40 自我介绍 我要投稿
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尊敬的各位校领导各位老师:Dear honored leaders and teachers

大家上午好!Good morning!

首先感谢您给我进行自我介绍的机会!First, I’d like to thank you for giving me this chance to introduce myself.

下面我将通过简单的自我介绍让大家更了解我。我是沈阳市旅游学校08空港服务二班的一名学生,我叫丁笑涵今年18岁,出生于沈阳市我的性格比较温和做事认真细致能吃苦耐劳我的爱好广泛特别喜欢读书,我认为读书可以丰富阅历提高个人素质在班级中我担任组织委员一职有较强的组织能力,我团结同学,具有很强的团队意识,虽然我很平凡,但我不甘平庸我诚实稳重,乐观大方积极向上有强烈的责任心和社会适应能力。Now I’ll let you know more about me through this *** self-introduction. I am a student from Class Two of 08 Airport service of Shenyang Travel School. My name is Ding Xiaohan, born in Shenyang. I am 18 years old. I have a mild character, and I’m responsible. I have a lot of hobbies, especially loving reading. I believe through reading one can enrich experience and increase personal quality. I’m a commissary in charge of organization, with strong organization ability. I’m able to unite students, have strong team consciousness. Although I’m ordinary, I’m an honest and earnest person. I’m optimistic and positive, with adaptive capacity to the society.

在学好每门功课的同时,我更注重的是专业理论和实践相结合,在实践方面也有一定的了解,曾利用节假休息期在三星级酒店实习,所以有一定的工作经验。In the mean time of mastering each lesson, I pay more attention to the combination of theory and practice, and I did some practical work. I worked in a three star level hotel in holidays, so I have some work experience.

诚然在某些方面我还缺乏经验,但我拥有饱满的热情以及干一行爱一行的敬业精神在这个竞争日益激烈的的时代我不一定是最优秀的但我一定是最努力的!Although I’m lack of experience in some aspects, I have passion and professional spirit. I may not be the best, but I’m definitely the one who works hardest.  

希望贵公司给我一个展现自我的机会我会用实际行动证明你的选择没错这是我的承诺也是我的决心我的介绍就到这里   I hope your company can give me a chance to show myself, and I’ll prove your choice with practical actions. This is my promise and also my determination!                       谢谢!Thank you!










