
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿



  (G: guest, W: waiter)
  G: Where is the restroom/ ladies room/ men’s room? 洗手间在哪里?
  W: Go straight ahead, out the door and turn right. 往前直走,出门向右,


  或者可以说 Let me show you the way. 我带您走过去。如不远,可说 It’s over there.
  G: Where’s the telephone? 哪里有电话?
  W: It’s on the cashier desk. 收银台上有。
  G:What is your buffet serving hour? 请问你们自助餐时间是什么时候?
  W: Our buffet serving hour is from 5:30PM----10:00PM. 时间是从5:30PM----10:00PM.
  G: How much is your dinner buffet? 晚餐自助餐多少钱?
  W: It’s 128 yuan with 10﹪ surcharge. 每位128元加10﹪的服务费。
  G: I’ve left my jacket here a moment ago. Have you found it? 我刚才把一件甲克忘在这里了,你们有没有见到?
  W: Where did you just sit now? 您刚才坐哪个位子?
  G: Over there. 那边。
  W: Will you please describe it? 请描述一下好吗?
  G: A brown one. 是棕色的。
  W: Do you have any valuable in it? 口袋里有贵重物品吗?
  G: No, not at all. 没有。
  W: Is this your jacket, sir? 这是您的甲克吗?先生?
  G: Yes, thank you. 是的,谢谢。
  如果没有找到,可以说I’m sorry it’s not found yet. But we’ll contact you at once if it’s found. May I have your telephone number? 对不起,没找到。如果找到我们立即和您联系。能告诉我您的电话号码吗?
  Dialogue Study 对话学习
  Dialogue Ⅰ
  G: guest W: waiter
  W: Good evening. Will it be a table for four? 晚上好,一张4人桌吗?
  G: Yes. I’m Alan Brown. I made a book for 6 people at 7:15, and two more people are on their way. 是的,我是艾伦布朗,我订了一张7:15 的6人桌, 另外2个人还在路上。
  W: I have your reservation, Mr. Brown. The table will be ready for you at t 7:15. It is just 7:00 o’ clock. Would you care to have a drink in the bar in the meantime? The bar is to your right. Shall I ask your friend to join you there? 您是有预订的,布郎先生,


酒店英语口语学习手册之日铁餐厅日常用语[4]》(https://www.unjs.com)。7:15的桌子,现在7:00。 您要不要去酒吧喝点什么等等?酒吧在您的右边。要不要转告您的`朋友去那儿找您?
  G: That’s fine.好的。
  W: (The other couple arrive.) Good evening! Is it Mr. Brown’s party? 晚上好!是布郎先生的朋友吗?
  G: Yes, we are. 是的。
  W: They’re in the bar, sir. It’s to the right. 他们在酒吧里面,先生。酒吧在右边。
  W: Your table is ready, Mr. Brown. Would you please come this way? 您的桌子准备好了,这边请,好吗?
  G: Thank you. 谢谢。
  W: Would you take your seats, please, ladies and gentlemen? (He pulls out the seats for them and they sit down ) Do you care for anything to drink before you order? 请坐,女士先生,要不要喝点什么?
  G: No, thank you. I think we’ll skip the aperitif and order straight away. 不用了,谢谢。我想我们不要开胃菜,直接点菜了。
  W: Ok, here are your menus. 好的,这是菜单。
  G: Now let’s see… 我们看一下。
  W: ( After waiting for a few minutes.) Are you ready to order now? 现在可以点菜了吗?
  G: No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you could you recommend something for the main course? 还没,我们还在看菜单。也许您能推荐点什么?
  W: Certainly. The T-bone Steak is very good. I would suggest you try that. 好的,带骨牛排很好,我建议您尝一尝。
  G: That’s a good idea. I love beefsteaks. I’ll have the T-bone Steak. 好注意,我喜欢牛排,好的我们就要带骨牛排。
  W: What kind of potatoes would you like to go with it? 您要土豆怎样做呢?
  G: Baked, please. 烤的。
  W: And what would you like for appetizer? 请问要什么开胃菜呢?
  G: I’ll have the baked salmon. 烤三文鱼吧。
  W: And would you like dessert or cheese? 请问要不要来点甜点或芝士?
  G: Dessert. 甜点。
  W: What can I get you for dessert? 要什么甜点呢?
  G: I’ll take the ice cream. Strawberry ice cream. 草莓冰淇淋。
  W: Thank you. 谢谢。









