英语串烧:There’s like a whole other thin

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

实用英语串烧:There’s like a whole other thing going on the

 1. There's like a whole other thing going on there. 其实不然,

实用英语串烧:There’s like a whole other thing going on the

  这句话比较常见的说法是:There's like a whole other thing going on.带有「其中另有玄机,并不像表面上看到的样子」的意味。可以用在形容人的性格,或表里不一的事物上。
  A: I know you think Harvard is a school full of really studious, boring bookworms.
  B: I used to. But after spending a weekend there, I know there's like a whole other story going on there.


实用英语串烧:There’s like a whole other thing going on the》(https://www.unjs.com)。
  2. someone goes the extra mile 某人加倍努力。
  A: Bob might have to work overtime to get this project done.
  B: You know Bob. He always goes the extra mile. He'll get it done.
  3. It's happened before, and it'll happen again. 有一就有二。
  A: You got rejected by Amy?
  B: Yep. I'm used to it. It's happened before, and it'll happen again.

实用英语串烧:There’s like a whole other thing going on the

【实用英语串烧:There’s like a whole other thing going on the】相关文章:

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2.实用英语串烧:What’s the holdup? 何事耽搁?

3.实用英语串烧:You’re going places! 你的前途无量!

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5.实用英语串烧:That’s a matter of debate. 见仁见智

6.实用英语串烧:What’s gotten into you? 你中了什么邪?

7.实用英语串烧:squeak by 勉强通过

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